Thursday, October 12, 2023






Industrious lives, families fond,

Brothers and family, like a bond,

Single sweet home business fit,

Reach brothers time midnight, (1)


Tired day long, hardship, works trail,

Prosperous lives, luck prevail,

Children a few dozen growing,

From babies to adults glowing, (2)


Studious, disciplined, customs,

Dinner time at the table, systems,

Discussions warm with elders,

Questions reply kid shoulders, (3)


Women elderly listen, attentive,

Children, their study tentative,

Long are the dining table chairs,

Families sit together and share, (4)


Family problem solutions rise,

Argument clues, precise prizes,

Unity visible at dinner time lit,

Happiness, love, care to delight, (5)


Principle observed by families,

Dinner time adds eventualities,

Dairy foods, bread, curry, sweets,

Milk medicines for elder greets, (6)


After the children and elders disperse,

Back to their rooms, of course,

One pendulum watch indicates,

The house several floors relate, (7)


Sleeping hours strict stay,

Children study late at night way,

Scolded often to disobey rules,

Escape route homework mules, (viii)


The table, clean, shining, chairs,

It is a long dining room admired,

Years worth watching dinners,

Love a big joint family winners, (9)


The ecstasy inspiration litters,

Time changed gradually, filters,

A child grown up spreads wings,

One by one, left home evenings, (10)



Twilight years brothers realize,

Children spread far flung wise,

Established had their nest wit,

The joint family collapsed feat, (11)


Son, his wife, a child threesome,

Daughter, her hubby, kid home,

The sight of long table dinners,

Devastate urban lives winners, (12)


I, me, mine, cumulative to last,

Joint families ghost of the past,

The pressure of job, career, busy life,

Visit parent impossible a strife, (13)


Brothers are living in an empty home,

Dinner time, scarcely welcome,

Hunting sight missing children,

The noise interactions, shaken, (14)


Silent midnight pendulum ring,

Dinner attendance broken wing,

Transformative years paradigm,

Changes dinner table time sign. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Dinner

Themes: Joint family nonexistent

Written: 12th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, October 10, 2023






Bewilders the mind look at the sky,

Clear skies at night, galaxy defy,

Milk-way, millions of stars blink,

Universe marvels, creation link, (1)


Timeless, infinite distance exists,

An hour in thought immerse resist,

The immensity of mysterious time,

Add space matter gravity define, (2)


From the atomic pin head expands,

Trillion suns formed His hands,

Creator indefinite, infinite stays,

Created stars merge point ways, (3)


The universe expands converge point,

Space union phenomenon joint,

United to point expanded cyclic,

Temporal universe world a relic, (4)


Hours I sat, thoughtful, excited,

Pray the play of the Lord recited,

He builds infinite capacity lives,

Living, non-living, cyclic revives, (5)


Closed my eyes and felt my breath,

Each breath is in cycles of death,

Exhale breath, life goes out well,

Faithfully come back we inhale, (6)


A birth occurs within life enters,

As exhale, no inhale encounters,

Gigantic star or human life end,

Star lives billion years, pretend, (7)


Feel permanent, time terminate,

Immortal aspires human relate,

Tearful felt death cyclic discreet,

Pyre burns the body to ashes lit, (viii)


End of human dream desires fail,

Aspire soul last breath to inhale,

Left ambitions lust planning list,

Thousand of thoughts end, in mist, (9)


It was late at night, noticed flowers,

Shiuli flowers, fragrant, showers,

Showers, happiness rejuvenated,

From life and death now excited, (10)


Convinced Shiuli, end night wait,

Resemblance to human life duet,

Heart aspires to wait, nightlong wish,

Dawn timely breaks lives cherish, (11)


Seek the rising sun orange, hail,

Life is precious, destinations prevail,

Meet objectives united achieved,

God the center, realize perceived, (12)


Surmise my heart, sun or moon,

The air, water, and earth merge soon,

From cosmos to objects attract,

Merge with creator time contact, (13)


Human waits for this time, focus,

Wait for dawn night mysterious,

Waits soul, alert, infinite is love,

Spraying sunshine lo escapes dove, (14)


The union is so real before keen,

Shiuli wait like me for dawn kin,

Sitting on the balcony in the early hours,

Eastern sky orange sights cower, (15)


Fallen to the ground on grass, dry,

Dew cover touched me, seemed to cry,

Such vibrant color fragrant lives,

Wait for union with sun believes, (16)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Union

Themes: Life wishes to unite with the creator

Written: 10th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite







Monday, October 9, 2023





Deny to confide deep intimacy,

Loved before marriage, ecstasy,

Eon couple believes each other,

The year rolled on trust enamor,(1)


Confess anger rebuttals happen,

Miraculously timely help sharpen,

Forget how quickly love winner,

Her attention care minute cover, (2)


Seen and sad, her anxious eyes,

Windows open, she waits precise,

Thousand questions reply detail,

Our lives lack suspicion yet sail, (3)


Smooth day-to-day routine deal,

Service life, clerical, salary seal,

Mediocre income adjust credits,

Wife her calculation item sheets, (4)


Respect conveys my admiration,

She maintains budget caution,

Tell honestly less we believe luck,

Accepted her decisions, in a sock, (5)


Years after her saving a million,

Saved home budget confession,

Hardships no domestic woman,

Herself sweeps floors wash can, (6)


Grocery, job weekly vegetables,

Disbelieved bank saving trebles,

Today, we purchased our house,

Multistoried building, of course, (7)


Posh locality clears installments,

Calculate meticulously elements,

She paid the cost of the flat, finally,

My salary is meager, fails to tally, (viii)


Cried, embraced her, surprised,

Her judicious acumen surmised,

Shifted our belongings soon felt,

Questions, how she meets dealt, (9)


The simple answer, short, her savings,

She made plans possible ensuing,

Working now with her decorates,

Furniture, gadgets, saving dates, (10)


She bought, from home savings,

Decade of our marriage feelings,

Her skill in stitching make dresses,

The clothes she prepares possess, (11)


Our only child, a daughter, studies,

Mom is her teacher exam remedies,

Amazes the kid, memorize books,

Writing her best medicine hooks, (12)


Postgraduate, my wife, gold medal,

Opted to be a housewife magical,

Established today as a family man,

Besides my wife, capability, can, (13)


It fails my recourses she achieves,

Her uncanny sense of saving lives,

Admit to confess her prowess nail,

She built our home, secured sail, (14)


If I ask her how made it possible,

Her life companion saving simple,

My life companion, my wife hail,

Meager income, her savings trail. (15) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Life Companion

Themes: Her life companion was savings

Written: 9th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Sunday, October 8, 2023





She was a most beautiful woman,

Her studies, she was a scholar,

Such attractive she charmed all,

Matching her personality, polite,

Decency, her invitation, radiate,

Mediocre family life, ambitious,

Her focus was clear, framed, firm,

Allured social status serving, needy,

Emphasized her career as a teacher,

To educate downtrodden children,

Deprived from school, illiterate,

She wanted children to be educated,

Particular girl child her attention,

She was traveling through villages,

Rustic lives, so alluring, vibrant,

Simple folk knows no manipulation,

Innocent speaking truth shy,

To her rural children, a symbol of God,

Sparkle their eyes and hair auburn,

Dirty torn frocks girls are so alluring,

She taught them cleanness, hygiene,

Children crowded around her, hug,

Their love, attention, undiluted,

Villagers respect her as a Goddess,

She passed a decade after university,

Simple was her life single, funded,

She was the news electric innovative,

Arranged trainers, skill-based,

Village women learned languages,

Write read capability she passed on,

Her constant effort, women learned,

Village industry females mastered,

Magnet, but among rural folks,

Worship protects her in the village,

Offer food, clothes, a variety of fruits,

Gratitude lace with eyes admired,

The story ended, and suddenly,

She was forced to marry, intimated,

The family got the bridegroom educated,

Working as an overseas technocrat,

Her initial protest father fainted,

Mother was fasting, falling sick,

Reluctantly surrendered, she agreed,

Her second chapter abroad,

Husband drinks party life scarred,

She was beaten, humiliated, hurt,

The treatment grew hasher beastly,

Her hubby got angry, to protests,

She visits with female friends,

Her life now alone in her home,

Unable to challenge alien land,

Unknown people she never dared,

Failed to disclose her agonies,

Rudderless was her life ill-fated,

Failed to oppose or change him,

She was just a female idol brutalized,

Watched one day a leaf on a stream,

After the rain, it was floating aimless,

Lifted the leaf found dried resemble,

Her ambitions, love, and service evaporated,

She packed her bag, money saved,

She took a flight to her country and waved,

Dried leaf on water or life rudderless,

Vanished gradually, impressed villagers,


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Rudderless

Themes: Life rudderless like a leaf in the stream

Written: 8th October 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite