Showing posts with label FATE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FATE. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 12, 2023






Fathomless beliefs fabricate,

Fantasy myopic, future date,

Card reader palmist, dictate,

Prompted tendency, frustrate, (1)


Birth, death, marriage, point,

Career education gold anoint,

Forecast positive, brighten life,

A negative result, frighten strife, (2)


How method effective, negate,

Thousand rules practice wait,

Changes predicted event halt,

Accident fire peril visits fault, (3)


Explain past actions, the reaction,

Prediction minimizes caution,

The story, not a story, human fight,

Believe it or not, factual delight, (4)


The future human mind is terrified,

Concerned, cautious, verified,

Mere forecast specialist lined,

Star planet positions defined, (5)


Assure bright future success,

Sleep comfortably life duress,

Communicate family smiling,

Anticipate baby son guessing, (6)


Strong belief in disappointment,

Mingles hope aspiration dent,

Desire man to live longer feel,

Death steals suddenly, reveal, (7)


Strong is longing for possession,

Work hard, struggle, obsession,

Fewer achievements are fruitless,

Forecast find reason impress, (viii)


Happy married life prediction,

Divorced soon separated torn,

Fate, five factors, paramount,

Baby in the womb, written count, (9)


Deciding factors life education,

Work success lifespan notion,

Fixed date of death education,

Productive futile linked action, (10)


Marriage, a birth fixes strictly,

Five happenings in the womb only,

Locked depend on past life prime,

Cruelty leads to suffering life define, (11)


Sin tantamount torture harm,

Ill-fated from birth time warn,

Love, kindness, sympathy past,

Education, wisdom, wealth, last, (12)


As you sow, so you reap shine,

An action-reaction time define,

Womb selects the unseen God,

Written on the forehead, incurred, (13)


Absurd science claims factual,

Fate refers to the human future total,

Birth-death, dead-certain, duet,

Education failure gold actuate, (14)


Marriage arrives a baby suture,

Fates paradoxically premature,

Devotion surrender to Lord lit,

Changes fate a life, change explicit. (15)


The mind complex to synthesize,

Palmistry, horoscope surprise,

Taurus and cosmic calculation,

Fire ceremony black magic con. (16) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Fate

Themes: Fate plays with life mysteriously

Written: 12th September 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite