Tuesday, July 23, 2024





Astonishing factor flower ornate,

Idols garlanded, stay fortunate,

The fragrance permeated essays,

Purity, beauty, address, portrays, (1)


Lo Humans worship idol garland,

Showers petals on leaders, stand,

Who offers flower consider smell,

Human existence, influence trail, (2)


Each and every deed spread long,

Honored respected hail far-flung,

Plant a tree sweet fruit or flower,

Long after, remembered or honored, (3)


The fruits, seeds, flowers, or leave,

Usefulness to humans, great belief,

Birthday expiry memorial vivid,

Such human loved deed indeed, (4)


Books or writings respected well,

Social transformation acts swell,

Monuments in cities at squares,

Look at the statue spirit inspires, (5)


Men may come, men may go rule,

Hallowed life, aura, emit minuscule,

Enough to light remove darkness,

Peace and progress time impress, (6)


In our lifetime, a few meteorites,

Long path of light or properties,

Awestruck humans look at, fail,

Life of hallowed trajectory trail, (7)


Light night sky, short time, fade,

Human life existence yet tirade,

Love and serve others harmless,

Smile a weapon defeat impress, (viii)


Humans obey honorable advice,

Addiction or bad company reduces,

Family, children, sweet home, stay,

Innumerable inspiration display, (9)


Not during the lifetime, even long after,

Hallowed twinkling start dew here,

Glows at sunshine eternal serene,

Inspires heart at dawn, hopes win, (10)


Hollowed the soul act benevolent,

The Lord watched love transparent,

Objects of human life, disparity stay,

Hallowed life dedicated displays. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Hallowed

Themes: Benevolent honored

Written: 23rd July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite    


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