Tuesday, April 6, 2021





A nightmare revisits again,

Misses spring faith remain,

Dawn to break sunlit sight,

Jasmine call scents delight,

The world awakens to life busy,

Puzzle intimate feel uneasy, (1)


Earth seems hostile nature,

Spirit apprehends summer,

Dark cloud spread horizon,

Heart sadder yet no reason,

Horror lightning, thunder,

Midday sun hides dark sky,

In fright self fragile faith try,(2)


Spirit trusts faith dominate,

A nightmare does dissipate,

Mind alone depress thought

Confines again fear wrought,

Lockdown city, night curfew,

Revisit sickness demise few,

Dark road, shopping centers,

No school college office goers, (3)


Spring brought news decently,

Vaccination here safe intent,

Spreads virus summer squall,

Seems lightning strikes fatal,

The mirth of the festival of color vanish,

Life in health pales hopes miss,

Faith loses n fragile a breathe,

Hopes if cement a fragile faith (4)


Doubtful dark mind travel lot,

Stalks dark forest like thought,

Worry, fear, anxiety all thread,

People shudder on doubt raid,

Obstinacy arrogance, do blind,

People raise strong faith, find, (5)


Simple life clean n distancing,

Nature friendly fit demanding,

Simple mask washes practice,

Death fails to terrorize a race,

Least realize lessons disgrace,

Leave illusive temptation lust,

Greed ego accrue assets most, (6)


Truth is faith in transient life,

Differs between butter n knife,

The body perishes or butter melt,

Knife and time n a duet dealt,

If human sizzles in pure faith,

Trust earth nature real wealth,

Pure earth fresh air soil water,

True faith bountiful crop sure, (7)


Revisit illness messages learn,

Earn truth of life or fever burn,

One world one human race fit,

Race color fragile faiths intuit,

One creator one object realize,

A fragile faith is untrue precise. (8)














Sunday, April 4, 2021





Ecstatic bath in silver light,

Erases pain, sorrow, fright,

Full moon pledges n enamor,

Lovelorn heart hurts let cure,

Spirit in agony writes poesy,

Passion in moonlit a curtsy,

Mind tense in fears, n dark,

Moon cools n lightens heart,

Moon in eclipses sad in edge,

Real is an implausible pledge, (1)


Rain come n wet earth invite,

Aroma mold heart, wild bite,

Soaks limbs hot n soon cool,

Heartthrobs rain pledge full,

Parched lips moisten n drink,

Rain pours n heart-burn inks,

Raise emotions yet poesy test,

Rain arrives, thrills manifest,

Seasons late, a spirit in hedge,

Truth is an implausible pledge, (2)


Spring intimates n heart in love,

Souls unite n distances dissolve,

Nightingale, Cuckoo sings alert,

Flower blossoms, fragrance trot,

Wildflower mimics stars twinkle,

 On green grass limbs, dews tingle,

Lover’s paradise, spring in pledge,

 At dawn, dusk crimson in change,

Nectar of love mind is a drunk wish,

Eloquent in poesy greets, soul kiss,

Spring fails n rude summer stays,

Realize only an implausible pledge, (3)


Mother earth let bestows mirth,

The opulence of greenery is in worth,

Golden grain fields do mesmerize,

Hungry life, sorrows all surmise,

Fresh wind n clean water refresh,

Absorbs silently anger n distress,

Nourishes life secure lend shelter,

Earth in pledge, life grows n nature,

Earth-beings in love promulgate,

The earth in pledge, communicate,

Blue sea, river, lake, in cloudy skies,

Mountain peak, valleys poesy tries,

Storm, drought, flood misses craze,

Assimilates an implausible pledge, (4)



Human nature is pure love, care lot,

Humanity is adorable admire the effort,

Peace, brotherhood, amity do marvel,

Sympathy n cooperation fast travel,

Kind, benevolent offer needy shelter,

Gifts food, cloth lot destitute secure,

Ignorance fades n knowledge teach,

Reject quarrels, equal poesy preach,

Great civilization, culture does shine,

Humanity in pledge, one world fine,

Mankind prosper yet later do suffer,

Greed, power-hungry deeds, war alter,

Ruins people n county desperate gaze,

Witness mute, an implausible pledge. (5)







Saturday, April 3, 2021






At the advent human, live,

Primitive in jungle survive,

Nomad life adopt due time,

River basins settle n refine,

Primal nature human spirit,

Survival only saves instinct,

No county, kingdom present,

Race language none existent,

Earth being in nature pure,

Hunger rest birth-death sure,

Rule earth bit primal nature (1)


One race human earth pure,

Civilization, culture enamor,

Language race ethnic divide,

Wall erected strong, preside,

Human-mind learn multiple,

Pleasure game power simple,

Luxury comfort wealth alive,

Self in lust get blind to deprive,

Deprive land home and folk,

Deprive food goods livestock,

War raise cruelty greeds exist,

Survival-of-fittest none resist,

Mightier rule weakest vanish,

Primal nature, birth blemish, (2)


Sword spear arrow knife rain,

Fight field human blood drain,

Gift of revolution of life intellect,

Human race with memory best,

Thinking faculty intuits faster,

Never mankind use life secure,

Eliminate enemy far-flung grab,

Grab land asset humanity stab,

Time saw victory honor reward,

Primal nature dilutes backward, (3)


The universe creates a savage life,

Weapons fatal, disaster strife,

Primal nature species extinct,

In time new species n distinct,

Revolution O’ human process,

Now weapon to eliminate trace,

If decide good symbol, ill omen,

Right is time to get n enlighten,

Let international borders miss,

Let race, language colors kiss,

Corona sent a message only time,

Primal nature one world, refine,

Accept or not, nature dominate,

Greater corona wait, annihilate, (4)


Watch bird migration perennial,

Different bird species fly regal,

One world, no boundary n wall,

Animal plant marine life global,

The freedom we know n get seldom,

A world primal nature freedom,

Corona disrespect your border,

Get wiser now new world order,

New generation freedom prefer,

All weapon grades do disappear,

Primitive human hopes reappear,

Throwback is to primal nature. (5)



Friday, April 2, 2021





Narrate calm sorrow tragedies,

Humanity eon sings melodies,

Rock will melt let melancholy,

Dawn breaks mind laugh only,

None listen hear a rending story,

Person sizzles in tension worry, (1)


Female life in a dungeon worst,

Social system no freedom most,

Serve heart, mind-body decline,

The light of civilization, incline,

Tolerance, love selfless sacrifice,

Old age alone burns pyre, trice,

Notice an Urn carries Cremains,

Purest love, care, grace remains, (2)


Teacher a life erases ignorance,

Lifelong passions inert pittance,

Selfless invaluable service care,

Humanity in knowledge,, aware,

Ignoble human greed forgets all,

Pain, misery, suffering duly call,

Teacher resemble as divine wish,

Truth, simplicity, quest life miss,

Age forces recluse departs lonely,

 Pyre burns, name melts quickly,

Urn carry Cremains, symbolizes,

Lighthouse of mankind radiates, (2)


Watch mighty river flows forever,

Men may come Men may go sure,

Breast on mother earth milk flow,

Sustains an ancient people n bow,

Sacred water carries memory wet,

Forefathers once left, no one waits,

Dip, feel courage, wisdom culture,

Her fertile soil bountiful, nurture,

Holy River carried mortal remains,

Disperse trace urn carry Cremains (3)


Sacred motherland whispers listen,

Here once ancient glory life glisten,

Battles for freedom n built a fortress,

Blood soaked this soil grit impress,

Millions sacrifice life fight till last,

Realize, we a generation rises fast,

Ancestors toil stands tall remains,

In soil enrich, urn carries Cremains, (4)


A people sentimental, respect, love,

Urn carries Cremains and dissolves,

Mingled on dust once raised from,

Urn of Cremains, wind water inform,

In silence spirit of the nation awakens,

Alive legacy urn carries Cremains, (5)

Thursday, April 1, 2021





Lose once in ravish style,

Entices a beautiful smile,

Fare beauty charm invite,

Exhibits goods costs bite,

Tempt heart buy car new,

A family urge for a flat due,

Kids cajole vacation travel,

Asset new model n mobile,

Agree instantly n imbecile,

Remind income to a brake,

Find now a nervous wreck, (1)


Urban life cost n demand,

Frying pan to fire if I land,

Heart demand moon grab,

Loan payment often barb,

Happy life, sorrows greet,

Equanimity income meet,

Bolt from blue is, transfer,

Reveal my pathos I suffer,

Staff, colleague, boss mute,

A nervous wreck fate brute, (2)


It is true for me is a lie to all,

Life is torture if it enthralls,

She laughs he taunts joke,

People look in awe n mock,

Make home breaks life tell,

Fallen from heaven to hell,

Retire from job now a village,

Alone a couple got ripe age,

Rare occasion visits illness,

No doctor medical distress,

Get peace bliss up to the neck,

Happy not a nervous wreck, (3)


Watch at leisure news live,

Corona sick medic beehive,

Election news Pandora box,

Procession rallies voter fox,

Lockdown, vaccine in force,

Strike violence n of course,

Witness village amid nature,

Summer heat dries verdure,

River sandy bed ponds dry,

Sweltering hot wind limb fry,

Awake a good time surmise,

Time will heal mirth, precise,

Rain usher n earth cool wet,

Peasant in field green velvet,

Let monsoon rain late break,

A farmer is a nervous wreck (4)


Life struggles, to me n world,

Rare, presume happy emerald,

Sadness, pain, misery common,

Sweetens peace, joy, health often,

In life experience a testing time,

Bitter thought, time later refine,

Never lose hope, heaven’s sake,

Repent, find me a nervous wreck (5)