Monday, July 22, 2024





From peak to peak mountains,

Mischievous springs fountains,

Magnetic sight, mesmerize, stay,

Megastar actor, character play, (1)


Such famous lives, matchless,

Compares peaks fountain less,

Attraction performance magnet,

Fiction, depiction, sorrows detect, (2)


Helluva kindness support acts,

Leading poverty-stricken facts,

Cinematic motion captivating,

Viewers believe real-life crying, (3)


Scantly known the life of actor,

Money and fame fly, not linger,

Old habit dies hard life spender,

Fail to forget old day blunderer, (4)


Lost their home asset, the peak,

Dries fountain rubbles life sick,

Difficult to recognize happening,

Decade after family if forgetting, (5)


Once life a clear stream brook,

No more existent dry bed hook,

Unrecognized abandoned spirit,

Laments for old days in discreet, (6)


Wait the last days, helpless, sad,

Hungry, sick, homeless, life mad,

Lament does not help illusions,

The actor was acting betray reasons, (7)


Name fame money stays short,

Modest life, saving block worst,

Peace, happiness, valley ground,

Wildflower fragrant wind sound, (viii)


Point of no return lament futile,

Age, habit, prejudice, stay hostile,

Great was an actor, started acting,

New dawn, realizes stop reacting, (9)


Reincarnation soul rinses habit,

Lament helped no more predict,

Lament changed a life recover,

Acceptance, repentance, ensure, (10)


Lament the soul, realize, he begins,

Actor. an ordinary soul lastly wins,

Find a brook clear stream again,

Wildflower fragrant, life regain. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Lament

Themes: Repentance

Written: 22nd July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



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