Saturday, July 10, 2021





 Shatter human heart cry endless,

Lord, your throne ornate impress,

Adore gold, jewel, gemstone pearl,

Stands in front pray helpless curl, (1)


Surprises incredible world torture,

Lack everything critical need hear,

Never ask for gold, silver, food sure,

Roof-over-head, cloth limb to cover, (2)


Heal feverish, weak frame, merciful,

Hymns sing your glory chime cool,

Offer people delicious cuisine best,

Plead earnest feed family why test, (3)


Fragrant sanctum sanctorum tall,

Lamps chamber devotees enthrall,

Watch without, blink, I surrender,

Cruel fate ruin life assets plunder, (4)


Anticipation meaningless moment,

Question life, hope, survive I repent,

Your ocean of love, hope, save well,

Lose sunshine bright moonlit fail, (5)


Dark my home lamp-lit-Abode hail,

Seek you always a least happy trail,

Clueless to know rich grows more,

Burn thousand-lamp, gold secure, (6)


Rich see sun n moon home bright,

Why Lord Mute, Dumb, my plight,

Little, leave sanctum sanctorum nit,

Visit poor home love affection greet, (7)


Share our food, offer wholehearted,

Sleep on our bed, press feet if tired,

Peace, calmness, silence rules sleep,

Promise to you, hungry least weep, (viii)


Forget trouble n hardship wait long,

Quit sanctum sanctorum feel, song,

Beautiful mansion glitter light well,

Sunrise moon shines sorrow dwell, (9)


Agony, pain, tears flood in splendor,

Tension, worry, fear, illness shelter,

Peace, tranquility, silence miss toll,

Pour wealth by both hands wonder, (10)


Where there is wealth, health, steal,

Cushions feathery touch, beds kill,

Bestow affluence opulent life curse,

Deprive me meager means remorse, (11)


Poor cottage no sanctum sanctorum,

Never visit my house, less decorum,

Simple food, garden flowers n water,

My Lord, hard mattress sleep I offer, (12)


Puzzle my mind complex world test,

Divine creations savage prowls best,

Ego, greed, cruelty, anger all share,

Threats people, violent fury to dare, (13)


Simple heart convince my mind fear,

Sanctum sanctorum, hide nice sure,

Who chains your hand fail all guess,

Wonder O’ Lord, miss your prowess? (14)







Friday, July 9, 2021





Amazing world life invest attention,

Executive monuments, fascination,

Pyramid amid desert surprise most,

Human love symbolize Taj, art host, (1)


Baffle rock statues of Konark invite,

Intricate needle rock carving, excite,

Unknown people different period lit,

Incredible construction disbelieve it, (2)


Match nature’s wonderful sight, full,

Lifelong intoxicate, beauty ever rule,

Manifestations sight, sound n touch,

Smell taste, compete-pleasure search, (3)


Enamor nature stays speechless life,

Mysterious word change scene strife,

Beautiful butterfly weave dream well,

Honey-bee steal nectar flower to hail, (4)


Mesmerize fragrance, attract, insect,

Spread color splash, life lusty, invest,

Quell worries, tension, fear strife fade,

All design homogenous, expert wade, (5)


Intrigues life, experience bemuse nit,

Intricacy, of Taj n honeycomb delight,

Watch curious, tiny-bird builds, nest,

Anthill, catch me, spellbound interest, (6)


Most intricate, delicate construct tall,

Face vagary of weather homes equal,

Ingenuity, of bird, ant match human,

Mesmerize very sight, marvelous one, (7)


Entice fragrant air nature rival, excel,

Fragrance, of beautiful women marvel,

Increases appetite aroma cuisine nail,

Pursue intrusive smell capture, I hail, (viii)


Owes nature’s gift mango buds, smell,

Jasmine rose lotus compete, sock well,

Who, instill vibrant smell flower smile,

Question, myself, ever match lifestyle, (9)


Come rain, wet earth aroma infectious,

How earth’s scent thrill, I fail, curious,

Mesmerizes conscience, I want to live,

Enamor splendid earth I enjoy, believe, (10)


Believe, to live forever know death call,

Listen, attentive melodious music roll,

Reverberate, human inner voice song,

Famous singer thrills world ring long, (11)


Puzzle guitar, harmonium organ flute,

Bemuse bewilder frequent search root,

Still air n silence, melody match voice,

Look aghast tearful who create rejoice, (12)


Discover well, life listens, wind whisper,

Gentle brook stream, tree leaf murmur,

White noise, raindrop dances, thunder,

Orchestra shadow melodrama wonder, (13)


Mesmerize wisdom n emotion fountain,

Fails to discover source whose domain,

Silent night tranquility feels intimacy,

Owe, His presence mesmerize intricacy. (14)









Thursday, July 8, 2021






Detect devastation wait deed decide,

Detest life ruins self-interest preside,

Felt hard labor fetch fortune reward,

Study only-companion, move forward, (1)


Title, little mean easy-gift life pursuit,

Discretion supreme, stubborn intuit,

Reject comfort, leisure, pleasure will,

Single-minded struggle n task uphill, (2)


Least look behind failure nil dampen,

Treat like, lesson, experience sharpen,

Pyramid of success, mean little, a day,

Steep slope life builds lifelong dismay, (3)


Hope against hope futile thought nail,

Desire an ocean depth unknown rebel,

Dream every night fade by dawn clear,

Antagonize family, friend incense leer, (4)


Fate, fortune, destiny mere hype right,

Motivation, aim in focus block to fight,

Zenith, bring recognition, fame spread,

Inherit affluence, responsibility tread, (5)


Separate from mundane-world, single,

Conscience, inner voice, heart mingle,

Life advance test-prone tensions rule,

Big-challenge, huge-project takes cool, (6)


Addiction workaholic day forget, night,

Busy-life of honey bee achieve delight,

Face enough envy, hatred, anger, pain,

Little hamper my spirit progress same, (7)


Life-story of executive mismatch little,

Break tension, few extinguish, brittle,

Met strange face everyday encounter,

Successful meeting or results failure, (viii)


Projects complete in years of pursuit,

Lose, personal life, world, behind, guilt,

Gather benefit, employer accord, like,

Success, invite bigger-challenge, alike, (9)


Notice reputation, reward, fuel ego nit,

Arrogance inflame error creep discreet,

Reject advice downright deed alienate,

Crumbles, glass-tower, simple indicate, (10)


Wait story never end mystery happen,

Marvelous character humility sharpen,

Somber mood bring solace, encourage,

Wipe disaster clean, planning envisage, (11)


Moron watch fellow spirit n resurrect,

Discover anomaly transparent correct,

Who learn, never mourn, regain honor,

Humble experiences alert greet glamor, (12)


Humble nature accepts mistake, admit,

Apology profuse wins heart, popular, wit,

Humbleness big-asset, keep life simple,

Trouble, come, success win, feel dimple. (13)









Wednesday, July 7, 2021





Society, upbringing mold character,

Surprise, peaceful world to shatter,

Homogeneous, population fracture,

Bitterness, distrust, hatred suture,(1)


Bonhomie, amity n friendly gesture,

Vanish gradually to angry behavior,

Painful skirmish n triviality happen,

Argument false accusation sharpen, (2)


Freedom flies far anarchy devastate,

Sacrifice humanity savage dominate,

Agony-ocean n innocent people sink,

World community clueless, lot blink, (3)


Divide root cause lifestyle n practice,

Gun culture little respect life notice,

Meaningless baseless issues irritate,

Reject peace love angry scorn vitiate, (4)


Explodes fireball of anger, hate ruin,

Tranquility dream few n far between,

Canvas, of chronic tragedy n lament,

Lament hunger, destitute life relent, (5)


Disease, shrunken face horrify, look,

Compassion eternal love share book,

Empathy humanity knows n sacred,

Question warring factions betrayed, (6)


Groundless cause, bullet answer hit,

Refusal to surrender, hellfire repeat,

Disappear, family widow orphan live,

Live only to suffer, cry, nit disbelieve, (7)


Green-boulevard, push colony, sight,

Glorious people, culture, festive right,

Trust happiness sing-duet melodious,

Remind a paradise on earth hilarious, (viii)


Tolerance, endurance, cooperation all,

Once mix communities fearless recall,

Little matter caste, creed, religion, skin,

Hug amicable heart, greet warm, win, (9)


Hospitality, care, sympathy, sick cure,

Summery the people united n prosper,

Bright sunlight, wash golden n jovial,

Tearful amid dust, ruins cause trivial, (10)


Blind anger fuel, haughty contempt hit,

Blind perception ghost in, air to inflict,

Ill-conceived, pseudo n myopic rumor,

Fragile human life realize little, secure, (11)


Fantasy, fabulous peaceful landscape,

Defeat haughty contempt stop escape,

Write empathy hurt scare n inevitable,

Human life confiscate, terrorize simple, (12)


Rose petals change to bullet shrapnel,

Where hide, intellect wisdom life rebel,

Eon great novel poem depict churn nit,

Focus predicament dark mind discreet, (13)


Listen, heart-rending cries dying-plead,

Deaf, mute, our world, sympathy bleed.

Console, embrace humanity love attempt,

Douse inferno to ash haughty contempt. (14)









Tuesday, July 6, 2021






Serenity symbolize patience, quiet,

Butterfly in stomach fly desperate,

Hunger harbor moon desire excite,

Restless mind weave dreams, sight, (1)


Demarcate golden fairyland, forget,

Fortune greet few lo hungry regret,

Opulence spread eagle cuisine test,

Variety of tasty food, drinks satiate, (2)


Hearty laughter, fun n smile infect,

Moon sinks below horizon n reflect,

Vision, fairy queen, dish disappear,

Empty harbor search boat, failure, (3)


Hope infrequent sail, ocean of love,

Bleak future disappoint let involve,

Wipes serene life impatient tumult,

Question fate, destiny, spirit revolt, (4)


Cry aloud, think, heart, fail to listen,

Little, cry soul astonish tear glisten,

Poverty deprives most a world favor,

Throws cruel to dirt drain, fate leer, (5)


Insecure, shelter miss means, scare,

Meager income life costlier fast hire,

Melancholy song heartbreaking lit,

Break head, stone idol deaf discreet, (6)


Lord instill intellect n study enamor,

Success, bring dawn flavor n unsure,

Distant nation, university appreciate,

Qualification quotient all reciprocate, (7)


Crestfallen heart cost suck hope nit,

Born in desolation cactus feel intuit,

Ornate humiliation, despise n scorn,

Endure well seasoned least I mourn, (viii)


Grown thorns plenty, flowers bloom,

Forgotten scary past emotion gloom,

Never lament, keep secret my torture,

Fight, struggle hard live fit, fine sure, (9)


Accept my presence little, mimic rose,

My survival consolidation haze prose,

Never hesitate, smile this time alone,

Left, think poor my life fragile prone, (10)


Seen, console my heart lack boot all,

Speechless watch life without leg tall,

Build life secure, inner strength best,

Self courage, will, bravery, all interest, (11)


Reveal realization, automatic influence,

Teenage soft heart harden in pretense,

Store love care sympathy serve, I like,

Avoid people sizzle greed, ego n dislike, (12)


Wonderful world, Cactus lonely bloom,

Proud alive, smile to sunshine n moon,

Harbor potion of peace catch moonlit,

Self confide Lord reside in me, delight, (13)


Why feel shy less sigh aspiration hook,

Inks book of my life lo somber outlook.

Nectar of positive thought collective lit,

Recover from sorrow, pain, love delight. (14)