Wednesday, April 17, 2024






Amazed thoughts sneak into my mind,

Baffled, where originated less find,

That entered into head churn wild,

Silenced the mind till end up yield, (1)


The world is mysterious or goodies,

Gadgets asset property to foodies,

Even spirit satisfaction aroused a lot,

Life ends fights continuous effort, (2)


Say hunger thirst, not food surprise,

Asked friends, wealthy, silent, wise,

Fewer elaborate deeds indeed sad,

Ask probing questions, finds mad, (3)


Lost many friends for reasons of dislike,

Amazed few friends honestly strike,

Worked hard in ordinary life serving,

Achieved a lot of possible true things, (4)


Truth, speaking, sincerity, visible,

Mistakes they did once admissible,

Narrate their troublesome life fate,

Far from corrupt, find life fortunate, (5)


Twilight years confess my lacuna,

Wanton desires to sneak into trauma,

The stealth mind allows suffering,

How many nights cried feathered, (6)


No solution surprised lives visible,

Won the world materials trouble,

The power of discrimination view,

Their lives peaceful and happy ensue, (7)


Friends cut off the link unhappy, sad,

Money never says permanently, bad,

Their joy short time mind stealthy,

No more they are happy and wealthy, (viii)


Confess lifelong lesson creepy idea,

Learn discrimination, life euphoria,

No more tears, wakeful nights, pain,

Hunger thirst, not food block gain, (9)


Realized hunger, thirst, endless running,

The stealth nature of desire lives moan,

Detachment learn life conquer hail,

Attachment glue stealth life derail. (10)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Stealth

Themes: Desires sneaks into thought

Witten: 17th April 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Tuesday, April 16, 2024





Profound peace and happiness stay,

Life found comfort short dismay,

Cyclic human life struggle faced,

Earth seasons change life traced, (1)


Miraculous weather inspire often,

Blistering heat, freezing cold torn,

Blossoms helluva spring ushers,

Conflicts mind rebellious pusher, (2)


Fail to understand estimate clue,

Infinite desires chains spirit glue,

Exist dream imaginary illusions,

Hope human effort, due to collisions, (3)


Calm and quiet mind tranquility,

Experiences life peace, joy, pretty,

No more calm, turbulent state hit,

Disaster loss balance discreet, (4)


This phenomenon sadly presents,

Urban youth jealous, not decent,

By hook or crook, achieve success,

Saboteur their mind lives depress, (5)


Stay aloof, speak less painful life,

Baseless own creation rest grief,

Nature invites such humans, sadly,

Saboteur life feels hunger madly, (6)


Blinded conscience decency acts,

Amidst nature, human love reacts,

Forget hunger, thirst, material all,

The beauty of the nature silently calls, (7)


Come, humans, forget asset gadgets,

The valley green carpet life target,

Sleep looks up, evening thickens,

Stars moon irk saboteur weakens, (viii)


Realizes rebellious youth retreat,

Discovers peace and joy in discreet,

Death of saboteur humans learn,

How many lives were lost, nature scorn, (9)


Saboteur intrudes stealthy cruel,

Captivate mind or heart in dwell,

The fight for human surrender is sad,

The urge is hunger, thirst, defeat mad, (10)


Detection rejection human winner,

The demise of the saboteur survives clearly,

Discrimination of physical pleasure,

Saboteur poisons rejections wiser. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Saboteur

Themes: Desire, hunger, and thirst  

Written: 16th April 2024 Cuttack   

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, April 2, 2024





Time has come oblivion in sight,

Savage humans grab land fight,

Plundered minerals forest cover,

Barren fields rivers less recover, (1)


Dry river cultivations diminish,

Shortage of water drink famish,

Milling crowd, million inhabitants,

Rising city skyscraper remnants, (2)


Thousand miles of metal roads,

Railways connects, speed goads,

Look at the generation weapon,

Unthinkable rapid destruction, (3)


Cities before eyes wiped out sad,

Humans, civilized, educated, mad,

Build quickly, wipe out no mercy,

Color faith aggressor no courtesy, (4)


Country expanding annexed sad,

Fight monstrous misery forward,

Noticed human tragedy sorrows,

Peace wiped outlet no tomorrows, (5)


Migrants their plight recognized,

Attempt to throw them out seized,

War clouds hover, hegemony stays,

Every hour innovate, weapon lay, (6)


Humans love and want peace stay,

Worth watching service help way,

Sympathy, Divine gift in the heart,

Feel tears look at sick life impact, (7)


Still, earth and time exhibit spirit,

Prophetic healing touch to exhibit,

Transform billion meek get liberty,

Overpowering preaching, a quality, (viii)


Liberate a people from bondage,

Prosperity country witness craze,

The earth, countries, time, realize,

Changes war perish people size, (9)


Changes name of place or cities,

Different people, views, to policies,

The fight continues on earth, land, time,

Inhuman human sacrilege prime, (10)


Defy the teaching of prophets, a fox,

Poison minds of innocent in a box,

Breed, train, souvenir, battlefield,

Sacrilege to betray the Lord yield, (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Sacrilege

Themes: Protect Earth and the Human Race

Written: 2nd February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Monday, April 1, 2024





Cold breeze chilling hilltop views,

Mesmeric scene green fields muse,

Horizon extends corn fields amaze,

Unearthly silence quietness I haze, (1)


Visited reserve forest elephant owe,

Great herd block route grows show,

The green forest habitat, lion, tiger,

Barren hill, lake sanctuary yet deer, (2)


Gibbon bear Chital baboon sighted,

Jungle safari dense sound freighted

Rhinos swampy land make a living,

The land hosts, bird's sanctuary ring, (3)


Season rotates migration, visible a lot,

Flora and fauna paradise as if escort,

The tree gardens gentle slope routes,

Far below river stream orchard fruits, (4)


There lie cliffs, waterfall spectacular,

Visitors, crowd move by foot, regular,

Lifetime experience unforgettable lit,

The land memorable offers it delight, (5)


Visited the desert, saw camels in line atop,

Silhouette behind setting the sun, envelop,

Surreal life experience attached to love,

Visited snow hills skating lake rove, (6)


Boats flower gardens summer none,

Snowing, chilling weather life known,

Emerald Islands coral fish are colorful,

White sand blue waters life beautiful, (7)


Unbelievable granaries, corn fields,

Festivals scintillating locals yield,

The dress costume ornament exists,

Timeless civilization holds less resists, (viii)


Panorama time destroys permanent,

Never can be visible live or nascent,

Dried lakes, barren lands, bald hills,

Similar to fructification sadly reveals, (9)


Extinction of the human race is nearer,

Amassing weapons warhead horror,

Pray the Lord, raised head for protection,

Humans must surrender devotion, (10)


Divine grace provides love and peace,

Panorama revives transform practice,

Not industry black smoke pollution,

Panorama stayed, bringing a revolution. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Panorama

Themes: Disappearing, yet humans fight

Written: 31st March 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite








Turbulent life sequel to face peril,

Unaware, the soul feels free, self reveal,

A dark cloud of fear worries horror,

Human life progress hunt mirror, (1)


Deeds accomplished ages ago lit,

Sleeping spirit, dream lays, a delight,

What not lay on the earth enjoy,

Childhood, youth, elderly age, a toy, (2)


Played thought enjoyed yet used,

When temptation ended amused,

Drink find poison, not nectar sad,

Eat satiate hunger fish nets mad, (3)


Home built over lifetime yet sold,

Family friends distanced life mold,

Dye for gold possessions forfeited,

Innumerable life story yet verified, (4)


Disastrous human lives, an accident,

Stays on bed habits stay incident,

No more trace, forgotten humans,

Found few escape unhurt scans, (5)


Nothing happens to them escape,

Disaster comes, escape, in good shape,

Survive surging waves pitter out,

Stand at their place, know, shout, (6)


Never aspire for money gold a lot,

Everything they have timely effort,

Keep repairing life, protect assets,

World laughs at their property bets, (7)


Tag foolish, ignorant, life unscrupulous,

Such people lead lives hilarious,

Visited hospitals surprised most,

These are wealthy people, life lost, (viii)


Fighting for life sick at home, sadly,

Sleepless night, drunk, angry, madly

Who do torture them, fail to discover,

Searched lifelong in vain sufferer, (9)


A villager lives a hundred years fine,

No food, dress, palace, life define,

Hard work peasant life continues,

The sight of a fisherman, bemuse, (10)


Catch fish happily, I discovered,

Fish below the boat saved erred,

Amazed thoughts seize solution,

Less material ambitious motion, (11)


Under the feet of fishermen, fish win,

Human life surrenders, a life define,

Time is a net catches wild mind stay,

Fails to catch, the soul Divine feet way. (12)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Seize  

Themes: Grab a disciplined life

Written: 1st April 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite