Monday, October 11, 2021






Neglect temple of peace exasperate,

Radiates tranquility silent emanate,

Peace bliss attenuate, lives prosper,

Precious neglected pagoda whisper, (1)


Reject, O’ mankind anger n hatred,

Essence creation of world betrayed,

Pagoda messages friendly heart nit,

Service to needy poor ignorant feet, (2)


Wanderer believer of lover care feel,

Dedicate entire life voluntarily seal,

Doctrine, formless creator peruses,

Reject physical pleasure life-amuse, (3)


True pleasure in simple life mingle,

Ideal lifestyle win temptation tingle,

Somber attitude innocent smile nit,

Human lives pagoda teach to greet, (3)


Impermanent human life quit feel,

Lose friend foes equally, waste kill,

Crime to humanity war aggression,

Unprovoked attacks n destruction, (4)


Unfathomable sins spirit acquires,

Dark deeds black history requires,

Requires presence of pagoda total,

Teaches history, holy learn mortal, (5)


Mean, worship to lord n save lives,

Salvation realizations n life strives,

Pagoda cipher lifestyle practice hit,

Rigid rule, clean life purity explicit, (6)


Practice lifelong enables person-fit,

Healthy n happy life rarer discreet,

Reject dogma prejudices enlighten,

Ordinary human life percept often, (7)


Moss weed creepers pagoda covers,

Fearful, savage world sock, cowers,

Lament lingering plight death sick,

Run ignorant raise fight loot weak, (viii)


Human history recent event sours,

Agonies slavery cage pigeon hours,

Perishes life tortured prisons open,

Less freedom, threat arbitrary con, (9)


Pagoda appeals conscience rejects,

Domination n exploitation, objects,

Inspire human heart n benevolent,

Equitable share of happiness bent, (10)


Cherishes human freedoms n care,

Ignore class-creed caste-color dare,

Children of God notion equal dwell,

Male, female, old young child swell, (11)


Earth nature, bountiful, nourishes,

Equal-right liberty offers furnishes,

Little discrimination among people,

Pagoda invite unite discover mingle,  (12)


Ancient old culture pagoda symbol,

Dense forest hide age misses recall,

Minute’s atomic flash vaporizes life,

Twin city face oblivion horror strife, (13)


Listen-please bell ring peace sound,

Let not human sin crime let hound,

Let not human race face extinction,

Pagoda messages n grime caution. (14)












Love humanity feels unity neat,

Life experience nit people greet,

Overwhelm admiration remind,

Spirit mingles with people kind,(1)


Intoxicate culture widely varies,

Hurt sarcasm surprise, parries,

Myriad belief lifestyles life hails,

Travels spirit perceptions trails, (2)


World of book fascinates happy,

Read novels story lovely crappy,

Worlds witness struggle n peril,

Story entwines characters devil, (3)


Mirrors human cultures perfect,

Social customs traditions select,

Attenuate panorama nature fix,

Narration, move serpentine mix, (4)


Sock prejudices practices, ravel,

Timeless-novels weaves unravel,

Forget human heart start-finish,

Prize author accolade clap wish, (5)


Award winner book free opinion,

Describes reason blind tradition,

Mysterious-festival phenomenon,

Book details nit analysis reason, (6)


Spread information people know,

Criticizes hurt sarcasm rest bow,

Land resemble house close door,

International influence less favor, (7)


Lack people freedom opinion nit,

Never grows, devastate taste quit,

Notice famous novels under-ban,

Art painting model sarcasm scan, (viii)


Misunderstand ethics story span,

Crestfallen, literature realms fan,

Cultures class, sad phenomenon,

People of close society nit disown, (9)


Human-race flourish melting pot,

In contrast close-society all effort,

Allows various opinion comment,

Assimilate views develop, decent, (10)


Ultra-modern society frees equal,

Pays huge for art paintings regal,

Count model novel poem fathom,

Priceless goods preserve museum, (11)


Focus bright human race culture,

Windows destroy burns literature,

Tearful watch such window close,

Liberty equality never grows pose, (12)


Dark valley less sun visible cloud,

Suspicion doubt stark tells proud,

Justify ban sarcasm feel superior,

Inferior or superior, question fear, (13)


Fear reformation realization seek,

Accept blind customs reject meek,

Open-window allows fresh breeze,

Public opinion fundamental cease, (14)


Hard-liners condemns, unfaithful,

Like temporal, darkness obey, rule,

Conservative open society turmoil,

Scornful, hurt sarcasm arts recoil. (15)


Music painting idols novel demise,

Timeless creations buried, precise.

Century, after discovered precious,

Museum preserve thinks humorous!!! (16)






Wednesday, October 6, 2021





Illusive realm steals everything,

Destitution, craze mesmerizing,

Shortest-life euphoric slaughter,

Fear, anger, decimates laughter, (1)


Unknown-stranger gets identity,

Born equal socks caste insanity,

Looks tense n darkness distinct,

Acquire baby color creed meant, (2)


Grows aware soundly n division,

Name of God differ, link illusion,

Birthday celebrates first n name,

World fractured millions n same, (3)


Titles surname tail bars freedom,

Homogenous mixture school con,

Quota reservation n differentiate,

Divisiveness breeds life, fascinate, (4)


School lessons child knows caste,

Religion segregates, admire haste,

World change quickly, youth feel,

Community separates wall whirl, (5)


Book ethics morality teach unity,

Human races blood equal sanity,

Attribute birth-death nit happen,

All face same-fate reality shaken, (6)


Language region culture taste all,

Anonymous youth answers recall,

Segregate community wall nation,

World several rooms big mansion, (7)


No permission trespass crime nit,

Word human utters freedom feet,

Enormous fallacy humans caged,

Quarrel eon bitter fights enraged, (viii)


Dogmas mean education degrees,

Notions prejudices master agrees,

Research fundamental theory nit,

Less, teach one race one world lit, (9)


One action mother gives child dot,

Across races nations, same-effort,

New-born baby indoctrinated well,

Cast gender color nation title yell! (10)


Exist, illusion separates till death,

Under grave on pyre burn, length,

Length lifespan cage invisible full,

Flesh bones merge with soil mule, (11)


Illusive identity so real on, ground,

No course of study teaches sound,

Body, soil water fire air void unite,

Merge back with elements insight, (12)


Lose, caste, creed, color, nationality,

One human race fail acceptability,

Laughs spirit human-wisdom fire,

Lunch destruction devastates ire, (13)


Savage, mind begs for peace total,

Deceive evil knowledge die mortal,

Fail to notice bird with wings free,

Animal living species equal n tree, (14)


Borders education, school, college,

Absent for living form get privilege,

Nature accommodates well, subtle,

Faces human race oblivion, nestle, (15)


Laughter satires moronic n realize,

Sink realization n laughter, precise.

Laughter acknowledges survival lit,

Unite,  human race save earth greet. (16)







Tuesday, October 5, 2021






Exhilarating life sense experience,

Everlasting fascinate quit essence,

Assimilates notions friend relative,

Adopt service to humanity believe, (1)


Jubilation after effect empathy nit,

Suffering people create pain admit,

Modest income manageable realm,

Moderate aspirations n overwhelm, (2)


Secure content food shelter health,

Cloth family happiness joys wealth,

Means for survival work time ravel,

Accept storms struggle save swivel, (3)


Family-bond link society n wonder,

Healing process heart savor allure,

Greif remorse often visit sink spirit,

Share family friend sympathy neat, (4)


Face illness occasional distress nit,

Care heavenly doctor attends treat,

Discover doctor’s help sister’s love,

Hospital unforgettable white solve, (5)


Day and night fights, secure life all,

Medic beaming smile tear enthrall,

Cooperation goodwill welcome, feel,

Short life infinite emotion nice reel, (6)


Earth paradise nature bridal dress,

Autumn fragrances spring, impress,

Sweep idle heart, kidnap unknown,

Paradise dreams manifest n shown, (7)


Wonder happiness drift, fail length,

Plunder gem peace liberty strength,

Ecstasy mind writes yet tearful life,

Why Lord deprive people face strife, (viii)


Speechless socks soul brittle world,

Fragile hope desire tyrannies scald,

Captivity prison window life search,

Helping hand Lord desist, feel lurch, (9)


Askance tiny baby eyes glisten well,

Chokes heart while ink, detain hell,

Float pictures migrants walk miles,

Less, food cloths shelter lost smiles, (10)


Harsh weather, sun blisters, rain nit,

Clueless miss words destiny defeat,

Less shout neighbor threats protest,

Migration force sacred soil quit test, (11)


Hunger insecurity drives mad often,

Alien soil camps surprise n caution,

Childhood youth city school distant,

Miss childhood root culture instant, (12)


Alien language sympathy perplexes,

Curse burden of life mortal reflexes,

Future dark sacred soil enchant nil,

Accept grave with honor freedom ill, (13)


Ill feeling foreign freedom scant real,

Motherland overwhelm scar surreal,

How savage human turns beast fun,

Best wishes goodwill transform gun, (14)


Fratricidal cruelty limits cross slain,

Bleed pen, burden-of-life will, in vain.

Humanity at crossroad pricks spirit,

Lord initiates quarrel nations ignite? (15)









Monday, October 4, 2021







Gift of Lord, family, rejoices best,

Daughter’s birth n enchant rest,

Erase anxious mind parent feel,

Sweet face smile pain neat heal, (1)


Disappears void happiness fuel,

Love, flow unceasingly sad quell,

Arrive, softness tender life pour,

Transformation parents discover, (2)


Girl child father’s precious gold,

Solace, discover heart toils bold,

Education skill imparts time tell,

Daughter performs, lead life sail, (3)


Succeed pride of parent, prosper,

Art, dance, music, song, literature,

Vanish, obscurities fame shows,

Name, bring repute parent owes, (4)


Get applause recognizes parent,

Society admits, contribute decent,

Examples bright show path neat,

People follow, educates girl greet, (5)


Brick of nation women prosper,

Education strength grow proper,

Health sheer wealth cement-nice,

Daughter, wear bridal dress wish, (6)


Link, between society family trim,

Daughter in law protects nit win,

Protects culture customs secure,

Educate children; develop future, (7)


Community offers freedom-equal,

At par with son studies, enthrall,

Co-education daughter acquires,

Shows born leadership, inspires, (viii)


Vogue notion fragile strength ire,

Infinite patience steel nerve hire,

Struggle immaculate strong feet,

Mother of brave sons shows wit, (9)


Daughter-of-mountain river run,

Enrich twin banks, fertile shown,

Civilization, grow nourishes river,

Nation flourish, replica daughter, (10)


Culture customs intermix sweet,

Daughter enriches nations treat,

Blind-customs ancient practices,

Block future of daughter notices, (11)


Rot behind curtain deprived tell,

Lacks education restrict life hell,

Heath doubtful equality deprive,

Dark life confine, feel less strive, (12)


Agonies untold misery interacts,

Daughter suffer son little reacts,

Enjoy freedom ignore equal best,

Son address motherland n attest, (13)


Forget motherland daughter nit,

Daughter of civilization discreet,

Dishonor daughter insult mother,

Uncivilized savage fates insecure, (14)


Disrespect gift of Lord, insult nit,

Hurt countenance, divine explicit,

Daughter suffer ignominy curse,

Dark future wait, ill fate remorse.  (15)