Wednesday, March 10, 2021





Human nature ideal, discipline,

Gentle behavior, soft talks mean,

A friendly gesture, warm reception,

Decent, demeanor, smiling or fun,

Lack of violence, angry look move,

A caring attitude, share a pain, wove,

Nice to female, love children most,

Respect senior in age helps utmost,

Talk straight open heart deny lies,

Non-interfering nature silent wise,

Hard worker, humble, serve happier,

Alert to difficulty, sickness of others,

Such person, people in admiration,

Yet mind raise an insipid insurrection, (1)


Bad character addict polluted spirit,

Boastful, cruel, hateful, ever mistreat,

Like, tell rumors, lies, fabricate tall,

Invitation of help, to serve crest fall,

Short temper violent destructive lot,

An ideal person make friendship dot,

Refuse to listen, conscience or family,

Acquire bad habit, addictions quickly,

Evil nature as forest fire spread mind,

Fuel evil person, temptations rewind,

Lure pure heart to lust, desire, greed,

Hundred of attitudes pollute a creed,

Conscience fight, tooth n nail, a bitter,

Warn ruinations, ignore the mind, embitter,

Crumble rigid self-discipline, a passion,

The mind is blind, lets insipid insurrection, (2)


Poverty is a curse, human suffer, endless,

Lack of food, shelter, cloth, sick helpless,

Children illiterate family demand always,

Meager income a peanut nature dismays,

Bribe, cheat, steal, lie is sin a quicksand,

The corrupt mind instantly never understand,

Once corrupt, self-betrayal cement soon,

Ill-gotten wealth raises temptations moon,

Occasion come, conscience bites, refrain,

Insipid insurrection irritate, mind regain,

Revolt destructive ruins noble character,

Evil excite insipid insurrection, less tear (3)


Fame, wealth, power, idleness n pleasure,

Comfort, luxury, good food, dress enamor,

Loves applause, flattery, coteries plenty,

Servant all time, spend enormous mighty,

Power corrupts absolute power absolutely,

A simple human pure character gets adversely,

Idle mind devils paradise, idle power won,

Idle is wealthy entices insipid insurrection

Mind with a group of bad habits revolt notion,

Human nature ideal blunder face evil erosion. (4)






Precious gemstone bluish,

Acquire spirit joys flourish,

Rare life witness like an asset,

Trouble to obtain let forget,

Possession brings fame lot,

Respect admiration n alert,

A wealth of jewel time steals,

Fortune luck destiny kneels,

Sapphire symbolizes desire,

Desire inflame spirit despair,

Ego recalls greed anger fear,

Love peace joy all disappear,

The mysterious world let inspire,

 True love is the inner sapphire, (1)


Human searches lifetime gem,

The gem is within  never claim,

Brighter than blue sapphire aim,

Inner mind outward lighten gem,

True loves within unseen life feel,

Peace love care, serve selfless will,

Inner sapphire reflects from eyes,

The demeanor of soul radiate, precise,

True love blazes heartburn afire,

Spread happiness inner sapphire (2)


Teen, a mind loses in study fun,

Cloth food friend curiosity own,

Youthful mind visit to a new world,

Drunk mind thrill touch emerald,

Rainbows colorful within lives roll,

Romance traps heart love enthrall,

The heart loves friend parent and self,

Loves family career gold is wealth,

Adulthood golden dear mind runs,

Mindsight in mirages love burns,

Spirit collapse tired dreamy is eyes,

Wanting evolves think truth realize,

Never all fulfill, kills tension pain,

Thought search inner beauty gain,

Peace conscience intellect inward,

Surges strength spirit gets a reward,

Inner life misty dawn dews sparkle,

Melts attachment, detaches simple,

Outer love entices Holika is in a fire,

Festival of colors is the inner sapphire,

Bright blue glows, soul merge, total

Lifeless limbs look, sapphire regal. (3)     





Living beings love in essence,

Life revives cyclic to credence,

Earth illusive a dream world,

Now a stone in time emerald,

Today born on the soil, in motion,

Tomorrow lies end a skeleton,

Reappear again n again, stay,

Birth n death a cycle, dismay,

Eons witness a manifestation,

The beginning to end sojourn,

Seems journey from unknown,

Begin to appear on earth disown,

Disown eternal a void as home,

Ever return back or earth own,

Mysterious creation, intention,

Creations impress resurrection, (1)


Once, God revived His dear son,

Merciful awaken, offer salvation,

Humanity sank in an ocean of sin,

Eternal Jesus His presence wins,

Lord Jesus cleanse mankind to love,

Cruelty pain sufferance dissolves,

Free soul from evil emancipation,

Secret move impress resurrection, (2)


Birth n death cycle is purification,

Free from a time period age union,

Death is discreet cleanses impure,

Greed jealousy anger hatred fear,

Mortal dissipate with an evil attitude,

Reborn purer realizes in gratitude,

Reborn Jagannath a decade after,

King of Hindu hearts, rules more,

Hindu surrender acts of sin error,

Devotion practice with purity cure,

Hindu believe thousand life comes,

Realizes last impress resurrections, (3)


Plant, life teaches human creation,

Speechless witness a fall in motion,

Green forest dries up in hot summer,

Forest fire, it burns, heat fume sure,

Insect bacteria fungus creatures die,

Decay in plant growth halts fires fry,

Earth fertile, rain comes, the seed grows,

Time witness, Green Earth bestows,

The fall allows tree shade leaves rot,

A leafless branch greenish wrought,

Century lasts tree like this in motion,

Never has it meant mere propagation

Spring awaits it impress resurrection, (4)



Tuesday, March 9, 2021





Soul, myself submerged in a fluid,

Rotate free, no hunger, sleep wild,

Unknown place, afloat n sustain,

Darkness mind nameless certain,

Specter of a void exists in freedom,

Once wish, pray creator for a realm,

Chained within wall never hostile,

Shelters well caress touch if smile,

Ejecta force out of the dungeon, a jolt,

Blind bright light, soul cry out a lot,

Breath air of earth covers the frame,

Open eyes first watch dark face aim,

A sojourn of life starts, forgotten total,

Self mature on mother earth mortal,

Her air water food induces growth,

From tiny newborn baby to youth,

Sense of gender acquire self a male,

On mother lap, as a child sleeps well,

She feed chat often make fun light,

Time rewinds memories of self, delight,

Infinite her love self astonished lot,

Her flesh blood milk built all effort,

Handsome youth fare limbs n skin,

Dark hairs at the top impress tall, thin,

Mother once the first teacher taught all,

Remind her laughter self to walk at call,

Father gossips guide give protection,

An ideal image in this world in motion,

Watch mother serve father endless,

Watch grandparent get care to impress,

Mother center of sweet home keep,

Never see near her alone sit weep,

Her smile soothing word calm mind,

Young heart angry get quiet n find,

Education complete adulthood fine,

Earth a paradise nature lure shine,

Beautiful mother, mother earth like,

Her ground self recline touch breeze,

Green hill blue sky river steals heart,

Mother earth my motherland smart,

Food shelter cloth means to live well,

Motherland offer prosperity life dwell,

Tearful masculine heart in gratitude,

Contemplate ever repay has an attitude?

Why man you cry it is your big world,

Never you can find except an emerald,

Mother, mother-earth, motherland all

A precious gem of mankind love enthrall,

Serve as sister wife daughter only love,

O’ man chat self all pain worry dissolve,

In one breath self narrates her debt,

Never a son can erase repay attempt,

Motherhood divine humanity intense,

Bows mankind n move magnificence,

(Women’s Day Special)

Monday, March 8, 2021





Freedom got spirit enjoys happy,

Service life ends, new life savvy,

Forget in joy daily appointment,

Forget to worry easy meet indecent,

No more project job schedule call,

Burn late night lamp file piles tall,

No more conference visitor hassle,

No travel, busy with many people,

Hotel entertainment invitee simple,

Midnight tour report flight book,

The next morning to meet boss hook,

Neither affords personal time relax,

Nor family time at hand bit cracks,

Nor picnic vacation home celebrate,

Working life over now invertebrate,

Every day is holiday lunch dinner,

Insouciance renewed dreams near, (1)


Got an opportunity to visit friend well,

Meet relative occasion peace dwell,

Chat with neighbor informal plenty,

Walk neighborhood at dawn sweaty,

Kids at distant place house are quiet,

Television books newspapers wait,

Gossips with wife happy moments,

Acquainted by now, retired life tests,

Old habit die hard inertial painful,

Telephone electricity water bill cool,

Ready for payment monthly routine,

Vegetable grocery gardening prime,

Still find time motionless surprise,

Insouciance makes up love precise,

Love for writing on memories music,

Correspondence on internet intrinsic,

Digital media mobile cyberspace lot,

Bountiful knowledge-bank free alert,

Remark column of news most topic,

Interaction sharing ideas talk epic,

Friends have never seen in life far off,

Digital platforms many posts stuff,

Audio-video picture text clip article,

Life churns day in day out practical,

No tension worry fear mind distress,

Insouciance, postures of life, impress, (2)


A decade after retirement see a pattern,

Change lifestyle saw past forgotten,

Life is quiet home lonely most often,

Meditate in silence n divine emotion,

Inner peace love different a universe,

Darkness within self melts of course,

Name address places familiar faces,

Erases quick temporary soul graces,

Luminescence brighten inner vision,

Lose existence calm thoughts none,

Hours after tranquil mind descend,

Insouciance play music joy intend,

Divine prayer sings life still regal,

Insouciance an age times enthrall. (3)






The genesis of history sparkles,

The world population often chuckles,

Eon of civilization fractured story,

Continental wall race ethnic glory,

Faith practice prosperity lifestyle,

Food habit costume convey smile,

Settler wonderer voyager, thriller,

Millennium old stories, simulator,

Fiction myth offshoot on empires,

Kingdom built ruined all inspires,

King Queen Hero villain army roll,

Endless topics translated n enroll,

Enrolls in drama cine art speech,

Distant land filter generation each, (1)


Childhood to a ripe age, reader many,

World people search savor uncanny,

Continental crisscross story often,

Digital, cyberspace ever in motion,

Humanity single platform devours,

You accept I differ, genesis inverse,

I accept; you differ; discussion reverse,

Friendship amity accept accordance,

Race ethnic language in discordance, (2)


Modern governance is a democracy,

King queen dictator also autocracy,

All exist world arena promote nice,

Variation of rule law act in practice,

Single leader rules nation or plural,

Multiple heads in cohesion on moral,

Serve people absolute power govern,

Peace prosperity miss, people mourn,

Which is good, which is bad, a conflict,

Never settled final, discordance enlist, (3)


Government claim promises all kept,

Promise to electorate outcry, it slept,

House of people, a citadel of governance,

Bench opposition, in bitter discordance,

Policy practice implementation vary,

People at a loss opinion almost vary,

Divergent views of benefited deprived,

Myopic view accommodative revived, (4)


People send kids to learn history,

Past events of nation n, mythology,

Polluted willfully facts as fiction,

Lies are taught learn a generation,

The culture was one wrote in accordance,

Civilization misses con discordance, (5)



The fabric of society suffers divergence,

Race religion class regions intense,

Lack bonhomie cooperation a people,

Lack cohesive communication simple,

Fracture unity dissipate accordance,

Ruins nation resurfaces discordance,

Unite O’ people play national music,

Discordance disturbs polish patriotic. (6)