Saturday, March 9, 2024





Amazed life so intriguing stays,

Entwine threads thought ways,

Bubbles of hope desire profuse,

Look at the heart search refuse, (1)


Hidden in the closest chamber,

Wish lists human spires longer,

Ever wishes fulfilled? life happy,

Amuses human face felt creepy, (2)


Wanton desires genuine, silent,

Love life flows not transparent,

Life is colorful, fragrant, ecstatic,

River water transparent mystic, (3)


Visible the gravel rocks below,

Deceives the depth facts show,

Everything underneath is visible,

Lessons for humans incredible, (4)


Transparency resemblance says,

The truth of human deeds tells the way,

Life flows like clean water hail,

Purity, love, and sympathy sail, (5)


Whirlpool, the river gets muddy, sad,

The human mind motivates to bad,

Clean water of rivers loses soon,

Transparent once muddy loom, (6)


Polluted harmful equivalent fit,

The human mind is polluted, lo unfit,

Sinful deeds, fertile mind breed,

Flooded river sands threat field, (7)


Visible love, affection, in the heart,

Transparent life praised impact,

Flows like pristine river service,

Such human match acts justice, (viii)


For example, for others, serenity lit,

Life flows for them ordinary fit,

Live for others detached, clean,

Life stays in memory lanes win, (9)


The river flows forever transparent,

People remember long apparent,

Such people, one in thousands,

Leading transparent life stands, (10)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Transparent

Themes: Clean life

Written: 9th March 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite





Friday, March 8, 2024






Gracefully, the Lord builds wonder,

Female charm unearthly, ponder,

Necklace garlands idol decorated,

Fragrant flower divine permeated, (1)


Symbol of womanhood flower stay,

Gift of the Lord to human dismay,

unparalleled tenderness existence,

The glue to unite lives love intense, (2)


Soft the touch heals wound alarm,

Why does society ignore, yet harm,

Fabrics imprinted manicured life,

Family circulate mother in strife, (3)


Another world, her home confined,

World at large for men yet defined,

This was practice generation back,

Today, emancipation no more lacks, (4)


Frontier guard fighter mariner fit,

Educated teacher scientists delight,

Farm sector village industry spine,

National strength a woman defines, (5)


Shy at veil child marriages death,

Childbirth, fatal time of lack of breath,

Blind prejudices, women sufferers,

Generation realized girls are superior, (6)


Equality, liberty, education or skill,

Agonies of women end lives uphill,

Three cheer for my country's descent,

A female tribal leader is president, (7)


Land pays respect to womanhood,

For centuries, molested, withstood,

Dawn the come, necklace wear,

Bangles vermilion Hindu wife dear, (viii)


Women are necklace for the land,

The spine of the nation is a magic wand,

Mother earth, nature, ocean, river,

Season bridal blossoms life secure, (9)


Sings Lord's glory gift to humans,

Feminine aspects of women charms, 

Hindus worship as the Goddess bows,

Fertile land corn bountiful shows. (10)


Woman a creeper necklace on the tree,

Rises to the top fragrant flower see,

Her hands around your neck, man,

The Lord waits for garlands, a fan! (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Necklace

Themes: Essence of being women

Written: 8th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Wednesday, March 6, 2024




Life so alluring intrigues the mind,

Steal sleep, peace, patience find,

Suffered a lot withered console,

Endurance withstands the soul, (1)


The cycle of temptations, feminine,

Beauty dissatisfy, thirst defines,

Where is the boundary search?

A quagmire human lust lurch, (2)


Seen sorrow, depression, mad,

Life is a precious human reward,

Relations, bond, love, physical,

Birth to death human life wall, (3)


Illusive opaque focus invisible,

Great is wealth wisdom crumple,

What aspires human surprise,

Wasting lives in luxury precise, (4)


Material status fountain exists,

How many life broken persists,

The revenge, envy, anger, hunts,

Pristine human nature affronts, (5)


Realizes shaken find mistakes,

Fight back past error distastes,

Detached life silent aloof think,

Repentance, great virtue link, (6)


Men survived from disaster stay,

Humiliated women discover way,

Orphan, slum kid fights back,

Law timely fights catch quack, (7)


Sit my life taught lessons track,

Thought in ripples control lack,

The impulse, a gushing instinct,

Impending disaster says distinct, (viii)


A fight survives to cower surrender,

Human life fights back a wonder,

The strength and courage extract,

Attachment, blind ego to contract, (9)


Look at grass face strong wind live,

Uprooted a tall tree and ego belief,

Fight back humbly, soft-spoken,

Win over your enemies a lesson, (10)


Where there is hatred and violence a lot,

Protests, non-violence, fasting escorts,

Where encounter virulent offenses,

Fight back with service tolerances. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Fight Back

Themes: Fight egoist mind

Written: 6th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, March 5, 2024





Listen to whispers of the wind,

Living life, vibrant pas,t duly finds,

Suffered subjugated irony, stay,

Encounter viciousness and dismay, (1)


Exploitation a few discriminates,

Looted in front of laughter debate,

Humans live love supremacy lit,

Class divide dissects, to delight, (2)


Why do men search garbage for food?

Feasts merrily a few lot broods,

Have you known the pain of hunger?

Watch unemployed yet younger, (3)


Scar of past lost parents future,

Illiterate roam free fate vulture,

There happens, lightening rain,

Thunder awakened life insane, (4)


Leave family career friend exit,

Resolute in serving, hungry exist,

Indomitable courage, endurance,

Inflame wiped tears sufferance, (5)


Same human male-female kid,

Inspired to learn to smile to read,

God has given both hands act,

Literacy with skill change react, (6)


The bird builds a nest ingenuity,

Sleeping on road footpath unity,

Build colonies homes firm more,

Poverty disappears lives enamor, (7)


It happened before our eyes true,

Unbelievable acts change view,

A solemn oath, once taken,

People were calling him a joker, (viii)


Today, these men treat him as a god,

Hardly seen the Lord their abode,

God is in their hut with children,

Teach play with them if smitten, (9)


Not a politician, leader, or thinker,

He was begging for the job with no future,

Mercy negates bemoan hope induces,

Rises courage, strength produces, (10)


Merciful the Lord, show mercy visible,

Mercy, acts of human heart miracle,

Mercy, fair weather, beautiful nature,

Mercy, fertile earth, river, hill verdure. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Mercy

Themes: Showing kindness 

Written: 5th February 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Monday, March 4, 2024





The human mind behaves, disbelieve,

Invisible the divide, fight to survive,

Youth visits impulsive attraction,

Beautiful females dream emotion, (1)


Introspect heart for contact luck.

Awake, nightlong, yet family block,

How come love happens at first sight,

Every encounter provides delight, (2)


Impossible, the divide is concrete,

Break your head fizzles discreet,

Forgotten tears, soaked letters lit,

Love is automatic, captivates neat, (3)


Grew in life urban life rebellious,

Laugh at the divide harmonious,

Dance, sing, stroll hand in hand,

Share lives bond, as a magic wand, (4)


No relation strangers acquainted,

Living together for years wanted,

A home rented earning, separate,

Man-woman stay together, date, (5)


They may marry or separate fit,

At their own decision, link demerit,

Family surrogacy at cost a living,

Forget child donate to couple sing, (6)


Love to watch elderly couple wed,

Children left long ago masquerade,

Property shelter home inhuman,

Elderly persons, rich learn civilians, (7)


United, they stay alive till separated,

Terrestrial Male female bond lasted,

Early youth loved a girl who failed life,

The class stood against marriage strife, (viii)


Surrendered to the family proceed,

City life met a female, liked indeed,

We loved each other, stayed together,

She wanted to be independent here, (9)


Years we stayed, she got married,

scantly even invited me, she lied,

Got married myself, childless, sad,

Failed attempts for years got mad, (10)


Got a child through surrogacy cost,

Modern is age, accept reality, utmost,

His wife divorced, went away with a child,

Twilight years found a mate, yield, (11)


Staying together fascinating lives,

Terrestrial animals we live believe,

Seasons change, and centuries change,

Generation watches terrestrial amaze. (12)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Terrestrial

Theme: Worldly human lives

Written: 4th February 2024 Cuttack

@ Copywrite