Thursday, September 15, 2022





A childhood dream was fulfilled,

Cost of study, merit a daydream,

Struggled in my teenage, in school,

Mathematics books several,

Problems, arithmetic, geometry,

Algebra formulas hundreds,

Trigonometry, calculus etcetera,

Long questions, each set of problems,

I was lost in jungle solving,

Problems willfully made complex,

Formulas hundreds, one suitable,

Choosing the wrong method waylaid,

Arriving at solutions right is very difficult,

Exercises thousand in school books,

A lantern was burning till dawn,

Just one geometric problem to prove,

The night was passing without a solution,

My mind was engrossed in the problem,

Supposing possibility, impractical,

Sat quietly in my room, drew,

Sketching process of construction,

Data, problems never solved, supposed,

Completed once a drawing is noted,

Noted in reverse, solves a problem,

Simple deductions, mind inquisitive,

Seven decades passed but feeling,

Life blossomed as a budding engineer,

One solution arrived correctly,

It took days, forgot lunch, dinner,

How many scolds  by parents,

Unmindful introvert, awkward,

A clue mind proposed, start first,

Ran for my table workout soon,

On pen, pencil, paper stacked,

Exercise notebook piling up heavy,

Could not buy papers, another way,

Chalk box, duster, cement floor,

Every day used to sweep my room,

Bags of chalk dust collected, disposed of,

Not preparation for an exam, addiction,

The high school examination was over,

First division in result joined college,

Mathematics never left me,

Graduation postgraduate degree,

Fundamental formulae from school, 

Still relevant post-graduation,

Mathematical operations four,

Addition, subtract, multiply, divide,

Operation integrate differentiate,

A lifetime passed with numbers,

Computer science post graduated,

To date fails to find correct logic,

A thousand codes of program fail,

Never could give the right solution,

Trial with cut and paste, alteration,

Weeks pass to find the correct logic,

Programming instantly provides results,

Computer a machine as accurate,

Generate numbers millions quickly,

Each number from zero to nine,

Error or answer printing fast,

Decimal numbers hundred correctly,

On the computer screen, look at the size,

The size of decimal numbers is phenomenal,

Thinking where engineering ends,

Expanding universe infinity exists,

A drawing on paper to materialize,

Accurate to decimals, sky scrapper,

Accurate to a bridge, highway, rail,

Accurate to rocket engines from cars,

Accurate to ship thousand tons exact,

Exact to pencil paper, drawing, logic,

Failed to date to find, where the limit is.


@ Bijayananda Mishra




Wednesday, September 14, 2022




It was passion, intense, hankered,

Grew up with education mastered,

Skilled programmer analysts well,

Adopted life of a coder minted gold,

Never believed the day, touched the moon,

Degree, post-graduated with merit,

Felt life precious, contemplated a lot,

Computer, the jukebox, I can play,

It sings programs musical payment,

Million fingers earning typing fast,

Eyes glued to screen, inert senses,

A bright screen displayed the world,

A mouse can catch point anywhere,

The company pays handsome,

My life manipulates data in graphs,

Forecast, prophesies scientific,

Transacts million, lightening speed,

Paperless office highrise building,

Work here for twelve hours focused,

Pigeon hole, a chair, computer screen,

Keyboards life was busy for a decade,

There was an exit door to a big hall,

In another concrete tower allured,

Hall semi-dark, colored lights,

Soft music, rhythmic footsteps,

Drinking elixirs of life, sedated,

Forget the name, address, place, future,

Eyelids heavy, limbs swaying,

Hugging unknown, kiss n love,

No one is a stranger here, angels,

Blaring closing hours early morning,

A flat cosmetic, small, polished,

Used to fall flat on the bed, till refreshed,

Dawn breaks at a desktop screen,

A day begins, challenge life, minting,

Checked bank balance to million,

Happy contented, money is power,

Power gives ultimate happiness,

Money n luxury for wild imagination,

Possible under the earth, decade over,

It was a holiday sneaked to a beach,

Crowded families, children playing,

Socked to find missed planet forgotten,

Fresh wind, wet moisture soothing,

White foamed waves approaching,

Roars were inviting to get soaked,

Kids were playing, alert parents,

I felt jolted to reality, was single,

Alone in a big world, missed life,

Trickling reality, bankbook if fake,

Fake world, my jukebox, pigeonhole,

Exit not to dance bar, to drink life,

Exit not to get sedated, dance wildly,

Exit not to throw tired limbs on a bed,

I ran to the hotel room, crying bitterly,

Money, millions; give my decade,

Give a decade back, I self-imprisoned,

Lust for money felt only honey,

I was drinking poison in glass, drugs,

Madness crumpled my heart hard,

Breathless, I was searching for fresh air,

I shouted at the beach, want to live,

I have a beautiful wife, children,

The exit wished desperately to live,

To live, I sighed, borrowing a decade.


@ Bijayananda Mishra

Tuesday, September 13, 2022






Strangulation chocked breathe,

Causes death consequently, reveals,

Dissect the mortal body check,

Please check thoroughly, O’ doctor,

You shall fail dear, your book too,

Can never find, voice choked,

Silent death creeps in the land,

Watch subtle presence very near,

Picks up your outbursts, cries,

Records condemnation, scorn,

Observes, note hatred, anger,

Passed in second thousand miles,

Censors writing, posts, messages,

Restrict viral cyber media quickly,

Arrested in the dead of night,

Undone, order from an authority,

Obey blindly, execute, imprison,

Hay writer, Raj has gone for good,

Democratic right, liberty by birth,

Citizen, born on the soil, right automatic,

Only hunger killed his frame slowly,

Denied to study, read freely,

Land demanded blood to learn,

Money to enter college, fee rises,

Boarding cost of study untouchable,

Once, he shouted and threatened,

Demand to be skilled freely,

Booked under violence threat,

 An imprisoned case will be a decade,

Unknown face sick, wrote letters,

Letter to judge, ministers, authority,

Lost in the way a machine checks,

Blocked crying heart treat dangerous,

No dynamite, gun, sulfur, gelatin,

No grenade, explosives, his pen,

Far explosive engulfs the nation,

The public will vote against corrupt,

Vote against nepotism, sectarian,

Vote against anarchists, goons,

Mandate against powerful grabbed,

Voters bribed, fooled illiterate once,

A billion people wiser now choosy,

Seek honest, dedicated, true secular,

Lust absent for family, faith, race,

Voters choose a leader youth writes,

Censored the pen, locked up,

The lure of bundles of currencies failed,

Large bungalow, assets, gold, plenty,

Rejected this person, machine’s vice,

On postmortem, nothing you could find,

Could not diagnose a voice choked,

Taunted to reality tagged extremist,

Only once demanded free food, shelter,

Free education, cloth, medicine,

For jobless, destitute, untouchable,

A woman, thrown out of the house,

Demand right to live with dignity,

Treated by law as offensive, penalized,

Banned all speeches, it evokes emotion,

Independence, freedom, birthright,

Yet to touch them, they exist, denied,

The shadowy machine was searching,

Found today the seed before to grow,

Ruler fear revolution may evolve soon,

A forest of rebels will spread,

Dismantle the powerful decided to elect,

Thrown out the body to a dark chamber,

Not Andaman but in city languishing,

Died today sick, untreated, news,

No postmortem effective can highlight,

Truly death due to strangulation,

Not breathe but human voice censored.


@ Bijayananda Mishra



Monday, September 12, 2022





Confide openly, secrets hunting,

Sin tells conscience heart admits,

Rejects mind but tags blunder,

Argument learn to get experience,

Pious, ever heart human observed,

Inkling lust trickles desire acute,

Human life challenging why fear,

Known life perishes, curiously a fact,

That born here must die in time,

Life struggles, meet from the start,

Disease, abnormality, hunger links,

Feed till the last rest often needed,

Sleep at night must contemplate,

Half of life sleeps plunder forcefully,

Death is predatory, hideous, cruel net,

Accident curse of life, less announce,

Takes away sight, hearing, limbs,

Cause vegetative stage, non-functional,

Looked at mirrors, image less reflects,

Death accidents happen so suddenly,

How much human life be watchful,

Ever conscience speaks, no silent,

Mind captures heart to watch and hear,

Short life, O’ human, enjoy till the end,

Everybody will die someday, think,

You, be a traveler, discover the world,

Eat and drink taste elixirs of life,

Reject firmly, lust is a poison potion,

Born find limbs perfect achieve a goal,

The soul demands freedom to choose,

Where conscience pricks debar,

Constantly goading to inhibit life,

Teenage, adulthood till age-fighting,

Ruthless was a bitter fight within,

Invisible break applies forcefully,

Paralyzes mind frigid fatal fears,

Projects nightmares, dreams cast,

Sweating gets awake at night,

Find life fights in the dreary desert,

Thirsty, dying for a drop of water,

Drop is the hunger for wealth,

Yes, wants heart for money plenty,

Knocks every corner, at doors, a pity,

Impatient, failure causes desperate,

Depression is Death Valley, morass,

Impregnable fortress dark room,

Ghost imaginary vicious appears,

Ghost is self worries, tension, fear,

Hears weird sounds of beasts,

Dead of the night on a soft cushion bed,

Sweating profusely lighted room,

No one is there to threaten fellow,

Fully awake, sleep won’t touch,

Pills fail together, sunken eyes,

Feel rotten smells around, shaken,

No bad smell, bedroom fresh,

Darkroom of a fortress, only bedroom,

Maddening effects between feeling,

Belief, disbelief, plays mind dirty tricks,

Conscience under a canopy of lust,

Watching knows everything silent,

Knows very well consequence nearer,

Failed spirit now to get strangled,

Strangled once not to see, hear,

Strangled once not speak, taste,

Strangled to drink the wine of touch,

Mind brutally captured soul, a captive,

The soul was no more strangled,

A white dove fled beyond to freedom.  


@ Bijayananda Mishra

Sunday, September 11, 2022




Fortunate, not everybody knows,

Birth never be the choice of fate,

Spoon, gold, jewel, silver, differs,

Spoon denied to children reality,

Mother’s lap, if fate took away,

Never could a tiny baby realizes,

Human relations, very complex acts,

The demise of a woman at delivery,

It happens in life a child motherless,

Spoon is not gold, diamond, or gems,

Spoon is mother’s presence, her lap,

Stepson, life tagged less, felt sad,

Undertone, painful, sad feeling hidden,

Relations community whispers, heard,

Dad got married after mom departed,

Stepson, the eldest child, had siblings,

Two brothers and a sister grew together,

Mom is my stepmother never knew,

Little lacked her lap, her care, warmth,

Festive occasion ceremony at home,

Then siblings got new dresses, shoes,

Dad gave a gift, a mobile, to the eldest,

He, as a young man, less noticed dad,

There are no differences between children,

Parental care, attention, love infinite,

Children least distinguished, in between,

All tell children three brothers, a sister,

Grew to adulthood, eldest in service,

Send money every month in support,

Mom received from him handsomely,

Home once small got bigger in time,

Brick mansion from tiled roof simple,

Increased wooden furniture, assets,

Costly carpets, sofa, dining hall added,

The eldest son felt responsible for the home,

Given his heart, send all income home,

Our home dream will be worth watching,

Boundary walls, backyard, a garden,

Gifted a car for father, now retired,

Monthly expenses, grocery, the electric bill,

Mobile cost of siblings, new dress, fees,

He shared the education cost of younger,

Got immense love from brothers, a sister,

Bro give us this, that, it is urgent,

I need it now, please send money,

Parent demanding, continue growing,

Son now with loans, less complained,

Got married, lost all gifts stayed at home,

Watch, briefcase, ornaments of wife,

Son purchased a flat on loan in the city,

Wife managed him, she found out,

Popper under loans, to nose suffocating,

Stopped all earnings to send home,

Started payments, maintained her home,

A letter strong worded from mom,

Son received, read, was crying,

 A selfish, cruel, arrogant, a list was long,

The last word addressed to him as a stepson,

The man matured but asked his wife,

How he was a stepson, he couldn’t know,

She read the letter, replied to him,

You are disowned by your parents.


@ Bijayananda Mishra