Sunday, August 13, 2023






Uninvited, entered house, was quiet,

Silent, empty room impacted direct,

No sign of life, glossy old furniture,

Shining marble floor reflects allure,(1)


Called loudly, resounded my voice,

Book rack old books a good choice,

Looked around, about to back out,

A whispering noise reacted shout, (2)


Spilling blood from the bed cower,

A female lifeless felt lost all power,

Touched her wrist and got a feeble pulse,

Finger under her nose fear repulse, (3)


She is living life alert and enormous,

Called an ambulance, still curious,

Stayed with her in the hospital yet,

She fought for her life the whole night bet, (4)


Sat motionless near her alert mind,

Dripping saline and blood bottles,

Looking nurse the electronic gadget,

I failed to understand graphs detect, (5)


Spikes and curves only intimating,

She is alive but still in critical stages,

My eyelids felt heavy, and I slept unaware,

Dawn breaks doctor checked share, (6)


She is out of danger and stays for a week,

Alarmed, worried about her, meek,

Knew I cannot afford the cost or time,

Only a telephone call curious fine, (7)


Inform them to visit the house, to save,

Someone is dying pleaded, did wave,

Strange house and telephone call,

Now found the female survived all, (viii)


A week after payments, she cleared,

Relieved, revealed her sad story, cried,

Her only son was an engineer but died,

His death was a fatal accident so bad, (9)


Her husband expired a year ago,

In the mansion, she was alone, lonely,

News, depression shattered only,

Decided to cut short her life acted, (10)


Showed her bandaged wrist and cried,

Listening to her owes disaster visit,

Time stole her husband and son,

Confessed her guilt and lost intention, (11)


Her niece discovered a pool of blood,

My staff, so horrified, called for help,

Understood, shattered, denied to live,

I told sister acts Lord never forgive, (12)


You have to live His wishes allowed,

Sorrows cloud mind acts shadowed,

A highly educated sister introduced,

I accepted her as sister and induced, (13)


A decade passed back to my city now,

Visited here now mansion is a school,

She runs a primary school famous,

Children erased her sad past onerous, (13)


Her time passed educating children,

Stillness I felt in my heart smitten,

She survived and rebuilt her life, on my advice,

My hot tears, she hugged me twice. (14)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Stillness

Themes: Sharply life turns loved stillness

Written: 13th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


Saturday, August 12, 2023






Million years passed still exist,

Speechless, an iron well resist,

Pointed and tore the soil tilling,

Tip of the plow wooden ring, (1)


Intoxicates duet, bullock plays,

Plough brings up life in essays,

Not today or centuries ago,

Chained human race never go, (2)


Savage human lives predators,

Hunting scope living travelers,

Moved an ancient human well,

Continents, islands, life to swell, (3)


Changed an iron spike miracle,

Wooden bases can till is simple,

Discovery, that phenomenal tilt,

Agronomy a reality nomad quit, (4)


Land provides an immense gift,

Ancient predators turn in discreet,

Docile domicile, peasant settled,

Food concept, plows, implanted, (5)


Once raw flesh or fruits are roasted,

Granary wheat rice corn tasted,

Bountiful earth yet sustainable,

Bullock pair the plow stable, (6)


Bullock cart wheels revelation,

Ingenuity human mind notion,

Lasted millennium old vibrant,

Look at the iron spike radiant, (7)


Tilling soften hard soil to the soft earth,

Uproot grass bushes to worth,

Lifting rubbles and stones easier,

The fields get ready for farming, (viii)


Visited ancient the village home,

The mud cottage with bamboo,

But discovered paddy unknown,

Straw packed into bundle turn, (9)


Bamboo sticks tied to the straw,

The cottage has a roof time saw,

Polished with cow dung paste,

Miraculous disinfectant, no waste, (10)


Cow dung manure is versatile,

The village withstood time hostile,

Watch concrete jungles, asphalt,

Mechanized humans, different past, (11)


Bullock carts in front of houses,

Present time shows cars dashes,

The bullock carts easily transport,

Covered thousand miles escort, (12)


Escorts memories still exist,

Grateful humans forget to persist,

No toxic fumes, hazards speedy,

Time has changed, mind if greedy, (13)


Thousands die every day proud,

Rustic village cartwheels loud,

Romanticism, sleep, and travel,

Ring bells bullock neck ravel, (14)


Sings the relic stayed millennia,

Simple human life tag insignia. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Relic

Themes: Ploughs cartwheel remind

Written: 12th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Friday, August 11, 2023






Besmirch ambit of life and death,

The silver line differs spellbound,

Glacial stare darkness, associate,

Thin translucent partition, relate, (1)


Fails to cross unearthly stillness,

Vibrant light sparkling energy lit,

Bewitch spectral colors, radiate,

Thirst the minute thickness wall, (2)


Bifurcates living and dead, exists,

The parched lips, dry throat, lists,

Touch holy book praying to live bow,

A droplet of water moist lips owe, (3)


Witness a dreary desert blinding,

Blisters hot sun above or timing,

The dune torturous slopes lay,

Human proceeds, water dismays, (4)


Dreams of a blue lake wavy surface,

Runs quickly perished, with no trace,

Mirage viewed in life voluminous,

Depicts oasis greenery precious, (5)


Thirst plays havoc theater scare,

Human life is delicate, a nightmare,

Look at villages, failed monsoon,

Parched fields dried, high noon, (6)


Lifeless craters are a stark contrast,

Peasants squat on the mid-field,

Look at the blinding sun search,

Alas, if there is a dark cloud lurch, (7)


No trace of rain, the season passed,

Dried wells pond spell harassed,

Dried river streams, serpentine,

Lost into sand bed stare famine, (viii)


The sight of a rustic woman, a pitcher,

Walked miles to collect water,

Thirst torture polluted water link,

Game of life and death, life sink, (9)


Thirst step into morbid intention,

Not water spirit, not water, moan,

Thirst experience mind besmirch,

Expose humanly greediness itch, (10)


Loot funds for irrigation diverted,

Left people to dry season wicked,

Thirst is the ruler of mind absolute,

Spread territory, leave water mute, (11)


The human mind is thirsty to amass gold,

Never permit thirst, satiate scold,

Infinite ambitions ambit flatten,

Lust fuels thirsty mind frighten, (12)


Humans can cheat, fabricate lies,

Fail to satiate thirst heart belies,

More dangerous predators roam,

Than sandstorm on desert home, (13)


Perishes weak and poor hungry,

Thirst the name besmirch angry,

How much thirst O man thirsty,

Look at silken fair skin feminine, (14)


Know well thirsty eyes, devilish,

How many girls, life is nightmarish,

The devil empire thirst rule bunt,

Waylaid a mind life-death stunt, (15)


Thirst lure lust lost nature sheer,

Thirst for gold, power, position,

Thirst lures property, land mourn,

A drop of water life-thirsty scorn. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Thirst

Themes: Thirst waylaid mind sadly

Written: 11the August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


Thursday, August 10, 2023





Abominable life obnoxious duty,

Caretaker of a house tag beauty,

Impressionable outer sight glow,

Name the famous mansion to owe, (1)


The name is PROMISE hallowed lit,

Bright color floral bedecked hit,

Living here for decades to maintain,

Life single loneliness in disdain, (2)


The community bears the cost well,

PROMISE lived the family swell,

Four generations, a century-long,

Most renowned a family life in song, (3)


Influential people rich in business,

They spread worldwide impress,

Affluent, educated, artist, thinker,

Family grasped knowledge more, (4)


Respected the community liked,

Immense contribution life hiked,

A significant house of the town link,

In a few years, fight families sink, (5)


Bitter quarrel irrupted over right,

Right turned misnomer tore tight,

A gruesome sight, violent revenge,

Parents, siblings, direct avenges, (6)


Same blood united for a century,

PROMISE sheltered life mercury,

Mercurial the love, care, affection,

Dreaming prosperity commotion, (7)


Overflow unity, I served faithfully,

Illiterate knew poison doubtfully,

Suspicion crept stealthily, strong,

Advice interpreted claim wrong, (viii)


Accused each other, and inimical,

Trust fades quickly, talk minimal,

Death prowled rooms, suspicious,

One by one, all left, reign furious, (9)


Link disconnected cutoff relation,

Fled far-flung cities dent emotion,

The mere caretaker was a servant here,

Knew each family member, fear, (10)


Any of them little visited, inspect,

Once tagged PROMISE introspect,

Promised, lived united gold venom,

Doubted the action raze suspicion, (11)


Jealousy, cold anger fueled by visible,

Heard the angry voice of life crumble,

The last person in the family gave the keys,

Staying here for years alone but ease, (12)


Look at PROMISE beautiful sight,

Flowers blossom in spring excite,

Feel tearful brokenhearted write,

To the great grandfather his right, (13)


Still living abroad but request,

He once rebuilt the house to his best,

Squandered his wealth lovingly,

PROMISE stood attractive incredibly, (14)


Getting unwell faithful lifelong,

To hand over the keys it belongs,

Ambit to perform as caretaker,

No way possible life is premature. (15)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Ambit

Themes: The caretaker expressed an inability

Written: 10th August 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite