Saturday, October 30, 2021





 Rarely dogmas hunt capture spirit,

Bold decide gets-stronger, defeat,

Broad heart-mind, window to open,

Accept reformation corrects notion, (1)


Often discriminate fights tendency,

Know acceptance evil turns lunacy,

Evil nature life experience, love pal,

Resemble nature day n night equal, (2)


Day discover energy hard work feel,

Meets world wholehearted fate seal,

Friendship, love, care, bonds unite,

One world n mankind build, excite, (3)


Serves sick, poor, destitute, beggar,

Never ego dare touch, help sufferer,

Service duty satisfy, feel happiness,

Love pure, not physical, nit impress, (4)


Fight sickness, hunger, poverty, nice,

War raise-mankind n divine service,

Resemble night darkness mind feel,

Pure love care serving heart in-seal, (5)


Physical temptation raise-night tall,

Captivate love luxury comfort stroll,

Ambition satiates body desires feat,

Cripple mind conscience ego defeat, (6)


See, life midnight during, afternoon,

State-of-mind match crumble soon,

Fail to protest tramples conscience,

Unimaginable metal torture evince, (7)


Depression affects new generation,

Youth mostly hunted exasperation,

Untimely death heart attack socks,

Suicidal tendency rise hope mocks, (viii)


Disastrous frustration, career gold,

Tender age to adults lure prey odd,

Corruption, vice, malpractice, sink,

Never imagination real, nature link, (9)


Nature both sides of coin head-tail,

Win or defeat one and same, detail,

All depends, discretions recognize,

Good or bad, part or parcel precise, (10)


Mistake happens, to err is human,

Finds learn lesson experience can,

Reconcile with blunder, guilt cure,

Experiences alert prevention pure, (11)


Self reconcile life learn lesson wise,

Midnight, watch sun bright precise,

Feel absurd fiction as pleases love,

There is no destiny, fate lives solve, (12)


Rare quality self reconcile protect,

Stronger pure character, indicate,

Humility, purity, simplicity, unite,

Reconcile past mistake seek right, (13)


Learn, learn and learn, lorn right,

Essentially life beckons love, sight,

Link life birth-death self reconcile,

Aim realize, truth purest versatile. (14)





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