Thursday, October 5, 2023





Disbelieved phenomenon visible,

Soothing life experience tentacle,

The coolness of shades under a tree,

Blistering hot sunlight burns free, (1)


Wake up, alarm bell rings, dawn,

Time stealthily reaches dusk frown,

Mid-day white clouds sail gently,

Shadows play gaily, star nightly, (2)


The rising sun, sinking in the west, lit,

Looted lighted panorama, delete,

Spreads darkness, world change,

Agile, energetic, sleep life strange, (3)


The enormous, vibrant activities,

Silence changes ethereal realities,

River flows, banks on both sides,

Without two shores, never exists, (4)


Fascinates wave rising, fang tall,

Crashes at the shore sights call,

Tidal waves rise higher, entering,

Fading full moon, tides receding, (5)


Throw a ball higher, rise altitude,

Lo gravity pulls drop an attitude,

How similar human life replicates,

Get rich flourishing fate truncate, (6)


Rich to rag play fate mischievous,

The root is poverty, fame mysterious,

Night, how similar to grief, sorrow,

Human life experience to borrow, (7)


Begs for food cloth shelter thrive,

Time changes suddenly describe,

Affluent life to lead, feel proud lot,

Age advances, disadvantage alert, (viii)


Look at nature mountains higher,

The river flows, at places deeper,

The height and depth are mysterious,

Time writes history depicts serious, (9)


Climax great civilization, oblivion,

Height is visible, depth evolution,

Perplexed mind confused reason,

Length to breadth duality union, (10)


Cycles of the river move to an ocean,

Clouds feed river tributary lesson,

Where there is a beginning, end,

Signify duality message transcend, (11)


Impossible to correlate life, death,

That born, must die, time breadth,

Besides firm rule spellbound life,

Cry a baby, born just, pyre strife, (12)


Like dawn and dusk, and resemble,

A day begins, a day end, ensemble,

A crowded bus train flight started,

Destination other ends escorted, (13)


Pain, pleasure, love, hatred, remix,

Struggle leisure, humans prefix,

Climax and tragedy story weave,

Human life dual, destiny believe, (14)


Melodious song ah passionately,

Melancholy entwines lives sadly,

Material, abstract, real or unreality,

Dual illusory worlds, assiduity. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Dual

Themes: Dual worldly phenomenon

Written: 5th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 


Tuesday, October 3, 2023





Inconsolable twilight years stare,

Build castles reality dream share,

Love people, encounter, cherish,

Wonderful friendship share wish, (1)


Extreme effort, diligence, tireless fit,

Determination to be rich in discreet,

Underneath heart, suppressed sadly,

Generations poverty, living madly, (2)


Migrated for work, money, shelter,

Family history, sad, tragic chapter,

Inner urges to lift lives famished,

Succeeded to eliminate tarnished, (3)


Ample income business success,

Family affluent amused, lot impress,

An only child, educated, established,

Inherit wealth, single astonished, (4)


Decided to continue as a single felt,

Accordingly, his life sads melt,

Dissociated from business wealth,

Prefer simple life stayed at length, (5)


Rejected friendships, party gossip,

Rejected intimacy, hate courtship,

Shattered twilight years arriving,

Fatherly heart crying yet thriving, (6)


Hope indefinite against hope trail,

Generation to be maintained wail,

Sick was wife health cut short to tell,

Another child, possibly death nail, (7)


Decades passed, accepted God's will,

Scarcely protest anticipated reveal,

Son will someday marry and plan,

Have children we dreamed for the clan, (viii)


Progresses our generation prosper,

Sweet dreams melted, dies creeper,

My child adopt social activity a lot,

Single in life serve needy sick alert, (9)


Beyond our advice, his replies bunt,

He assured service to parent taunt,

No requirement for children to firmly,

Devastated today failed sad finally, (10)


Look back, parents, grandpa died,

Lack of treatments, medicines, lied,

Hunger was their companion hurt,

When flourished my parents I lost, (11)


Love generations their root, remind,

Village, stone built a home, once find,

Wished some grandchild to return,

His village home rebuild, concern, (12)


Sink in despite, knew the root ends,

Time describes a new era of dividends,

I, me, mine, modernity, fascination,

Wife, child burden procrastination, (13)


I live, I serve, My life is a storybook,

Pedigree is just fictional, fails to hook,

Continue my son with a hypothesis,

Doesn't know grandparent, thesis, (14)


No need to have photographs felt,

Yes, they lived, died, and pedigree left. 

A saga of race, root, history, fade,

Ultramodern life single yet tirade. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Pedigree

Themes: The new age generations pitters out

Written: 3rd October, 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Monday, October 2, 2023





Nightmarish confluence, well remind,

Youth joins adolescence rewind,

Phases encountered nightmare,

Crumble discipline controls fire, (1)


Burned everything lust attempt,

Mind blind played, do contempt,

Human limbs if hot lava red hot,

Subtle desire surreal dream cut, (2)


Every dawn hope crashed plight,

Physical pleasure is paramount, lit,

Lit in heart fumes cover thought,

Absurd desire faced life wrought, (3)


Dreamed minarets, concubines,

Thousand Arabian nights times,

Romanticism is erroneous perfect,

Stood tall those days, spell effect, (4)


Business runs empire inherited,

Money wine women, lives united,

Gold, when flowed like wine, alas,

Rudderless lifeboat defined class, (5)


Born with golden spoon comfort,

Luxurious mood delirious escort,

Education tumbled study quietly,

Female company car bike lightly, (6)


Where is money, con funny, mix,

Drop out, heads company in jinx,

None to advice owed staff cower,

They depend bowed less answer, (7)


Ego arrogant mind confluence fit,

Path for destruction drunk greet,

Delighted, the darkness in front,

Chasm separates realities taunt, (viii)


Lack, knowledge wisdom, actions,

Blind mind king, life adrift, runs,

No hold, no bar, confesses feared,

Lost business dream disappeared, (9)


Missing ladies, midnight, parties,

Empty wine glass, pleasantries,

Quiet night, shattered, delirious,

Stupefied, revived at hospital serious, (10)


Open eyes, watch faces, life sadden,

Fearful, praying, crying, worried, laden,

Alacrity found life sobbing aloud,

Saved, our boss recovered proud, (11)


Confess to you pal seen death lit,

Blinding light, return sense, greet,

Get your life once more life ashore,

Adrift blind mind soul feel secure, (12)


Great is boon life learn automatic,

Changed on a medical bed, ascetic,

Resolve, thank Lord, undying faith,

Adolescence to adulthood wealth, (13)


Burning spirit, evolve fine recluse,

Nature changes immature profuse,

Invisible divine art blossom shine,

Bridal dress Nature no concubine, (14)


Wine delirium romances fade well,

Nectar of pristine beauty yet dwell,

Adrift, uncared, again gay abandon,

Youth juvenile spirit wise paragon. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Adrift

Themes: Ludicrous lunacy to rudderless ecstasy

Written: 2nd October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Sunday, October 1, 2023





Capitulate open secret chamber,

Lifeboat sailed half-century here,

Invisible the boatman ores time,

Progressed blind to future define, (1)


The next moment, atomic measure lit,

Changes automatic surprises visit,

When winds blow, the boat moves,

Torrential rain, cower time proves, (2)


The river is time flows slowly hail,

Never stop for a second boat trail,

Human life is a boat, mysterious,

Time, a mysterious river curious, (3)


Lord in action, a boatman guides, 

Life is the boat, earthly lo resides,

Faces boat storm scorching sun,

Boatman withstand all lives run, (4)


Astonished, thought linked to love, 

Time the mysterious river above,

Assumptions fascinating dictate,

Seven decades boat sailed and quiet, (5)


Ore in the hand of the lord tight, 

Observed destiny is an ore, sight,

Moves the boat forward, the left,

The right never backward swept, (6)


Flow time river forward the rule, 

The boat meets a shore, a fates mule,

Discover thread of thought flows,

Realization distant time it shows, (7)


Realize life faced hustles enough,

Surface happiness joy to trough,

Lord is sailing the boat in pleasure,

His game my existence to assure, (viii)


Survived swirling waters events,

Devastated my life, boat scents,

Circumvent trouble rock ahead,

Lord uses the ore hopes, thread, (9)


Marked visibly moved, cried well,

His mercy protects the boat, sail,

Impossible to sink rock bottom,

Realizes, handles Lord ore, storm, (10)


Infinite the strength and energy,

Behold boat sailed foam spongy,

Look back on the past foamy white,

Mind forgotten the fact in fright, (11)


Visited catastrophe passed trailed,

Lord saved a life, boatman prevailed,

Astonished spellbound realized,

Sailing on quiet river surprised, (12)


The dawn and dusk crimson lit,

Bright life inherited color indefinite,

Doubts clouded the mind tragic,

Disbelieve lord sail my life trick, (13)


His glories gentle waves kiss me,

Beautiful a lifeboat blind whim,

Questions the boatman unseen,

Gloat over the capability clean, (14)


Twilight years pitch dark water,

Lost horizons blinded in prayer,

Accepts Him now fearful afraid,

Pray, O Lord, take me ashore said. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Ashore

Themes: Life prayerful to divine mercy

Written: 1st October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite