Monday, October 30, 2023





Secret was his lifestyle that I knew,

Closest friend of my life, I view,

School pass out with flying color,

Our lives change my life differ,(1)


Continued with vigor in the study,

My ambition career job moody,

Separated both in due course,

Missed him decades, of course, (2)


Established have family stays,

Children wife serves her ways,

Parents with me senior in age,

Our care, love, and support craze, (3)


The happy, decent family, lives, link,

What I dreamed achieved pink,

Enjoyed parents blessing a lot,

Being a father sensations escort, (4)


Met once a friend's parent cried,

Weeping aunty, her son defied,

Left home without notice hurt,

Stopped study living extrovert, (5)


Scarcely visit home, no contact,

Nomadic life tours villages fact,

Roam among downtrodden fit,

Care street children love to greet, (6)


Live with them teaches kids well,

Help kids to pass school, hail,

Lacks dress money belongings,

Lives self-chosen wrongdoings, (7)


From respectable family status,

Wealthy parents only son focus,

Rejected comfortable life luxury,

Refused for married life illusory, (viii)


Preferred single-life serves sick,

Provide well, medicine, food, seek,

Obliged villagers recognize well,

His service voluntary love dwell, (9)


Surprised my friend with jail news,

His parents narrated all, refused,

Refuse their help, stay in jail at odds,

Villagers visit him and treat him as if God, (10)


Provide cloth food plead release,

Demands law officers, increase,

Aghast at his crimes, he fought,

Wounded business-men caught, (11)


He beat them brutally, criticized them,

Some were seriously hospitalized,

Visit the place to understand facts,

Business-men lend money acts, (12)


Looting illiterate poor people hit,

Collecting money forcefully, beat,

Confiscate their belonging land,

My friend challenged evil, hand, (13)


Onlookers were villager support,

Police caught him imprisoned rot,

Learned his delinquency delicate,

Ideal life felt proud to help dedicate, (14)


Supported by a friend, fought well,

Released from jail, free village hail,

Enigma for them, stigma for laws,

Delinquency cries, aunty, life owes. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Delinquency

Themes: Leaving family, status, is it delinquency?

Written: 30th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Sunday, October 29, 2023






That begins somewhere terminate,

Human life, birth to death, indicates,

The body and shadow parallel stay,

Rails twin existence time well play, (1)


The wheels are time, roll life moves,

Travel credulous, perpetual proves,

Station train halts, milestone lives,

Journey, from home to pyre, thrives, (2)


Coaches stages of life, teen to elder,

Passengers are thoughts, many shelters,

Look at the twin rail lines converge,

Mesmerizing aspect soul yet merge, (3)


Distinctly visible to a point realized,

Human lives move, realized, prized,

Thoughts intrinsic lava to dew writ,

Billion waves human mind to write, (4)


Phenomenal human life, intelligent,

Discriminates lave or dew incident,

Flows anger, fumes radiating eyes,

Quiet, calm, mind scenic, dews wise, (5)


Glisten sweat beads, salt, and blood,

Tears confluence with graced Lord,

Endeavor, supreme, train rolls, shine,

Parallel human frame shadows line, (6)


Action each and combines resulted,

Parallel rail ways connect indicated,

Success, victorious life, hilarious gift,

Failure subtle lesson experience lift, (7)


Sadness, sorrows, thoughts at trough,

Enables life to taste happiness, though,

Imagine a train moves over the bridge,

River, fathomless depth, cross, wise, (viii)


Events life face depth shallow deep,

Bridge enact rail support fear creep,

Mind play horror pseudo suspicion,

Aspiration balance wheels, motion, (9)


Train run on mountain slope bend,

Curvaceous a route, humble mend,

Polite, decent, soothing, rail musical,

Rhythmic, heart touching, magical, (11)


Negotiates train curves, rises to the top,

Human life resembles a hopeful stop,

Tear not for sorrows morning dews,

Glisten as pearls sunshine infuse, (12)


Sunshine, life exhibits courage, light,

Link home to the pyre, fire burns bright,

Endless life energy paramount stay,

Counter trouble disaster lit dismay, (13)


Sparkle eyes, train headlight focus,

Distinguishes right wrong onerous,

Guide human eyes, ears, or sensory,

Warning horn sounds link memory, (14)


Compare contrast concludes train,

Railed angrily, injustice notice brain,

Landscape panoramic scenic travel,

Emotion soaked longings unravel, (15)


Look at past nostalgic corrodes life,

The train runs track one-way strife,

Life is a candle burn, rebuilds not,

One way train moves back fraught. (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rail

Themes: Physical existence life on shadow

Written: 29th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite       


Saturday, October 28, 2023




Longevity human aspires secret,

Parents yet bless, pray, indirect,

Fountains of joy and happiness,

The birth of a child touches, blesses, (1)


Generations make way gradually,

Child grandkid's offspring slowly,

Celebratory life eyes moistened,

Sweet home graceful welcomed, (2)


Laughter smiles, cries, loud noise,

Dissipate hunting silence poise,

Children study, get jobs married,

The home turned nostalgic tied, (3)


Chicks spread their wings look,

Flight, far-flung for a nest hook,

Mesmerize looking at his home,

Alas, children are leaving some, (4)


The Song of Life believed in melody,

Strikes events sadly, no comedy,

Mobile is busy, angry voice hurt,

A son divorced his wife life alert, (5)


Left her children, quit suddenly,

Decided to marry another boldly,

Grandkids are now left with him, sad,

Without parents, kids turn mad, (6)


The tears, sadness, cries, touch him,

Clueless twilight years life prime,

Better half no more she left early,

His life with kids, he serves sincerely, (7)


A generation after his children lit,

Precious Human Life Service admits,

His son divorced and remarried again,

Forgot his children fails to blame, (viii)


Scarcely contact him to inquire about kids,

Children are growing river rapids,

Meager his sustenance resource,

Repeated efforts teach, of course, (9)


Children study well, astonishing,

Both grandsons, also flourishing,

Educated refused to meet their father,

Both decided to live here assure, (10)


Trace advancing age weak limbs,

They help with necessary step climbs,

He chose business to stay with him,

Calling him Baba their care prime, (11)


Today, he ends his saga of life, sighed,

His grandsons are getting married,

His wife is no more, his children distant,

Found young generation instant, (12)


Caring loving provide shelter hell

Granddaughter-in-laws hug hail,

Learned the life of their husbands,

Baba is the family head, understands, (13)


Treat their wives as children well,

Gossip on his family history fails,

Crying painfully, he misses his children,

His granddaughter-in-laws soften, (14)


Eightieth his birthday celebrated,

Touched his feet stellar narrated,

Octogenarian, a life spectacular,

Serve children's grandkids stellar. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Stellar

Themes: Extraordinary the grandfather

Written: 28th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite









Friday, October 27, 2023





Teenage cracked results assailed,

Scornful teacher, parent derailed,

Known as troublesome, disobeyed,

Disturbs class discipline betrayed, (1)


Predicted teacher on failure warn,

Intimated parents on study harm,

Continue scolding at home, angry,

Useless child cursed deny hungry, (2)


Final exam a few weeks ahead tilt,

Slapped my father pleads felt guilt,

That was the time I cried, repented hell,

Promised my mother and dad yell, (3)


No more troubles to you, I promise,

My results after the exam were a surprise,

My parents didn't laugh or ridicule me,

Mother trusted my words supreme, (4)


At the time, lack of electricity fan at home,

Kerosene lantern table books some,

Ink bottle and pen paper company,

Practice, memorize, write symphony, (5)


Closed my study room night passes,

A moth never let me out suppresses,

The slap from Dad didn't hurt me, I cried,

I caught his tears, fears sweat defied, (6)


All my dad wanted me successfully lit,

Exceptional result career future feat,

Loved my mom, silent, prayerful duty,

Her love and care dream for me, pity, (7)


Promised, firmly me to study enough,

Bring her smiles, results dad laugh,

Silence my opponent, ridiculed a lot,

Aggrieved teachers feel pride in effort, (viii)


It was summer night windless heat,

Opens the window near the table, writes,

Finished the entire course those nights,

Blood, sweat, and tears add my plights, (9)


Memoire of my school life deserved,

Passed first division rank reserved,

Saw happy tears of dad was silent,

Mom was sobbing, disbelieving went, (10)


My good news to surprise teachers,

Classmates disbelieved won hours,

Confess today, friends, result taught,

Taught me sweat beads leads result, (11)


Applied in my life toiled hard proof,

Education is experience finds aloof,

Fewer to boast effort critical sweats,

Wipes dripping water pours, creeps, (12)


Creates opportunity bright is future,

School result matters night suture,

Frankly confess, hire a table pencil,

Draw bridge skyscraper copy stencil, (13)


Electric bulb is lighting, nights pass,

Materializes buildings on root grass,

Sweat is a permanent companion of life,

Parents teachers I left behind strife, (14)


Life of the engineer, under hot sun,

Spine chilling cold night lamp burn,

Sweat out, roll out plans, build soon,

Stand at a construction site up the moon. (15)      


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Sweat

Themes: Blood, sweat, and tears, life is made

Written: 27th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite