Wednesday, July 3, 2024





Confused, surprised, discovered,

Require no food, water, bother,

Deal nothing with breath reign,

Blind, unkind action kind gain, (1)


Controls human life, triggers say,

Give me food cloth possess way,

Back-of-mind action fuel to fire,

Unable to understand, despair, (2)


Underestimate prowess demand,

Capitulate heart and soul hand,

Devastating episode functional,

Instigator human mind betrayal, (3)


Corrupts heart and soul villain,

Kind mind rekindles love regain,

Socked to observe subtle in part,

Drives human effort lives impact, (4)


Phenomenon anger, envy, jealousy,

Blinded human's life left courtesy,

Forget inhuman action hurts pain,

Mind sole instigator actuate gain, (5)


Motive, prime factor, loot, steal,

Drive every nerve strength seal,

The sad, feel sadness, mind plays,

Havoc life pretends to ignore says, (6)


Under the capacity of the instigator,

Harms willingly insults the sufferer,

Magical, miracle, noticed mind,

No more blind unkind but kind, (7)


Drive energy infinite influences,

Instigators infect humans' senses,

Service healing touch mind act,

Awestruck how often the mind reacts, (viii)


Contains poison venomous kill,

Contrary to the nectar timely healed,

Instigate humans to discriminate,

Class color creed mind intimate, (9)


Become kind, forget division well,

Instigator the mind a sage quell,

Removes disquiet mind be calm,

Preach human wound put balm, (10)


Instigator, the mind has ears, eyes,

Instruments tongue hand precise,

Chain is conscience the best guide,

Heart obeys soul well side by side. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Instigator

Themes: Great influencer

Written: 3rd July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite   


Tuesday, July 2, 2024





Quagmire surreptitious feeling,

Unpleasant situations, sinking,

Lost hope failed to utterly shatter,

Human life progress encounter, (1)


Feelings of sinking miss bottom,

Miracles possess life, trick some,

Discovers a root branch to hold,

Saves precious life lessons gold, (2)


Attempt innumerable survive fit,

Human emotions, cries discreetly,

Beg mercy, plead for help tearful,

Circumstances event life fearful, (3)


Coming out of hunger, poverty,

Experience lesson find security,

Miniscule or inkling conscience,

Wisdom fight circumvent mince, (4)


Analyzes hazard invisible guess,

Desperate life prepared to impress,

Observe love, disrupted, disliked,

Magnetic love attracts life licked, (5)


Education career possession list,

Asset wealth land influence mist,

Desperate life to grab steals, unfair,

Not virtue but vice crumbled hire, (6)


Equally, the human spirit is desperate,

Success, sacrifices, virtuous traits,

Human life short attempt quickly,

Desperation attitude gain timely, (7)


Silver lining human excels quality,

Desperate attempt to gain purity,

Practice shedding prejudice price,

Discipline hire inclination justice, (viii)


Amazes life, mysterious world,

Feed desperation capitulate mold,

Path two ways impulsive attempt,

Other name desperation contempt, (9)


Revive, survive, or quagmire waits,

Watch dreadful pictures or baits,

Trick saves life from teeth of death

Desperate attempt roots wealth, (10)


Clasp tightly come out in vision,

Now or never act clue desperation,

Risqué from the quagmire wisely,

A desperate attempt saves promptly. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Desperate

Themes: Act honestly

Written: 2nd July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite



Monday, July 1, 2024





Enthralls melodious tunes attract,

Amazed at how illusive world impact,

Loneliness, dark nights, vivid pictures,

Back of mind, imagine scene, allure, (1)


Crescendos overwhelm sound stay,

Heart and soul witness life's dismay,

Play of mind myriad hallucinations,

Survival instinct discovered notion, (2)


Encounters fear shadows hunting,

Met human anger despises stinking,

Rivalry and jealousy lead to fights, exist,

Loneliness, dark night, fearful yet resist, (3)


Let the nightingale sing pervading,

Recoil fearful heart morn invading,

Rises sun eastern horizons orange,

Nightmarish existence owes amaze, (4)


Recoil anguish, sadness, rebounds,

Unholy thought wiped out sounds,

The chimes on the temple declare,

Life mixtures of pain, yet admire, (5)


Mysterious mind flow of thoughts,

Creepers, invisible, coiled distrusts,

Evil ideas proclaim, capture the soul,

Virtue and vice east and west goal, (6)


Sun and moon visit less meet sad,

Creeper, secretive aspirations, mad,

Loot peace, happiness, pleasure, say,

Physical body sensual touches lay, (7)


Ruins self-control, discipline in life,

Detachment recoil spirit lust thief,

The splendor spirit achieves equanimity,

Balances error recoil, spontaneity, (viii)


Observed in life, such persons win,

How to recoil from negative, define,

Prejudices erased practice reason,

Touch and sense recoils or prison, (9)


Remarkable phenomenon survive,

Recoil animal lives plant to thrive,

The great art of self-control, practice,

Capitulated heart recoils in piece, (10)


Recoil thread on spindle to release,

The motion spindle balances ease,

Learn incidents, shatter, encounter,

The spindle rotates stable and secure. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Recoil

Themes: Instinctively withdraw

Written: 1st July 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Sunday, June 30, 2024



Good trauma



Nightmarish dream hunts often,

Morass waits for human life to be broken,

Shrilling voices and bitter cries spread,

The world is the stage dramas dread, (1)


Death if vulture pigeon negates,

Shocked, numb, speechless deflates,

Wiped out the whole family's thinking,

Survived the only baby look wink, (2)


Amazes the event sorrowful stay,

Human life escapes by finding a way,

Fire hazards, accident, train flight,

Flood, cyclone, draught yet visit, (3)


Loss of lives family members miss,

Every tear dries up, children kiss,

What a consolation heart yearns,

Pray children grow silent mourns, (4)


Humans, the home, society, witness,

Traumatized change violent mess,

The fear of dark, lonely alley finds,

Crowd, lighted boulevards, rewind, (5)


Temporal bad incident depresses,

Gains courage happily impresses,

This is the definition of human life,

Unbelievable sudden faces strife, (6)


Sink like a ship bottomless depth,

Onlookers none, lories stay, wealth,

Survival a few defeat impossibility,

Stories depict the trauma, abilities, (7)



Swim across sea cross mountain,

No help lonely escape life retain,

Survival death knell in front book,

Human history oceanic travel look, (viii)


Discovery, inhospitable land tribe,

Death follows, trauma, life describes,

Forgotten years of adventure sad,

Continents fearful stories awkward, (9)


Families missed their brave men,

Trauma stayed in their lives pen,

Trauma is the only dogma life exists,

Temporal obviously to exit enlists, (10)


Trampled trauma, look forward, wins,

Elephant, trodden grass stays leans,

Accept unacceptable incident, wither,

Wings of fire, bird flies, stay feather. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Trauma

 Themes: Suddenly devastated

Written: 30th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite

Thanks and regards.t Thanks and regards.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024





Sensed young life longing dream,

Infinite allurement hopes stream,

Steal luxury, comforts, name, fame,

Wakeful nights hanker fate tame, (1)


Not everything life gains automatically,

Realized to fight continuously silly,

Horrendous events jerk life stable,

Crumbles dream relation unable, (2)


Tall, look debonair, best result fit,

Loved girlfriend, adorable, greet,

Human life is crucial test success,

Failure to appreciate distress, (3)


How many broken hearts or love,

Opportunity, ability, results solve,

Instance of heartbroken youth,

Failed miserably to separate both, (4)


Convinced success in life critical,

One event demoralized is mortal,

Had tears begged time from love,

Traveled overseas studied above, (5)


Exceptional results determined,

Prove extreme effort predestined,

Accolade applause invitation job,

Back to his country, future probe, ( 6)


Desperate to meet his girlfriend,

Desirous to marry prose defend,

Equally emancipated to fate wait,

Her smile returned yet quiet, (7)


The confidence for a rosy future,

Assimilated her friend's demeanor,

He likes her long, thick hair, fair,

Long nose, black eyebrows care, (viii)


Oriental executive silk saree print,

Slim and matching height imprint,

Wedlock dates are arranged, elaborate,

Remember the youth's past dates, (9)


Passed through the darkness seal,

The fourth night with his wife reveals,

Mixed emotions, unique ecstatic,

Begins life of the couple majestic, (10)


Forgotten the shattering moment,

Lava of happiness undercurrent,

The youth thought honesty appointed,

Slept on the lap of wife warmth anoint. (11)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Anoint

Themes: Success in life

Written: 18th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Tuesday, June 18, 2024





Lost self amidst nature awakens,

Pleasure, peace, entertainment shaken,

Darkness misses physical shape,

Convinced exist resists to escape, (1)


Glow worms chandeliers, bright,

The moonlit sky is a million stars sight,

Crickets play music continuously,

Nightingale sings stay melodious, (2)


Blowing a gentle breeze soothing,

Unearthly situation, life inspiring,

The river bends here, waters silvery,

Invisible a boatman waves ivory, (3)


Flute boatman plays pervading,

Tune touch labyrinth unnerving,

As if imbibed with human owes,

Symbolizes the boat, life shows, (4)


Felt dews soaked skin symbolizes,

Sorrows human tears solemnize,

Jasmine, fragrant, acute smells,

Console soul, encourage swells, (5)


Lined up homes slept lives well,

Window closed lighted time tell,

Empty road, bark dog, disappear,

Street corner a man of age here, (6)


Slept shivering cold night alone,

Lost his family, root, time mourn,

Collected his old bones comfort,

He accompanied me, with effort, (7)


Offered him some food, hot, care,

He was hungry, happy look, share,

Spread bed sheet, bed prepare,

Covered him with blanket care, (viii)


The night was a carnival for me,

Witnessed human life yet theme,

Infinite happiness, pleasure stay,

Endless beauty creator dismay, (9)


Succulent with sorrow, life hope,

Boatman plays flute, tears a drop,

Don't cry, human, ecstasy exists,

Carnival the Lord staged persists, (10)


Fate fortune failure in carnival,

Luck name and fame if interval,

Memorable the mesmerizing night,

The unfortunate man stays in spite. (11)



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Carnival

Themes: Human life, fun and fight

Written: 18th June 2024, Cuttack

@ Copywrite