Friday, January 21, 2022






Watch minutely soul under, tree,

Exist, century performance free,

Unhindered life sustain silently,

Link, surrounding miraculously, (1)


Water, light soil-fertile manages,

Grows, position change amazes,

Height reaches, greater, sunlight,

Roots penetrate deep, water nit, (2)


Search water underneath, rock,

Strength of roots, piercing sock,

Crack rock concrete seek water,

Supply link lie prospers secure, (3)


Indifferent to plentitude absorb,

Water from river-lake pond rub,

Surprise tree check temptation,

Miraculous, suck water, lesson, (4)


Little, drinks pond entirely treat,

Estimate-accurately mind greet,

The spread under soil expands,

Balance weight of tree demands, (5)


Links main root, branching stay,

Withstand wind force if, dismay,

Tightly holds soil grips estimate,

Who taught action-reaction wait, (6)


Channelize minerals n perfectly,

Supplies grow tree need rightly,

Trunk widens width for support,

Measure perfectly branch, effort, (7)


Balancing trunk maintain, think,

Balance, human upright to link,

Miraculous apparent tree, living,

Fails human mind n perceiving, (viii)


Huge spread of branches, leave,

Stem channelizes water believe,

Demands root, water measured,

Estimates accurately preserved, (9)


Branch divides indefinite, meet,

Pressure, of liquid, attain delight,

Miracle branches spread covers,

Maximum sunlight gain hovers, (10)


Thousand, leaves arrive n fallen,

Sense tree season time awaken,

Fruit-flower all distribute, easy,

Mind, boggles, branches choosy, (11)


Meets mystery branch unequal,

Few are fruit-laden, tip natural,

The fall, blossom, fruit mystery,

Colored, leave flower-fruit, story, (12)


Taste smell sight different look,

Differs on climate soil life hook,

Sustain, propagate n stubborn,

Immobile covering globe lesson, (13)


Adjusts, adopt automatic resist,

Inhospitable climates, soil exist,

Miraculous link life transmitter,

Ever human understand better, (14)


Cyber-network transmits global,

Stand tree, root branch magical,

Communicates rapid to-and-fro,

Signal distinct correct reach, go, (15)


Services free-silent shade story,

Air breathable, complimentary,

Survive, living being or human,

Tree dictates human lives, one.  (16)


Thursday, January 20, 2022





Declare rebellious heart in, sock,

Game of thrones not-a-play rock,

Not children’s play, lust playing,

Democratic value real, decaying, (1)


Human search peace, desperate,

Powerful betraying time indicate,

Greed denies public choice alter,

Sabotage systems divisive sheer, (2)


Hankers million, money floating,

Grab, time ripen people running,

Take pleasure comforts luxuries,

Accent to power or like miseries, (3)


Constitution paper, unreal, says,

Equal freedoms, dogma dismays,

Ground realities gathered cloud,

National life, less become proud, (4)


Belligerence clouded election hit,

Panorama, confuse anger treat,

Served freedom fighters, selfless,

Generations remember, impress, (5)


History earth spinning if, search,

Ever noble-hearted return, lurch,

Forgotten ages slavery exploited,

Dream, building nation fortified, (6)


Life behind jail prosecution cost,

Willingly hanged freedom accost,

Few intoxicated belligerent, sign,

Evade sacrifice, servicing define, (7)


Game of throne, reward goodies,

Free energy waving loan foodies,

Wave home loan crop loan, bills,

Accentuate public symbol drills, (viii)


Frightened corona, flees fearful,

Mask-less crowd throng to gull,

Hurt, pained, sad, madness fill,

Power heady wine to serve devil, (9)


Plead republic somber reminds,

Win political lives nobility finds,

Essence, of republic celebrating,

Marches, parade proud singing, (10)


Might-of-nation at display trail,

Trailer, of poorest children yell,

Carry national flag, sells smile,

O’ belligerence, halt for a while, (11)


For whom, shout to vote, daring,

Find freedom equality thrilling,

Search, Bapu, Netaji n Sardar,

Between decades, life few n far, (12)


True achieve republic servicing,

Ensure clean life safe ensuring,

Salute people hope pride sense,

Eliminates pseudo belligerence, (13)


Confluence dedication, devotion,

Nation dreaming n feel emotion,

Dictate thy heart, old age wait,

True liberation if, poverty melt, (14)


Erases illiteracy, class, division,

Arrives republic, unified nation,

Disappears terror, traitors quit,

Change belligerent crowd intuit, (15)

Wednesday, January 19, 2022




Time minuscule lets disintegrate,

Sand, of time shifts, communicate,

Coal engines childhood memories,

Black smoke hisses steam stories, (1)


Small gauge railway lines parallel,

Iron wheel rhythmic tune unravel,

Small village near rail lines crazes,

School-kid wave at people amazes,  (2)


Remember, running to catch sight,

Live within loving heart life delight,

Sand erodes villages, dream-train,

Simplicity n uncomplicated brain, (3)


Fumbles words life peaceful loves,

Love nature pristine timely solves,

Forest products innumerable fine,

Wood honey fruit medicine, shine, (4)


Evergreen forest belonged to, tribe,

Ancient tribal culture dress thrive,

Men, women, children in cottages,

Domestic animal, livelihood stays, (5)


Festival seasonal celebration time,

Brews, dances with drums define,

Young men women steps unique,

Lines close, rhythms picturesque, (6)


Eroding sand dune erased forest,

Erasing tribal life, times bitterest,

Landless livelihoods miss, hungry,

Rule different human world angry,  (7)


Savage lives feasting on flesh, lost,

Fast deplete domesticated life cost,

Still hungry new-age human wish,

Search river, lake, ocean, live miss, (viii)


Move, truckload cow buffalo feed,

Slaughterhouse worth visit need,

Yesteryears’ milk ghee butter nit,

Egg fish curry delicacy in deplete, (9)


Vanishing domesticated lives feel,

Replace forest concrete jungle, ill,

Caged animal modern human feel,

Glass tower takes pride face anvil, (10)


Hunger for energy pleasure, issue,

Loot nature, blisters earth peruse,

Green hills vanishing, life hungry,

Time eroded silver coin lif- angry, (11)


Million billion trillion, paper, digit,

Vanishes purse treasury bank nit,

Village market grocery spice goods,

Replacing supermarket feel woods, (12)


Twilight year of lives at, crossroad,

Shifts sand, new generation inroad,

Greeneries of village forest vanish,

Shifting sand raise dune astonish, (13)


Time resemble sand dust in, show,

Custom culture society lives know,

Group family broken, atomic exist,

Me mine living let others die, insist, (14)


Tribal dance replace death dance,

War machine smoking in balance,

Penning worries human race live,

Shifting sands tell time to believe. (15) 




 Procrastinates mind duty routine,

Immerses in thought thinks time,

Universe creation with bang long,

Spreads subtle sound, hum song, (1)


Vibrate cosmos, cross time-ocean,

Eternal universal flow in motion,

Conscious human listens; ringing,

Explore vast expanse silence sing, (2)


Listens spirit silent night assures,

Wink star billion moonlit secures,

Watch mute, deaf, civilization well,

Minutely observe heart read trail, (3)


Songs of the silent night mystery,

Depict climax tragedy life history,

Intense pain cries melt n thin air,

Wreathes life, vibrate night, share, (4)


Song of night dancer match step,

Wine of wild luxury pleasure yep,

Last breath shivers night carries,

Sad life misses dawn truth if lies, (5)


Night reverberate with first cries,

Newborn baby arrive dawn sighs,

Melting time, shifting sands sing,

O’ listener on boat river alluring, (6)


Plenty quietude wait solitary life,

Ambivalence nit hypnotize strife,

Thousand bird chirping enamor,

Song of lives, river mirror flavor, (7)


Immaculate, quiet evening morn,

Crimson colored river n lovelorn,

Flow human event emotion fluid,

Carries water, journey life liquid, (viii)


Listen, to song of river n noisy falls,

Play musical tune fountain rolls,

Hear river carry, brook murmur,

Divine melodies confluence, pure (9)


Music classical river accomplish,

Confluence human tragedy wish,

Ecstasies add color, myriad play,

Bathing ghat, valley, the display, (10)


Burning ghat temple field sings,

Human life ends, begins, wings,

Century knows history, river lit,

Wave splashes at shore, insight, (11)


Tells incessant human histories,

War, battle cry, death mysteries,

Civilizations at zenith n boating,

Golden period lives prospering, (12)


Celebration dance rhythm melt,

Water carrying timeless n quiet,

Yet civilization missing crumble,

Sit calmly listen vibrant mingle, (13)


Hesitant, less speak past, silent,

Wave clash with shore, resilient,

Sings eternal hum, ethereal feel,

Songs of human life hear reveal, (14)


Powers of listening fail eyesight,

Vibrations create within delight,

Converges time immemorial sing,

Discuss life, power of listening. (15)





Impeccable time machine body,

Intense, observe thought study,

Timeframe birth to death flows,

Human emotion feeling if, owes, (1)


Each breath passes, time think,

Continuous thought float wink,

Synchronized with breath well,

Proceed, on time scale unravel, (2)


Eventful life fascinate phasing,

Link breath onward increasing,

Childhood, youth, adult or age,

Events like sand memory raise, (3)


Each breath hourglass notices,

Upper part if, by one decreases,

Hypothetical, lifetime detailed

Fixed numbers inhale exhaled, (4)


Presumes time, sands particle,

Breath count decreases simple,

Trickle-down settles at, bottom,

Hourglass bottom, life fathom, (5)


Settle dream hope, aspiration,

Accomplishment neat emotion,

Eventful human life deposited,

Memories sands accumulated, (6)


Heavy bottom glass empty top,

Measure breathe at top, hope,

Childhood, youth, adult in age,

Time sand decreases, in phase, (7)


Hourglass metaphor, indicator,

Birth to death scale time, fixer,

Significance keep breathe easy,

Feel quiet mind, slow decrease, (viii)


Deep sleep, rest period counts,

Normal breath human mounts,

Extend, lifetime save time dust,

Anger anxiety increases, it cost, (9)


Rate-of-breaths increases high,

Empties hourglass counts sigh,

Deciphers life, dream greenery,

Upper glass cast, neat scenery, (10)


Heart aspires world reflect feel,

Bottom glass sand pyramid fill,

Desert image mirrors age true,

Pyramid height alerts life, glue, (11)


Vanish, greenery sand trickles,

Hourglass symbolize wrinkles,

Hourglass measures time best,

Human-body resemble life test, (12)


Counts breath numbered slow,

Hourglass, breath trickles flow,

Last breath nearer sands some,

Body respires count lesser own, (13)


Last breath n hourglass empty,

Bottom portions mortal reality,

The flesh, bone, inert body hit,

Empty top glass soul, void nit, (14)


Eternal linked not with breath,

Hourglass fails to count, wealth,

Soul; less goes to bottom stays,

Hourglass, inert body dismays, (15)


Anger, fear, anxiety, life sad feel

Count, rate of breath, nit reveal

Reducing number fixed quickly,

Hourglass alarm time up nicely. (16)