Saturday, September 10, 2022




Green grain fields, cocoanut groves,

Garden of a youth, banana leaves,

Adjacent to field canal greenish,

Admiringly boathouse sailing, invite,

Freshness in air aural infiltrating,

Sunlight orange, bright, entices,

Charming fair lady flower ornate,

Silhouette of female visitors in a boat,

Get down softly, move in fields,

Sparkles cluster of lotus in the pond,

Instinctively youth picked a lotus,

Offered to the lady she received,

She liked lotus pink, gave it to a friend,

Somehow, got youth dissatisfied,

Looking at her beauty, calm, composed,

Her white dress to knee silken shiny,

White shoe pointed high heels,

Slender leg white foot but tall,

A white figure, face charming from far,

Dark eyes, black eyebrows, red lips,

Awestruck youth by her beauty,

From a distance stood like a rock,

Looking at her eyes eyelids didn’t bat,

Hooked to her presence, forgot rest,

The nature, moving boat now rest,

Must be waiting for her, a visitor,

Suddenly the young woman looked,

Caught eyes of youth, smiled, waved,

Indicated to come near, he watched,

Immovable like rock, little blinked,

Looking straight at her invitation,

He looked back, in sock approached,

The fair female scrutinizing him,

Sat on a nearby rock, started drawing,

Requested youth to stand in front,

Told to be still as he was looking,

She drew black, granite, muscles,

Bare chest, shining black face,

Wide eyes penetrative innocent,

A stick on hand, loincloth cotton,

Covering up to thighs, firm, strong,

She drew pencil pictures exactly,

His white teeth between thick lips,

Long nose face as if idol of Lord,

She was discussing with her friend,

Bare feet, the youth inquired shyly,

What she will do with a pencil drawing,

She could not understand local talk,

Explained friend to her, and she laughed,

Tell him, I shall draw a painting,

Today, he is my hero, imaginary,

Appeared as a frame amidst nature real,

Inkling, she thought if Krishna calling,

She gave thousand rupees for the dress,

Another thousand for the shoe to buy,

Started leaving, the youth returned,

Returned notes into her hands,

Folded hands, he told not a beggar,

Was the owner of fields, cocoanut yard?

Came to enquired about the stranger,

Loved her sight, thought a beauty,

She asked to forgive, left quickly,

The youth embraced tantrum stood,

The sun sank, and darkness invaded.


@ Bijayananda Mishra







Friday, September 9, 2022






It was near midnight birthday,

Receiving hundreds of greetings,

Crestfallen at news spread wildfire,

British queen departed that night,

Ruled Her Majesty equal my age,

Indian prime ministers all, the present,

All duration queen interacted,

Host of the US presidents hosted,

Post world war her period began,

Mammoth construction world over,

From east to west, rebuilt endeavors,

Queen, citizens saw, London rebuilt,

War destroyed families, left remnants,

Consolidated England, India free,

Commonwealth nostalgic bond exists,

Queen graceful, enchanting travel,

People lovingly adored Her Majesty,

The smile, her address to the world,

Honored wholehearted respected,

New millennium, queen an enigma,

Proud English no more dominating,

War emptied the Chest, suffocating,

Monarchy steered her kingdom boldly,

Free crown of the jewel, commonwealth,

The Anglo-Saxon relationship grew stronger,

Majestic Buckingham palace sight,

Visitors of world trotters prized pictures,

Queen, the family, energized world media,

World over popular, the face, her crown,

Generations understood the queen historic,

Sun never sets in her territory, global,

Discussed, contested, admit grudgingly,

Humanity accepts the queen, a royal symbol,

Not for the British, all continents accord,

Impressed head of British race ancient,

The tall English man blue eyed travel,

Conquered the globe colonies sprout,

Travelers in ships spread far-flung,

Conquered pecans, Everest, Sahara,

Dauntless race challenged territories,

Where no human can dare, America,

Subjects of queen bear royal flag,

Flows world over their dress full pant shirt,

Speaks world,  their language English,

The world communicates travel,

Citadel of university dream of youth,

Never escape the myth of her majesty,

The royalty spirit of the past was admired,

Taught freedom parliament to all,

Oxford, Shakespeare, writer poets,

English literature, science, technology,

Industrial age for word born here,

Royal symbol worldwide impressive,

Accepts black, brown, from a colony,

Queen allowed citizenship or cross,

My nation watches students flock,

Think the face impressionable,

Dignified, respected by people,

Compassionate, kind, and motherly,

Fifty-four nations, commonwealth,

Linked to the queen, historical respect,

British-Isles so sad felt countries,

World over sends tributes somberly,

Seven decades of ruling a crucial period,

World transforming to a new horizon,

Her rule, the longest monarch, empire,

Once her ruling but linked visible,

India says the RAJ intrinsic values,

Speaks in English, dressed with a tie,

Polished boot, haircut, skirt, blouse, attire,

Living among billions, your memories,

Through generation values intrinsic,

English intrinsic is freedom and democracy.


@ Bijayananda Mishra





Thursday, September 8, 2022





Entire life, when alone in silence,

Very often floats a beautiful face,

Married settled with son married,

Hidden in my heart closed chamber,

Secrets of my love spontaneous,

When youth touched this heart,

Concealed underneath my love,

First knew love speechless fumbled,

Captivating look fare skin glowed,

To height small, shoulder-length,

Sharp nose, long hairs wavy thick,

Right up to her knee, freely swaying,

White saree blue border, blouse,

Book notebook at bosom walking,

Pinkish lips natural beaming smile,

Dark eyes so penetrative eyebrows,

Cycled behind her in the afternoon,

Leaving college for home after lab,

Lonely was that road I was standing,

Road parallel, she was walking alone,

That day I wished her friendship,

She must be in high school ending,

Her complexion, gait, long hair,

Bangles colored, wristwatch slim,

I stood for a few minutes, returned home,

Joined next day engineering college,

Burdens of study bade-out system,

I had to prove myself to continue,

She hunted my dreams a nightmare,

Feared performance burning lamp,

Felt surreal her presence silent night,

For fractions of a second, her face floating,

First, I felt a pain in my heart, acute,

It was sheer physical love that attracted,

Missing, strange girl knew not her name,

Never could know her house address,

Local girl, I was dreaming erratic,

First semester over success excellent,

Moving for home semester break,

Sang film songs heart was searching,

Was my life film style to search for my love?

Or search exam result flying color,

In study capable night long,

Mind explores worlds unknown, science,

Technology, innovative, challenging,

Exhausting for hours of concentration,

Escape from small room to wide road,

Nearby, a canal lake size, calm water,

Cold wind refreshing the road, I slept,

Open shirt buttons, look at stars, listen,

Cricket noisy incessant told solitude,

Jungle from a hostel, road dissects,

Use to walk like a ghost, missing love,

Where you dear, wait for the degree,

I shall meet you, propose someday,

Proudly give my details an engineer,

Hope you accept me as a life partner,

Got graduation dared to search address,

Searched lanes, by-lanes failed,

Never knew your name reason stark,

Graduate, by now married, in-service,

Helped wife to forget her charisma,

Never dare to usher first love a figure,

Imprinted in closed chamber ivory,

Heart young, my first love captured.


@ Bijayananda Mishra

Wednesday, September 7, 2022




Come September, floods receding,

Waterworld surrendered to nature,

Sprouting Kans grass at river banks,

Canopy of whiteness plays with wind,

White furry Kasatandi senses uncanny,

Season in the corner festive once more,

Brimming river furry melted quickly,

Sandbeds golden Kans-grass smiles,

Flows water quietly getting blue,

Sparkles dancing on sunrays glaze,

No thunderous cloud dark rising,

White clouds matching Kasatandi,

Sailing gently bright behind the sun,

Fails to blanket cover sun radiate,

Typhoon distanced wind blows slow,

Nature with uncanny sense changes,

Bridal dress greenery flower-bedecked,

Mature sweet fruit leaves colored,

Forest acquires spectacle panoramic,

Paradise descended on meadows,

Crevasse, gurgles waters pouring,

Transparent refracts diamond glitters,

Between rock cracks percolates cold,

Relishing lives refreshing breeze again,

Nature getting ready, uncanny arrival,

Feels, descending to earth after a year,

Tiny grass spread fast, covering valleys,

Descend Mother to earth again,

Velvety grass, soft, spreading to invite,

Sprouting wildflowers, colorful fragrant,

Colored butterflies picturesque crowd,

Got message uncanny her arrival,

The buzzing sound of honey bees,

The humming music of dragonflies,

Mirth, even children pick sudden,

Uncanny world getting so decorated, singing,

Air, water, sky, the greens are pleasant,

Uncanny sense of earth feeling musical,

Vocal singing bird weather beautiful,

Packing our baggage return home,

Village on outskirts of town, nature’s lap,

An old temple of Goddess to celebrate,

Planning nearby villagers to attend,

Village market, largest, to open soon,

Vendors rustic, urban, far-flung arrive,

Goods myriad mindboggling variety,

Spices, millet, corns, rice, wheat,

Sugar, salt, homemade products,

Oil variety many homemade pure,

Consumer goods annual mile long,

Cows buffalo seed for cultivation,

Harvest after the Puja or coincided,

Golden field, standing crops sways,

Peasants offer new grains to Mother,

Ten hands mother weaponize,

Killing demonic beast furious,

Puja celebrated mythical killing,

For nine days, town, villages, noisy,

Celebrate worship idol of mother,

Trident in hand, foot on the chest,

Three eyes, one at forehead focused,

Ornaments, gold, silver, jewelry craft,

Silk saree, dressed mother, tiny feet,

Long hair black, flowing and snake,

Lion charging at the demonic beast,

Symbol of prosperity, security, wisdom,

Mother will give in ten hands to a child,

Alas, a child has only two hands,

Uncanny sense a child surrendered,

Sat on her lap, I am yours, give me,

I inherit your grace, not with hands.


@ Bijayananda Mishra



Tuesday, September 6, 2022






Tumultuous mind sky sinking,

Ageless an incident seems a point,

Moment trapped entire lifetime,

I vowed I agreed, I abide by sure,

Heart stern had taken the oath,

Protect you darling lifelong affirm,

In calamity, struggle, sickness too,

Provide my soldier to lean gently,

Absorb your anguish, pain, worry,

Years passed seemed just yesterday,

We were walking around the holy fire,

Only our witness at birth, wedding,

We promised to clasp our palms tightly,

Till the last breath, the grip never breaks,

My love dear, as fresh as a red rose,

Cool like morning dews wet petals,

Fragrant to attract your heart acute,

Blossoms I wished to see in smiles,

Honestly, tell you your sweet voice,

Soothing like the flowing water of a brook,

Mesmerizing alleviates all remorse,

Sought presence like a speck of iron,

A magnate, my love, the graceful,

Sneaked so often your solitude, look,

Prayed never to see tear, thoughtful,

Seven lives insufficient dare aspiration,

Promised to never to hurt, hard words,

Openly admit you had been a breeze,

Gentle in the spring, solace to the soul,

Disturbed, my heart, evening arrives,

I was blind, dearest never questioned,

Little inquired, mind doubtful never,

Trusted dear, our souls thought one,

I always guess, felt right your feelings,

Remember youth passed smoothly,

Relationship interactions like butter,

Knife my wishes your heart admitted,

Never felt, you allowed to heart cut,

Less could fathom your pain acute,

Your smile betrayed writhing limbs,

Never let me see your cries, silent,

Pacific Ocean trench, I couldn’t fathom,

Calm, quiet, silent, living idol charming,

Walked with me like a morning mist,

Freshness, wet moistures, a veil,

Mists failed to notice till all disappeared,

Your vitality withered, gradual, to bed,

Lonely, ill, lying in bed, missed me,

Worked for wealth, fame, promotion,

Kids spread their wings, fled far,

Forgot infinite love, care, motherly,

Wanted for nesting, achieved today,

Till last breath you smiled, take care,

Evening in life, single for a decade,

Remember only your presence,

Know your spirit very near, I know,

Never I shall cry dear, no more pain,

Feeling sleepy now in a chair, a touch,

A gust of cold wind, shiver, choking,

If violated the sanctity of life conjugal,

Neglected dear, never I could know,

Failed to realize what sanctity is.


@ Bijayananda Mishra