Showing posts with label FINDING THE FLANEUR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FINDING THE FLANEUR. Show all posts

Sunday, May 2, 2021






Mesmerizes a spirit roams free,

Without family friend feels glee,

Little polished in dress, decent,

Careless to life, time be silent, (1)


Attracts me his sight, watchful,

Minutely observe people n cool,

A backpack makes me curious,

It takes a picture camera rush, (2)


Rarely watch he draws comforts,

Where stays, where he reports,

Unknown face never he a smile,

No tension worries have a style, (3)


Find in  villages with kids play,

Draw articulate colorful he stay,

Move through forest feel nature,

If shots picture, his arts allure, (4)


Rarely talks move alone or rest,

Examine a person lot of interest,

Finding the Flaneur met success,

Qualified n artist literate impress, (5)


Single in life share his picture all,

Exhibit art gallery his art enthrall,

Make meager money little demand

Influence his capture writers land, (6)


Poem, text, picture, art in publish,

Never people know him little notice,

Puzzles my mind sock him remote,

Craze his art picture little he notes, (7)


Never get most fan reward attracts,

Nature, people kid rural he contacts,

Gold, fame keeps far stay unknown,

Publicity perquisites praise disown, (8)


Contemplate his choices life leads,

Lust, anger, greed, jealousy reads,

Wiser spirit rejects temptation all,

Knows seeds of sorrow suffers toll, (9)


Guess transient life short a realm,

Relinquish all, solitary, overwhelm,

Alone, big world, aloof from people,

Wonderer, never destitute n simple, (10)


Never the Flaneur visit violence bit,

Never seen in flood arson storm lit,

People’s misery struggle witnesses,

Silently suffer within and distress, (11)


His art pictures miss tear or ruins,

Depicts serving people help it wins,

Life passes yet to see a person like,

My heart finding the Flaneur alike, (12)


Conquer vanquishes world elusive,

Inks his majestic glory as exclusive,

Miss him I get worried if he is sick,

Find this world big question I risk! (13)