Wednesday, May 5, 2021





Precious life fades premature,

Knowledge skill age recapture,

Recapture past troubles tame,

Recapture life takes root fame,

Recounts endless agonies end,

Remember courage belief lend,

Reconstruct life in ruins treat,

Resolve discipline hopes greet,

Reconnect past valor fight tuff,

Revive glorious present in a huff,

Rotate cycles of sorrow, peace,

Reunite spirits, supreme bliss,

Revise evil nature, anger, greed,

Retains love compassion heed,  (1)


Relents humiliation, heart hurt,

Relentless to forgive, forget lust,

Recover crumpled ego humble,

Resound victory of life trample,

Repeat ruthless, cruel crumble,

Redress prides desires rumble,

Restart sprinkle calmness well,

Redraw tranquil mind care nail,

Remit past sin suffer n awaken,

Revisit paradise on earth detain,

Return to abode conquer hornet,

Rewrite life conjure up a sonnet,

Reinstate indomitable spirit call,

Rejoice secure life, inspires soul, (2)


Replay sonata of progress power,

Replicate divine grace trust pure,

Readmit hidden treasure within,

Recollect conscience intellect win,

Research realm of illusion remold,

Rediscover truth eternal n behold,

Realign orderly life truth pervade,

Resurrect soul realize light invade,

Recoils deeds store in memory all,

Rekindle light within memory roll,

Remind a sojourn birth-death toll,

Revisit world satiate hunger recall,

Realize hunger fire desire fuel mix,

Retreat from evil nature wisdom fix, (3)


Ravages my life, savage instinct,

Rotates bitter battle win distinct,

Revert moral character succeeds,

Reassess ignorance slow recedes,

Reenter opulence of virtue strong,

Rebound detach prejudice wrong,

Redirect messages sufferers heal,

Rejuvenate human believer kneel,

Remorse pain illness scares miss,

Reveal new period my dream wish,

Recalibrate student study different,

Resurrect 21st-century man invent,

Retains friendship amity rise unity,

Delink death destruction war exist, (4)


Remarket destiny fate fortune luck,

Next century human find saga sock,

New dawn after century promulgate,

Conjure up sonnet life in tears melt (5)   


Tuesday, May 4, 2021






Incredible beauty nature invites,

River, mountain n forest excites,

Immobilize serenity often charm,

A people simple n mingles warm, (1)


Tribal young females, their smile,

Costume, ornaments, attire style,

Youth reflects rapids swell move,

A joyous time love intimacy wove, (2)


Youth, male, female dance ecstatic,

Amazing a visit imprint romantic,

Dark hair on young women curve,

Curves of the ravine attract serve, (3)


Exotic female voice saturate song,

Green forest fragrant flowers long,

Mesmerizes my heart mingle sure,

Pulsating dances of youth enamor, (4)


A rhythm confluence with the step,

Beatings of the drum love life help,

Remember my dances, drink thrill,

Reverberates forest n vibrates hill, (5)


Waves surge in young hearts like,

Waves of swollen river flow alike,

Scents of wildflower worn by girls,

Magnetic their pull if a lust snarls, (6)


Silence of night  dark forest recall,

Nostalgic lusty heart, discover all,

Rain-soaked greens attract again,

Mingle with tribal people, remain, (7)


Wet earth aroma smell infectious,

Infectious boundless joy onerous,

Purity of nature fresh wind water,

Simple people, unforgettable jeer, (viii)


Hunt forest animal fruit, root all,

Lunch, dinner morning dusk call

Obscure a village of mud cottages,

Weaver of cloths pattern envisages, (9)


Colorful natural ingredients rich,

Tribal design art mimic lives each,

Lives in pen, unique n wonderful,

Saree for women weave incredible, (10)


Simple cotton yarns, natural color,

A confluence of couture nice culture,

Nine yards of cotton hand-printed,

Appreciate world women n excited, (11)


Real feelings compare with textiles,

Technology urban couture if exiles,

Realized cottage product priceless,

Tribal design pattern arts impress, (12)


Festival near I bought nice prints,

Offers to my family present mints,

Dresses elegant festive atmosphere,

Confluence couture n tribal culture,  (13)









Monday, May 3, 2021




 Mind the king of graceful land,

Powerful army obey commands,

Activate thought, sails cosmos,

In seconds reach, watch focus, (1)


Message cross, oceans instant,

Initiate actions n place distant,

The army provides total comfort,

Physical to move armies escort, (2)


Eye, ear, tongue, nose, skin best,

Leg, feet, hand, palm, mouth test,

Mind resides in a palace head,

Functions of life execute, aid, (3)


Taste, smell, hear, see, touch all,

Messengers feed mind if recall,

Mind collects information well,

Awakes mind data, news swell, (4)


Lethal weapon information lot,

King manages wise, ever alert,

Store all in memory as secure,

Conscience skills are ministers, (5)


King has a treasury jewel gold,

Love, kindness, service all hold,

Sympathy, empathy, care share,

Shows friendship n nightmare, (6)


The story of a ruler and precise,

Beyond the world land paradise,

Ocean of love saturate a realm,

Hopes of caterpillar overwhelm, (7)


Butterflies of desire in freedom,

Moonlit cool touch lust random,

River of thirst hunger move free,

Ocean of content mingles in glee, (8)


Fountain of color dreams impart,

Scintillating prince, princess act,

Dark clouds of fear anger amiss,

Dove of peace lotus of bliss wish, (0)


Wildflowers of joy immense met,

Seduction of peacock intoxicate,

Golden land within the manifest,

Wait, climax  in clip tragedy test, (10)


Lotus is mind water emotions lit,

Water fails to wet the mind drift,

Anger greed lust a water bubble,

Mind, lotus leaf acts detachable, (11)


Detached nature ruler if protect,

A ship cross ocean of life perfect,

Sails nicely accommodate winds,

Wind like difficult or urge finds, (12)


Wind causes waves Memory Sea,

Memory raises thought sails glee,

Mind crosses ocean iron is intact,

Water attachment corrodes react, (13)


Ship attached mind breaks vows,

A kingdom in quantum of chaos,

Iron rust allows water ship sink,

Ruins attached mind ruler blink, (14)


Anger, greed, lust, hatred controls,

Blind now mind agony, pain rolls

Misery ruins crow, evil ego allows,

Sinks causes a quantum of chaos (15)









Sunday, May 2, 2021






Mesmerizes a spirit roams free,

Without family friend feels glee,

Little polished in dress, decent,

Careless to life, time be silent, (1)


Attracts me his sight, watchful,

Minutely observe people n cool,

A backpack makes me curious,

It takes a picture camera rush, (2)


Rarely watch he draws comforts,

Where stays, where he reports,

Unknown face never he a smile,

No tension worries have a style, (3)


Find in  villages with kids play,

Draw articulate colorful he stay,

Move through forest feel nature,

If shots picture, his arts allure, (4)


Rarely talks move alone or rest,

Examine a person lot of interest,

Finding the Flaneur met success,

Qualified n artist literate impress, (5)


Single in life share his picture all,

Exhibit art gallery his art enthrall,

Make meager money little demand

Influence his capture writers land, (6)


Poem, text, picture, art in publish,

Never people know him little notice,

Puzzles my mind sock him remote,

Craze his art picture little he notes, (7)


Never get most fan reward attracts,

Nature, people kid rural he contacts,

Gold, fame keeps far stay unknown,

Publicity perquisites praise disown, (8)


Contemplate his choices life leads,

Lust, anger, greed, jealousy reads,

Wiser spirit rejects temptation all,

Knows seeds of sorrow suffers toll, (9)


Guess transient life short a realm,

Relinquish all, solitary, overwhelm,

Alone, big world, aloof from people,

Wonderer, never destitute n simple, (10)


Never the Flaneur visit violence bit,

Never seen in flood arson storm lit,

People’s misery struggle witnesses,

Silently suffer within and distress, (11)


His art pictures miss tear or ruins,

Depicts serving people help it wins,

Life passes yet to see a person like,

My heart finding the Flaneur alike, (12)


Conquer vanquishes world elusive,

Inks his majestic glory as exclusive,

Miss him I get worried if he is sick,

Find this world big question I risk! (13)

Saturday, May 1, 2021





Humorous questions awkward,

Answers embarrassing inward,

Situations own wits encounter,

Silence I enjoy smiles superior, (1)


Curious mind probes all detail,

Reveal me happy trusts prevail,

Reveals only pleases friendship,

Act as ignoramus try courtship, (2)


Doubt suspicions, rare trouble,

Family, friend face act humble,

Colleague silent speak mistake,

Ignore always, I explain direct, (3)


Queries of kid reply elaborate,

Tell stories information relates,

Sensitive issues query deflects,

Assure to explain later reflects, (4)


Closest in life, wife if enquires,

Answer quick all, she requires,

Tension worries trouble in office,

Little communication I practice, (5)


Parent asks health good news,

Opens up free see them muse,

Face question on wife kid rest,

Select answer reply trivial best, (6)


O’ friend, read my life a battle,

Fizzle patience sizzle my mettle,

Cumbersome life questions hit,

Never displease any witty grit, (7)


Never guess me an intelligent,

Find easy, covalent coefficient,

 Covalent breaks to an answer,

Coefficient hike reply or fewer, (8)


Judgment often err to mistake,

Simple answer reply, duplicate,

Duplicate modulate end, bitter,

Gossip, rumor my life insecure, (9)


Maintain a silent look or smile,

Loose tongue motor-mouth style,

Rarely occasion at home speak,

Amusing jovial in a time bleak, (10)


Attempt to normalize situations,

Once normal, I silence emotions.

Imperceptible dodge I practice,

At a loss to self-inquiry notice, (11)


Manage wits n world practical,

Dodging conscience can’t rival,

Contemplates often self guides,

Utterly fail to avoid life divides, (12)


Humble simple life share, love,

Loves to speak the truth above,

Clear heart, no conflict in mind,

Temptation, greed, envy remind, (13)


Human O’ friend, ordinary face,

Conscience rebuke lust depress,

Reject lies deviate answer cause,

Admit to my imperceptible dodge. (14)