Saturday, July 6, 2024





Astonish event sequel to life story,

Shatters but eventful erase worry,

Bystanders sad, lament the situation,

Human life ruined lacks emotion, (1)


Sleep on the street, play with dogs,

The only asset he possessed was one mug,

Beg food money evaded smile sad,

He was educated, lost his family mad, (2)


Failed to tolerate the trauma stay,

He continues pitiful future dismay,

Changed one day suddenly calm,

Capable of healing enough put balm, (3)


The wound of losing dear ones, sutures,

Educate left begging search future,

Today's sale balloons colored marks,

Running children after dogs bark, (4)


Few coins in the mug, dirty clothes,

Able to meet hunger, lack loathes,

People sympathized help him well,

A few days after selling the mixture yell, (5)


Months after clothes on the pulley walk,

Change his demeanor nor dog bark,

No one in his life was single happy still,

Year after he is selling good utensils, (6)


Weird his life from the bottom find a way,

This story is not unique to life dismay,

Mauled devastated but recovered fate,

Mended ruptured life, work, dictate, (7)


Strange, unexpected, or unnatural,

The world exhibits weird, practical,

Yet human life conserves confidence,

Withstand events weird incident, (viii)


At times, life perishes strange news,

No one knows how it happened, muse,

Weird feeling hunting experience,

Fear constant companion life sense, (9)


Change of life intricate complex,

No explanation, weird events, perplexes,

Weird is life and eventful, yet survive,

Lord created the world perceive, (10)


How life is treated or betrayed, think,

How life sank or embank fate wink,

Conscience proposes mind disposes,

Weird human deeds the Lord opposes. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Weird

Themes: Strange and unexpected

Written: 6th July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

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