Friday, September 17, 2021




 Autumnal phenomenon grace,

Miss great nation births trace,

One in billion seed sprout tell,

Amid soil, dirt grow omen hail, (1)


Destiny child motherland lap,

Secrecy shrouds mystery clap,

Unknown corner child listens,

Most ancient land nit glistens, (2)


Freedom democracy supreme,

Know poverty hunger extreme,

Colonial rule exploitations all,

Skeletal figures shadowy, troll, (3)


Illiteracy scar of partition stay,

Untimely death sickness prey,

Fights earnestly great nation,

Peace progress access motion, (4)


Industry education health nit,

Drives people urban, rural grit,

People post-independence feel,

Unity disappears, politics kill, (5)


Greed for power poisons, mind,

Plants divisive seeds n unkind,

Hunger for power corrupt neat,

Caste creed religion region eat, (6)


Nations move treacherous trek,

Faced naked aggression wreck,

Thrice war-ravaged refugee lot,

Destiny child renounce life hot, (7)


Education over, dedicate spirit,

Services to people motto greet,

Selfless volunteer travel track,

Length breadth of nation walk, (viii)


Mingle half-century with folks,

Vast nation meet people jerks,

Bare means to survive, travel,

Anomalies of societies unravel, (9)


Lifetime pass youth learn well,

Book, less offer association tell,

Knows person people n nation,

Destiny offer leadership notion, (10)


Shining glory state flourish nit,

Amazes clean life hard work lit,

Failed nefarious plot to defame,

Without basis outcry no shame, (11)


Misled world community failed,

Victorious rule nation n sailed,

Massive electoral battles defeat,

Opponent bites the dust admit, (12)


Trusts people paramount hold,

Policy nation first declare, bold,

Corruption free single life aloft,

Supreme leader world love soft, (13)


Worship mother motherland fit,

Selfless untiring efforts discreet,

Silent, humiliation, abuse, hate,

Face speak little hide pain wait, (14)


Services to people cardinal rule,

Decades leaves records nil mule,

Work, work and work till sleep,

Departure, of friends seen weep, (15)


Loving, compassionate life bold,

Strong decision character hold,

Heart of steel least knows fear,

Daring steps surprises, secure, (16)


Autumn wishes greet birthday,

Destiny child save mother pray.

Health happiness leadership nit,

Nation, world look, future treat. (17)





Thursday, September 16, 2021




Introspect benefactor tree, provide,

Under cool-shade rest thinks wide,

Fruit sweet n saucy freely furnish,

Leaf fragrant flower, useful, wish, (1)


Marvelous existence n benevolent,

Root trunk branches serve decent,

Human, animal, bird, creature all,

Find, permanent friend trees rival, (2)


Living plant dead wood, serve-well,

Promote luxuriant lives, care, dwell,

Surprises mind huge orchards nit,

Variety of fruits forest shows exist, (3)


Long road trees cover, traveler rest,

Seasonal fruits provide pluck best,

Riverbank fertile orchards plenty,

Village find places destroy, scanty, (4)


Places provide shade festival sites,

Weekly trading venue best excites,

Watch populous countryside right,

Huge-plantations pond wells sight, (5)


Serpentine path earthen roads nit,

Thick lines of trees cover life treat,

Shelter places brick mansion find,

Provide traveler’s night halts kind, (6)


Enquire benevolent person in vain,

People nearby fail to say the name,

Unknown in history myth, describe,

Inspire future-generation, prescribe, (7)


Selfless service deeds enable grace,

Person quits in time serve timeless,

No one knows details of benefactor,

Anonymous soul say example lure, (viii)


Inspiration permeate tell awesome,

Human-heart perceive compassion,

Transcend generation after imitate,

Build rest shades unknown donate, (9)


Provide drinking water clinic more,

Remote-villager get benefits, procure,

Free education school college open,

Charitable trustee unknown alone, (10)


Nobles spirit prefer obscure status,

Never seek fame, gratitude, famous,

Resembles like trees provide fruits,

Anonymous best nameless n roots, (11)


Never stop n benevolence spreads,

Orphanage shelters old persuades,

Huge donations maintain charities

Shelter home destitute less-worries, (12)


Galaxy of stars, anonymous bright,

Human nature noble, marvel sight,

Inspire people wealth fame provide,

Fame few ignore but wealth divide, (13)


Wise-person prefer anonymous nit,

Timeless services benefit free, exist,

Symbolize plant a tree serves after,

People enjoy anonymous superior. (14)  

Wednesday, September 15, 2021





Cloudbursts thought pour analyze,

Dissect microscopic issues tantalize,

Forget O’ mind realm people trusts,

Creations last century stand toasts, (1)


Marvel, architects pyramid effort,

Intricate ingenuity select introvert,

Complex factors logic intrigue roll,

Peace by peace, design connect toil, (2)


Years take complex analysis theory,

Applies unique experiments history,

Thousand, maps correlate structure,

Enormous hard labor finalize sheer, (3)


Forgets family kid responsibility nit,

Workaholic nature attitude discreet,

Least require award accolade direct,

Innovative-mind churns solve effect, (4)


Innumerable models build examine,

Test, strength-of-survival stand fine,

Drawing symbols geometric figures,

Lines in color indicate plan secures, (5)


Contemplate your work bridge long,

Massive concrete steel girder strong,

Withstand cyclones, hurricanes, wind,

Lightening vibration weights remind, (6)


Million, vehicles speeds loads higher,

Pillars, all share load, traveler safer,

Highrise building concrete dam rise,

Engineering-marvel, people surprise, (7)


Modern age craze robotics space jet,

Aircraft oceanic machines, in effect,

Drones, spacecraft microelectronic,

Telecommunication tests ultrasonic, (viii)


Digital world spread tentacle sweep,

Computer networked worldwide tip,

Armaments medical equipment new,

Hello, engineer creation world review, (9)


Worlds like stalk new machine a lot,

Car vehicles boat mobile yearly cost,

Endless creations discoveries most,

Hurts mankind devastate lives lost, (10)


Accident criminal use crime misuse,

Machine technology complex amuse,

Sock humanity death machines roll,

Vaporizes existence in minutes call, (11)


Benefactor offer engineering marvel,

Cruel criminal human entwine ravel,

Modern world big question survives,

Destruction disappear, helps revives, (12)


Food cloth medicine health protects,

Dismantle war machine life corrects,

Gift of knowledge engineer acquires,

Human-race, security time requires, (13)


Engineer’s day solemn pledge claims,

Service to mankind selfless regains,

Least oblige dictator tyranny crime,

Quits defeat aggressors oath prime, (14)


Lifelong passion path adventure nit,

Lonely walk ravel knot sutures tight,

Intelligent machines, compete-spirit,

Distant future allures space flight. (15)




Tuesday, September 14, 2021





Devastation diminish verdure heat,

Desolations advance forests explicit,

Summer month, forest fire razes all,

Dry river bed hot winds sigh, recall, (1)


Lost paradise heart remembers sad,

Blistering hot sunlight deprive glad,

Under shades of big-tree find restful,

Cool-sheds bring solace, wonderful, (2)


Drowsiness captures soul afternoon,

Oasis mid deserts discover, feel boon,

Floats horror scary, desert occupies,

Forest, river, lake, disappear precise, (3)


Inhospitable desert habitations miss,

Rain clouds rarely float nightmarish,

Upset mind feverishly search future,

Consequences of disappears nature, (4)


Wrath of nature cause destructions,

Famine disease decline populations,

Human nature savage greed invade,

Precious water create wars pervade, (5)


Brutal scenes heartrending caution,

Single human race one world notion,

Fallacy removes, survival the fittest,

Strongest people overlord n cruelest, (6)


Water, food, shelter essential prefer,

Little, matters gold weapon superior,

Fierce battle decides weak eliminate,

Human nature under grave indicate, (7)


Wild beasts human frame ferocious,

Future-world if, looms large curious,

Run n run from wilderness fled total,

Forgot drowsy soul solace cry mortal, (viii)


Years rolled nightmare afternoon nit,

Never forgot summer retreat discreet,

Pandemic black dream, reality appear,

Clean population countries best fear, (9)


Wave repeat period of horror rebirth,

Unrealizable weather, unstable earth,

Loss of life nature alter worse warns,

Savagery, of human terror rise harms, (10)


Scenarios disturb, mind perturb a lot,

Summer dream materializes fast trot,

Anxious terribly n think catastrophe,

Spring season arrives, metamorphose, (11)


Love pristine nature, choose recluse,

Disbelieve changes of nature profuse,

Jovial people bask, in sunshine happy,

Floral velvet field glisten bliss canopy, (12)


Aural luminescence spread n surreal,

Speechless tears wet cheeks joys seal,

Overwhelmed heart, knew future gold,

Human-race survive nature lives bold, (13)


Nightmare dreams wrought fades fast,

Hypnosis magical transcendent attract,

Fact or fiction question heart disbelieve,

Mysterious world miracles well achieve. (14)









Monday, September 13, 2021




Witness kite flying resurgence neat,

Symbolizes freedom imagines spirit,

Kite resembles hilarious mind clear,

Rise sharply from deep morass fear, (1)


Attains height zenith apexes happy,

Swoop in circles, laugher does copy,

Somber moment, remorse changes,

Mood alters quickly, joy soul crazes, (2)


Freely flies kite life with wing share,

Carefree-moment life, float yet rare,

Precious seconds loom timeless nit,

Hilarious mind brings peace discreet, (3)


Secret, to survive eloquence attempt,

Despite mischief, hatred n contempt,

Shed nicely fear torture impatience,

Life gets balanced values immense, (4)


Cool-decision, consciences discover,

Silent mind hilarious winner secure,

Sock to find snaps thread kite loses,

Lost control links fail lost kite poses, (5)


Tearful moments do arrive, snap life,

Thread of hope snatched faces strife,

Lose equilibrium state conflict often,

Lack thread to control hit confusion, (6)


Demise, of dear one's jolt, lives severe,

Departures create void, life insecure,

Discover big roof as if collapse clean,

Open skies harsh weather, fate grim, (7)


Surmises spirit lack future blank nit,

Trickles hypnotizing moment n greet,

Divine plan mysterious materializes,

Unexpected quarter help crystallizes, (viii)


Family experiences n welcome baby,

Newborn smiles, caring times hobby,

Surprises soul sorrows melt quickly,

Find new kite flies life happy friskily, (9)


Arrival, of baby usher, enchants time,

Lost hilarious mind find home shine,

Ink life story in detail paradise here,

Mesmerize electric pulse, disappear, (10)


Wait pulsation second seen lifetime,

Fountainhead hope charms rhythm,

Key-of-stability happiness, ever find,

Precious help perfect, hilarious mind, (11)


Chose hilarious mood sweet tune nit,

Sing soul songs enchanting all excite,

Mind at such mood dance, wild state,

Past, present, future, unite life dictate, (12)


Surest-path to survive win battles fit,

Sorrow is tomorrow, present ecstatic,

Life, full of thorns rose smiles dictate,

Painful path charms beauty indicate, (13)


Choice of spirit wisdom nice rescind,

Cry, life in shatter or hilarious mind.

Paradise here on earth discover well,

Hilarious-mind excite, remorse quell. (14)









Impulsive intention genuine preoccupy,

Young heartthrobs nit accidental defy,

Search within finds less acquaintance,

Extraordinary beauty fights reluctance, (1)


Mind confuses unknown charms mind,

Fare complexions slender frame, kind,

Reminds angel-of-dream descend call,

United souls together hearts, primeval, (2)


Dissipate solitude lonely lives enamor,

Urges within restless, tie knots secure,

Run after silvery figure hastily n shrink,

Heart cower instantly, fear denial wink, (3)


Crestfallen resist temptation approach,

Impulse, of young-heart, feels reproach,

Encounter happen at odd places neat,

Bus stand metro coach avenues unite, (4)


Face to face eyes-match avoids once,

Electric shock life feels current glance,

Courage gather stronger inquire home,

Turn head smile silently vanish, gone, (5)


Speechless stands inert second loom,

As if seems hour pass descend gloom,

Sad felt melancholy lonely road prefer,

Return home quiet silences enrapture, (7)


Parent caught unaware helpless neat,

Fail, answering question courage quit,

Guess rightly brought proposals many,

Eager, search dream’s figure uncanny, (viii)


Fail her photograph arrive quit college,

Distant city, university invites privilege,

Packs baggage left home catch train,

Overpowering thoughts memory drain, (9)


Tearful twilight catch city speeds past,

Youthful life adventures future, impact,

Tumultuous second train roll rhythmic,

Suddenly meet angelic figure in panic, (10)


Start laughing irreconcilably, greet well,

Smiles her warmth this time fear quell,

Her inquiries lasted reason of journey,

Higher study appreciated issue thorny, (11)


Find her name address her travel well,

Acquaintance through letter due, ravel,

Start visiting her got relationship bond,

Due course of time closeness all fond, (12)


Year of intimacy n friendship thickens,

Higher-study ends overseas frightens,

Great offers of career parents happier,

Live at crossroads, sorrowful murkier, (13)


Invisible magnetic attraction, question,

Love at one hand dilemmas nit glisten,

Final decision foreign-travel settle-well,

Proposes marriage live abroad sequel, (14)


Shatter her reply daughter parents old,

Only earning member rejection in-cold,

Day of departure cease moment clean,

Sandcastle of love crumble career win, (15)