Saturday, October 2, 2021






Society grow culture mature most,

Stays civil-right duty century host,

Rich culture soaks experience, tell,

Adversity people faces, solve detail, (1)


Men of wisdom dedicate life study,

Offer solution remedies n custody,

Stronger, society knowledge excite,

Innovate human mind show right, (2)


Growth people witness complicate,

Problems, rise with growths relate,

Illiteracy sickness lacks nutrition,

Divides doubt n mistrust caution, (3)


Education, empower spirit search,

Amass, wealth power works much,

Jobless unskilled wander hungry,

Abnegate literacy skill feels angry, (4)


Anarchy finds root, dogmas blind,

Lost loves friendliness life unkind,

Militancy youth adopt, frustration,

Denounce society cultures motion, (5)


Reject freedom, equality, democracy,

Renounce family friend kin lunacy,

Travels impenetrable forests cover,

Militancy train ammunition sheer, (6)


Youthful future of nation deserter,

Seeks dictatorship hankers power,

Brute philosophy, reject liberty nit,

Society dismantles regime explicit,(7)


Start bitter fight misguided youth,

Fuels anger east-west north-south,

Nations face crossroad revolution,

Recovers wisdom counter solution, (viii)


Root-cause parent, knowledgeable,

Abnegate duty, forget child lovable,

Best education character abnegate,

Indiscipline grows society suffocate, (9)


Educated dedicate skill amass gold,

Denounces poor, hungry scorn hold,

Selfish motives greed breeds anger,

Alienate jobless youth stays longer, (10)


Society abnegate duty salvage neat,

Captured by powerful condemn hit,

Class, divide wealth have-not bitter,

Wrong theories conception disaster, (11)


Child education precious, cure neat,

Seed sprouts strong tree spread fit,

Intelligence suppress, powerful-net,

Corruption crime hegemony negate, (12)


Defeat, violence free-education, neat,

Equality liberty free business great,

Skill instills parenthood inherit roll,

Impart, culture expertise nature all, (13)


Enterprise nation manifests prosper,

Misguided youths realize n discover,

Reject gun forest cover hideout mix,

Generation change mindset care fix, (14)


Care from tender age duty national,

Skill entrepreneurship finance wall,

Dismantle walls save youth beauty,

Correct national-call, abnegate duty.  (15)







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