Thursday, January 7, 2021





Adolescence arrive sensuous a mind,

Crossroad puzzles at a loss to find,

Impulse inclinations intoxicate blind,

Human deserves to be dutiful remind,

Poles of a magnate detract each other,

Pole is positive life irresistible another,

Adolescence succumbs to temptation,

Heart as a slave to dictates in action,

Conscience conspicuous guides right,

Rapturous pleasure raises bitter fight,

Life a highway crossroad square test,

Win irresistible inclination await crest, (1)


The nation of billion, hassle match number,

Profession skill means of life multiplier,

Harsh road of toil test demand dedicate,

Adulthood chose right, wrong complicate,

Wrong is festive season irresistible time,

Festival of Holi Dussehra Diwali shines,

Ganesh Puja, Durga puja, Car Festival,

Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh enthrall,

Irresistible celebrations swirling mirth,

Holidays lines up entice plural worth,

Youthful energy ecstatic pleasures tap,

Misses express bus for training sharp,

Irresistible inclinations prey youth most,

Million search future aimless life worst, (2)


Few spirits exhibit irresistible inclination,

Convert well as a boon to own profession,

Sportsperson, actor, writer, builder, leader,

Scientist, specialist animal, biology, nature,

Traveler, divine seeker, music song, artist,

Miracle a mind excels domains often exotic,

Spirits enslave irresistible inclination serve,

Paradigms change life pattern one only love,

Mind entrapped merges into effort endless,

Family friend kin left behind time progress,

Irresistible inclinations a thirst insatiable,

The world finds a legend to humanity noble, (3)


Irresistible instinct adventure human spirit,

The Arctic venture, mountain climb, oceanic wit,

Desolate desert, highland, islands isolation,

Conquer impossibilities dauntless a motion,

Human adventures, survival or death long,

Irresistible daring mind write, inspire a song, (4)



Ultimate irresistible inclined soul in a quest,

The truth of life nature universe uncover test,

Test swallows lifetime demands exile total,

Exiled from realm pain, the pleasure of mortal,

Dedicate the rarest soul at alter of epic sojourn,

Mankind savor dimensional gain as modern,

Legends pass till last irresistible mind view,

Eternal gift contributes generation let anew, (4)


Monk, saint, seer, realized master enlighten,

Irresistible inclined divine quest world listen,

Life shows passion human peruses emotive,

The irresistible inclination is decay or decorative. (5)








Wednesday, January 6, 2021





Billion humans perceive free,

Happiness a claim let decree,

Happy mind, fluid in nature,

Shapeless in motion curvature,

Free human in nation eat well,

Never see pang of hunger dwell,

Free human, a roof upon the head,

Summer winter rain safely lay,

Free human have a cloth to wear,

Share season, hot, rain winter,

Happiness never means luxury,

Most, free life stays never, worry,

Happiness is health rarely sick,

Get well soon cure care in grip,

Free in following chosen faith,

No cohesion conversion breadth,

Free to travel choice happiness,

No discriminations well impress,

Free to knowledge for children,

No expense skill modern train,

Free human express opinion,

Observation, comment union,

Open heart voice is happiness,

Sovereign happiness express,

Lac happiness grievance meets,

Sovereign virtue delicate treats,

Sovereign happiness canvas color,

Flutter a flag nation respect honor, (1)


Happiness equal land air, water,

Orange earth, green forest open,

Bright sunshine white happy often,

Flag of happiness sovereign tricolor,

Billion secure happy nourish flavor,

Fortunate to be born on free soil,

Fortunate to serve soil happy toil,

Fortunate to guard frontier with life,

Fortunate happy cover high sea live,

Fortunate to protect air upon the soil,

Fortunate ensure peace no turmoil,

Each fortune a happiness sovereign,

Land of peace progress virtue regains, (2)


Decades on our soil witnesses tear,

Suffering immense hungry insecure,

Unclad kids dirty sick fight life most,

Cruel climate fate merciless life lost,

Corona a pandemic has broken spine,

Migrant million horror harsh sunshine,

Happiness sovereign in action noble,

Billion gratitude soil nourish simple,

Republic day commence swell happiness,

Flutter a symbol of sovereign happiness. (3)


Tuesday, January 5, 2021





Amazing a life rolled decades fast,

Troubles sank hope regains hast,

Summation briefs sweet and sour,

Reminds refuge intense quiet hour,


Busy complex world tests survival,

Works endless restless hits revival,

Late-night awesome rest steals fear,

Awaken nightlong apprehend clear,

Stressful present turbulent times,

Modern time demand, rare declines,

Unstable service, transient sweep,

Promotion to quit celebrate to weep,,

Stress anxiety worries predict little,

Human fed to a machine rest brittle,


Soul boils in a cauldron with no escape,

Family responsibilities eagerly wait,

Turn between service and home total,

Never life a blackout cherishes mortal,

Dark tunnel hope, end dazzles bright,

The effort brings success softens a delight,


An age; human portray as powerful,

Secure conviction safe as a brave rule,

Eons ago carnivorous insect predate,

Weather element smash life intricate,

Cavern native human took to refuge,

The community grew, safe heaven amuse,

Grow home, rock brick lime sand affix,

Fortress, castles gigantic security mix,

Refuge of mankind well protect the wall,

Greed lust ego temptations enthrall,

Sensuous mind enemy within savor,

Collapses castle slew violence tear,


Refugee roams hungry, seek refuge,

Civilization wise human class refuse,

Peace enthrall progress stalks wealth,

Refuge classic empires built at length,

Venomous mind power-hungry ruin,

History weep blood death king queen,


Ah O’ time, modern your rule a realm,

Secure home secure nation a welcome,

Heart n mind quarrel endless vicious,

Modern mankind freedom to frivolous,

Remind complex life stress n strain,

Dark tunnel search life refuge again!


Icy mountains desolations frost cover,

Blue rapid flows refuge serene secure,

Green Mountains circles deep forest,

Placid River quit a valley solitude crest,

Respite from cauldron modern leave,

Refuge isolation in nature receive,

Dark tunnel see the light at end hope,

Disaster fade new hopeful mind elope,

Refuge refuse calmness tranquil mind,

Remind Refuge boils city O’ mankind,


Dog of washerman runs home to the ghat,

Ever bark angrily in the chain fail to thwart,

The Last Refuge, Remind Refuge abode of God,

Leave career, so your world, green episode,

Surrender at feet of Almighty, not heaven,

The last Refuge Himalayas, travel awakens…

Stress anxiety depressed mind no more fear,

No worries, dreamy life, tear uncertain future,

Peace n bliss infinite joy ecstatic heart search,

Icy slope peaks golden Remind Refuge lurch.

Monday, January 4, 2021





Budding year’s ignorant manner,

The family take pride in decent culture,

Decency to elder, parent, teacher,

Instill mother elder slow discover,

Dress code, dining, greeting ever,

Brief interaction smiles to a visitor,

Silence among elder, teacher sit,

Answer polite to questions neat,

Prayer hall temple enter freshen,

Bare leg silent squat no emotion,

Light a lamp sings sweet single,

Quiet time hands folded mingle,

Reject obscene words, abuse all,

Soft-spoken, greet polite enthrall,

Teenage etiquette stricter endure,

Generation nostalgic misses ever, (1)


Young age practice at, home ritual,

Offer lamps lighted, incense stick,

Calm mind hymns sing intrinsic,

Family member parent listen quiet,

Folded hands wait to receive sweet,

Bow all for a second head on the floor,

Quietly move to study evening hour,

TV, mobile, music player have time,

Enjoy together easy gossips incline,

Outing till evening permission often

With a friend, city library, park motion,

Cinema, picnic, vacation tour enjoy,

Etiquette less guarded freedom joy, (2)


Adulthood married life etiquette, miss,

Strange a time work service life risk,

Dawn to dusk mind gets busy adrift,

Industry hospital police duty in a shift,

Holiday period domestic work, market,

Group family absent, no one, dictate,

Vogue etiquette a kid follows learn,

No warning hurt heart free life earn,

Evening prayers amiss TV mobile,

Digital life devotion rare reconcile,

Etiquette aplomb exam time result,

Wait for an interview, appointment worst,

Lamp burns night long deity awake,

Water full pitcher at front door wake,

Bows repeat often heart prays eager,

Motivate new age mind gain premier,

Gain from person benefit ulterior,

Etiquette endure, obey work eager, (3)


Office decorum, society norm normal,

Etiquette endure dignity obey formal,

Modern times family etiquette decent,

Courteous, obedient, loving relevant,

Modern community well wishes greet,

Birthday, marriage anniversary treat,

Holi, Diwali, Dussehra, Sun calendar,

Christmas, New Year, valentine wear,

Father, mother, brother, sister’s day,

Friendship, long list earth day in gay,

Articulate digital card message style,

Mobiles send billion minute’s smile,

Etiquette endures digital jam traffic,

Modern-day fever bonhomie terrific, (4)


The world greets friend shakes a hand,

New generation adopt etiquette land,

Common feature modern welcome,

Post corona spread, no handshake,

The world acknowledges Namaste trek,

Etiquette welcome greeting ancient,

Regains world culture clean decent! (5)


Sunday, January 3, 2021




Pat O’ mind gallop high guess,

Enamor flamboyance impress,

Charming fabulous fanaticizes,

Melodious music song entices,

Incredible beauty simmers veil,

Eloquence speech dictates sail,

Classic dancer rhythmic spell,

Speechless viewers under, spell,

Dress male, female makeup roll,

Hit thirsty heat hard market goal,

Few hour roles, action mercurial,

Actor impregnate memory let viral, (1)


Fails mind wise clueless impress,

Flamboyance silver line ingress,

Simple look hooks, posture entice,

Smiles faint heart limbs to piece,

Golden tune sweet songs prevail,

Defeat horizon music entrap well,

Ear listens motionless eyes look,

Wink fails till heart drench shook, (2)


Oh human, adulterate your mind,

Flamboyance envelop eagerly find,

Rational mind misses heart savor,

Overnight acclaim a face clamor,

Executive posture arresting figure,

Enticing beauty entrap, a pleasure,

Eloquence speech dictate fascinate,

Elegance dress color attire fabulous,

Exotic classing song dance n music,

Enduring drama action trap ecstatic,

Emerald characters impress people,

Emanates affluence craze all simple,

Entraps an ad smile whisper cajole,

Entourage fan base swallow puzzle,

Mercurial character flamboyance,

Silver line silhouette clairvoyance,

Magical spell pervade, mind enthrall,

Flamboyance emits follower install, (3)


Generation rolls back regal craze,

Miss modern fantasy, simple ways,

Festival of color, dress color spread,

Color smear in face folk dances led,

Festival of light elegance sweetmeat,

Alight wick rows, glow lamps treat,

Festival for unmarried young mold,

Rope swings girl’s laughter in gold,

Festival sleepless night lamps lit,

Fasting daylong diet at midnight,

Festival of Dussehra dress exotic,

Family bonhomie memory reunites,

Flamboyance folk song, dance, tune, (4)


Bridge generations, intact perfume,

Odissi dance dhoti pouch beetle,

Umbrella, turban mustache mettle,

Saree sweet smile under veil infect,

Flamboyance a tradition ever accept,

Mesmerizes past flamboyance glamour,

Exists enamored modernity well favor, (5)


Of late teen clamor sweet song music,

The game, talk articulate smile ad ecstatic,

Flamboyance let teen heart media kiss,

Flamboyant stardust enormous fleece,

Flamboyant singer, dancer flicker often,

Flamboyance dress impressive awesome,

Failed to reason, rational a heart throb,

Flamboyance radiant recluse mix mob! (6)