Showing posts with label CARNIVAL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CARNIVAL. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024





Lost self amidst nature awakens,

Pleasure, peace, entertainment shaken,

Darkness misses physical shape,

Convinced exist resists to escape, (1)


Glow worms chandeliers, bright,

The moonlit sky is a million stars sight,

Crickets play music continuously,

Nightingale sings stay melodious, (2)


Blowing a gentle breeze soothing,

Unearthly situation, life inspiring,

The river bends here, waters silvery,

Invisible a boatman waves ivory, (3)


Flute boatman plays pervading,

Tune touch labyrinth unnerving,

As if imbibed with human owes,

Symbolizes the boat, life shows, (4)


Felt dews soaked skin symbolizes,

Sorrows human tears solemnize,

Jasmine, fragrant, acute smells,

Console soul, encourage swells, (5)


Lined up homes slept lives well,

Window closed lighted time tell,

Empty road, bark dog, disappear,

Street corner a man of age here, (6)


Slept shivering cold night alone,

Lost his family, root, time mourn,

Collected his old bones comfort,

He accompanied me, with effort, (7)


Offered him some food, hot, care,

He was hungry, happy look, share,

Spread bed sheet, bed prepare,

Covered him with blanket care, (viii)


The night was a carnival for me,

Witnessed human life yet theme,

Infinite happiness, pleasure stay,

Endless beauty creator dismay, (9)


Succulent with sorrow, life hope,

Boatman plays flute, tears a drop,

Don't cry, human, ecstasy exists,

Carnival the Lord staged persists, (10)


Fate fortune failure in carnival,

Luck name and fame if interval,

Memorable the mesmerizing night,

The unfortunate man stays in spite. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Carnival

Themes: Human life, fun and fight

Written: 18th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite