Saturday, July 17, 2021





Overwhelm spring my heart miss,

Counting your departure yet wish,

Arrival arouses, deadwood young,

Sprout green leaves, thought, song, (1)


Fragrant foliage bloom lust within,

Passion buried long ago n rhythm,

Miss, thrill pulsating vein feel hurt,

Watch silent flower blossoms alert, (2)


Fails mind seek emotions blossom,

Spins earth involuntary get, lesson,

Thought churn memory automatic,

Nostalgic wild young heart ecstatic, (3)


Moved through verdure incoherent,

Spirit roamed across ravines intent,

Merge, soul n nature dispassionate,

Inconsolable life fades love intimate, (4)


Discovers, nature wrought paradise,

Sheer love expresses do feel precise,

Wanderer once found wilderness nit,

Youth left me long back feel discreet, (5)


Evening-of-life twilight years dusk lit,

Intoxicate fragrant jasmine nit intuit,

Nights end n white jasmine gets pale,

Miss scent equally discover life, quell, (6)


Longest night winter evokes emotion,

Cold wind shiver limbs thrill caution,

Freeze heart hot passionate cold-life,

Sweet home warm, keep away strife, (7)


Age decide sleep long night dream lit,

Sorrows unfulfilled hidden to deplete,

Slip nicely reminiscence create, scene,

Mature invites, spirit wander unseen, (viii)


Nameless absent agony, pain intense,

Past, present, future, merge void sense,

Earth rotates around sun turns, page,

Year in life new arrive summer engage, (9)


Longest-day recline limbs under share,

Windy field mango ripen, heart inspire,

Remind endless desires, urge mind act,

Insane youthful life fights bitter, react, (10)


Action, hard work, imaginations, hope,

Achieve under bright sun future scope,

Look intense now nice-roof shelter well,

Fulfills lifetime failures n success hail, (11)


Eventful past enamor struggle sickness,

Love bosom harbor dear earth impress,

Summer days short-night, dream halts,

Rain arrives year progress thunder jolts, (12)


Intense love limb instigate rebel heart,

Wet skin drizzle fuel young mind enact,

Nature invite fountain rainbows brook,

Fresh green pours rain, wet-earth hook, (13)


Aromas nascent steal thought flood nit,

Years roll sequel to solstice rains greet.

Rain recede, Green grain fields enamor,

Spring wait sequel, solstice if harvester. (14) 











Every moment life witness eventful,

Minds react orient thought watchful,

Turn of events sudden surprise nit,

Wait, cool-action reactions discreet, (1)


Peace progress happiness flood well,

Anticipation exhibit people love hail,

Sour eventful time scrupulous alert,

Betrays criminal, powerful n corrupt, (2)


Mischievous mind, design treachery,

Deceitful n criminal resists recovery,

Minions surrender meek n mild, act,

Instantly obey order evil or good fast, (3)


Never distinguish blindly follows nit,

Happy honeymoons turn violent writ,

Disaster cascade people in sock wail,

Social security discipline rule all fail, (4)


Spine, of moral character broken, cry,

Mute, helpless spectacle nations sigh,

Progress minion obey, build stubborn,

Glass towers highways weave n earn, (5)


Education hijacks poverty n illiteracy,

Nation wields wall prevents all lunacy,

Secure security, intelligence sentinel,

Civilized-world feels comfort n prevail, (6)


Thunder news midnight dawn shakes,

Tranquility lost horrible terror wrecks,

Path of eventful national life tense nit,

Promising sentinel raise alert discreet, (7)


Impending disaster highlight transmit,

Broadcast, news loud enough to heat,

Shake people unaware mobilize instant,

Monitor counteroffensive live constant, (viii)


Length n breadth of nation nails action,

Detect crimes, raise caustic-commotion,

Anger of people, force security law rule,

Quell violence, arson, strike, killing full, (9)


Brutal force media exhibit freedom hail,

Expose tyranny, terror, corrupt equal tell,

Mask of pseudo decency civility remove,

Law extends big hands arrest net prove, (10)


Media instigate people positive influence,

Expose corrosion light future confluence,

Medium people’s voice well heard added,

Mass movement on papers, cyber invade, (11)


Achieve objective of reformation firm hit,

Media highlight jubilations faithful greet,

Rustic villager urban of all ages endure,

Newspaper, television, mobiles enamor, (12)


Strongest-pillar support the constitution,

Equality freedom opportunity net union,

Bark at discrimination deprivation date,

Apt listeners of sufferers, communicate, (13)


Invaluable national lives integrity speak,

Little fear promising sentinels face risk.

Selfless dedication to nation media wins,

Symbolize human freedom, voice, dreams. (14)












Thursday, July 15, 2021





 Life traverse serpentine path allure,

Surprises often overwhelm joy pure,

Break balance of life trouble appear,

Crumbles, desires, hope, often failure, (1)


Life promises adhere principle firm,

Broken promise duly harass, affirm,

Progress, halt sickness, difficult time,

Demise breaks strength-of-mind fine, (2)


Inconsolable memory visits, remind,

Time heals past scars agony behind,

Bend path of life turn pathos mirth,

Survives, watch finding, solace worth, (3)


Solace brings positivity, wish decent,

Consolidate fragile spirit hope ascent,

Marvel inner solace hope courage nit,

Unite to fulfill self-promise, life ignite, (4)


Witness suffering people n fate cruel,

Empathy breaks, heart help mind, fuel,

Fate fortune luck rarely company all,

Know very well, bring solace enthrall, (5)


Celebrate birthdays in orphanage sure,

Agonies pain mind harbor visits cure,

Gossips among children n offer sweet,

Distribute solace to lonely heart meet, (6)


True love, I knew grandmother share,

Kid’s life naughty enough smiles hire,

Never saw her face glisten tears total,

Her hug, kisses, warmth pray recital, (7)


Miss these days her presence I suffer,

Occasions I travel memory lane secure,

Remember her love, care, compassion,

Face turbulence, present solace lotion, (viii)


Sojourn curvy complex complicate nit,

Soul feel despair distress joy, discreet,

Moments of sorrows tension, I search,

Company within inner solace if touch, (9)


Short life apparent, long lane, fag end,

Vanish, pristine my world nit, pretend,

Friend I miss totally quietude pervade,

Solitary life in abode contemplate fade, (10)


Fade milestones of eventful life torture,

Lonely moments I sit, silence feels tear,

Reveal mysterious world transient all,

Impermanent pain, pleasure well recall, (11)


Stole happiness pain n pleasure fuel nit,

Revolve life mixture of sweet-sour greet,

Mists spread slowly, memory lanes lose,

Disappear, teenage youth sighs repose, (12)


Frightening moment nightmare dream,

Rare occasion alert mind morass thin,

Finding solace, convenient comfort-cool,

Inner solace beacons never lost n rule. (13)






Wednesday, July 14, 2021





Meticulous design mind unravel,

Mask innocent disguise con well,

Endless trick infinite pretension,

Trap, silently heart little caution, (1)


Blindfold conscience soul ignore,

Insatiable appetite, luxury savor,

Discover sight, sound, smell fuel,

Touch taste combine never quell, (2)


Limbs act in order command nit,

Lifelong, I serve, feel myself greet,

Magical inner voice create, guise,

Convinces I desire, differ, precise, (3)


Watch helpless in chain act neat,

Little, object, mind enjoys conflict,

Somewhere, I feel question voice,

Heart surrenders to mind rejoice, (4)


Deception intricate portray truth,

Cry aloud, I discover, feel smooth,

Decipher messages, crisp, silent,

Start, evade desire feel contempt, (5)


Perplex somewhere goads me nit,

Act, perform soon, end complete,

Perfect portray melodrama, begin,

Heart crestfallen mind sad I win, (6)


Nightlong my sleep stole, awake,

Heartthrobs in agony, life shake,

Mind lament, nets worry tension,

Never sorry, tears flow, I caution, (7)


Rebuke, brute strength, I collect,

Scornful, look down self, lo melt,

Melt melodrama anger resurrect,

Lethal weapon mind wields best, (viii)


Paralyze, life total n burn within,

Allow anger quickly destroy ruin,

Discover enemy, in guise I expose,

Melodrama, turn struggle repose, (9)


Act of play within continue sweet,

Captured by mind suffer, discreet,

Sour, I feel n reject impassioned,

Isolate from mind I disillusioned, (10)


Punish heart, mind, rebel silence,

Silence wields weapon resilience,

Solitude amid nature silence mix,

Recovers conscience, focus tricks, (11)


Tragedy, of self, pittance compare,

Climax, ends the play peace share,

Surrender mind follow heart obey,

Obeys soul, intuit intellect, abbey, (12)


Heart pours love mind tranquility,

Conflicts disappear, exist serenity,

Dogma absent, entice me, enigma,

Ink life story, portray melodrama, (13)


Abhor temptation enamor stigma,

Kingdom of soul savor panorama.

Disciplined mind fertile earth nit,

Loving heart portrays skies discreet. (14)




Tuesday, July 13, 2021






Life manifest miracles look alike,

Eminent danger bring wish, hike,

Plethora, of desires hidden, sight,

Wildfire of thought, action fright, (1)


Uncontrolled mind clueless well,

Life face disaster frequently fuel,

Intellect, intuition unite counter,

Percept precautions devise clear,(2)


Saves, life, secure dangers recede,

Elite interdiction marvel, indeed,

Inhibit arousal of temptation nit,

Prevent lusty mind emotion visit, (3)


Rejection of liking enormous act,

Tussle, of conscience, rebel heart,

Life long battle continues, divide,

Right- wrong path emotions hide, (4)


Deprivation failure frustrates life,

Struggle, diminish, weak big-strife,

World harsh enough life perishes,

Interdiction silent n life cherishes, (5)


Cherish to forget tortures hunger,

Evade fragile limb seeks pleasure,

Bitter battle for sanity end ill fate,

None shed tear soul lament great, (6)


Crestfallen vigor fades death call,

Miracle persist life wish lives real,

Desperate to forget danger addict,

Path of hallucination person edit, (7)


Solvent abuse path deplete sense,

Forget fate, fortune soul pretense,

Peddler, racket mafia n syndicate,

Dark-world of drug-lord dominate, (viii)


Blood spill, violate sanity rule nil,

Barbarism secret merciless defeat,

Menace macabre-plot, life aghast,

National life fight fierce crime last, (9)


Insane addict rich, poor, gender all,

Day, night solvent abuse, enthrall,

Till last breath blood drug rich die,

World witness cruel menaces sigh, (10)


Mankind unite firm devise means,

Bring back tender teenage n wins,

Surround depressed youth insane,

Shelter handicapped life treat tame, (11)


Massive surreptitious steps counter,

World-of-nation raid brutal murder,

Chain illegal traffic prison life long,

Elite interdiction checks evil wrong, (12)


Evil practices sprout hunted in net,

Interdiction process well top secret,

Repeat life manifest, miracle, in tear,

Mind wishes, bring, eminent danger, (13)


Fraternity humanity acts stubborn,

Teenage youth save, elite interdiction,

Fallen tree, I witness leaves sprout,

Interdict, ruin death a future grout. (14)  










Society rejoice authority alert,

Confiscate illegal property lot,

Smugglers, drug-cartel in net,

Book culprit annex vast asset, (1)


Dark world fiendish amass all,

Run parallel economy embroil,

Mask handles corrupt control,

Network paralyzes system toll, (2)


Intimidation, death visit often,

Fear rule system, hellish earn,

Impound asset gold n jewelry,

Confiscate money, bank sorry, (3)


Impounding interdict illegality,

Serve people suffers, causality,

Wiser, nation little feel critical,

Property seized fine bit ethical, (4)


Treasure of land lie elsewhere,

True, impounding never share,

Vital natural resource reservoir,

Lake, lagoon, rivers save water, (5)


Underground water deplete nit,

Impound rain waters complete,

Visit famine dry spells enough,

Parched grain field lives rough, (6)


Come, summer hot spell blink,

Water level well tube-well sink,

Village women walk, fetch water,

Miles under sun walks procure, (7)


Dig river bed sand collect even,

Harsh life nation see feel clean,

Cultivation industry impounds,

Unethical yet critical n sounds, (viii)


Impound water reservoir share,

Farm sector n electricity aware,

Alarming scenarios, it disturbs

Fall, groundwater levels, rubs, (9)


Nature devastated forests miss,

Monsoon water land loses each,

More reservoir, barrages n dike,

Impound rain waters most, like, (10)


Save earth n impound crushers,

Eat hills, create craters, disaster,

Fields desolate, barren impound,

Afforestation urgent, pool sound, (11)


Nation awaken now urgent need,

Impound resource, wastes bleed,

Impound stolen, wood, cattle ore,

Save supreme asset prime nature, (12)


Wiser persons see futures protect,

Spillage of drinking water detect,

Wiser conserve land, water n air,

Wiser prevent wastage build care, (13)


Wiser impound national resource,

Huge wastage water forest worse,

Impound illegal property of course.

Future threats scarcity life remorse. (14)