Sunday, July 21, 2024





Anticipate arrival, healing wound,

Dream changes, strengthen bonds,

Fractures cemented bias, distrust,

Unifying factor visible cares host, (1)


State of the human thought way,

Impulsive, irrational gain display,

Sows seeds of confusion, conflict,

Hurt the heart bleed sadly inflict, (2)


Lips of a beautiful female, wine cup,

Drunk blind mind harbors hope,

Debonair, suite, boot, wristwatch,

Demeanor wealth, stealthy catch, (3)


Amass assets possession wrong,

The mind plays a melodious song,

What the mind cannot perform,

Rebellious obstacle, stop reform, (4)


Enjoy physical pleasure excites,

Anxious human object insights,

Slippery human life avalanches,

Graveyard is lust wait instances, (5)


The human mind insightful realizes,

The end is nearer route changes,

The soft mattress discarded bed,

Tasty dishes avoided simple fed, (6)


Silence, the music silent night lit,

Reconciled life precious discreet,

Old thoughts, now compromising,

Stop rebellion, peaceful, realizing, (7)



Intoxication left alert awakened,

Quietude twilight year darkened,

Convinced to discover the right way,

Plausible resurrection life display, (viii)


Consoles the mind like moonlit,

Resemble dark spots, life explicit,

Plausible arrive moonlit essays,

Swollen sea high tides messages, (9)


He was sad and swollen thinking,

Mind finds plausible clue linking,

Possible to purify the mind, inhibit,

Discriminate instincts exhibit, (10)


Western horizon orange darkens,

Plausible free bird wings harkens,

Dream changes, strengthen bonds,

Plausible bird liberated fly beyond. (11) 



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Plausible

Themes: Possible wasted life mended

Written: 21st July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

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