Wednesday, November 15, 2023





Reject salvation, entrap rebirth,

Renews life sprout living worth,

Recollect precious second trail,

Resurrect soul ecstasy, prevail, (1)


Reconnect fatherhood supreme,

Resource, an upbringing prime,

Restored faith, child grew soon,

Rotates human life, earth, moon, (2)


Relate to marriage kid wedlock,

Regal wings spread flying, sock,

Remote continents nested sad,

Realized twilight years reward, (3)


Reconnect events, milestones,

Remember, happy life in bones,

Reward marriage ring, propose,

Reckon better half for purpose, (4)


Reserve secret sweet nothings,

Reply speechless smitten sings,

Restore family life, graceful love,

Revive Lord exists, bless above, (5)


Rest the sequel travelogue sense,

Request a rebirth, less pretense,

Rule of life certain death, inward,

Rely upon faith prayers reward, (6)


Rate possibility, live once more,

Rove the entire globe, I enamor,

Roam on mountain valley isles,

Reasonable, friendly, find allies, (7)


Renown anonymous friend list,

Recount life story written feast,

Remorse concatenate life many,

Refuse liberation seed uncanny, (viii)


Released from chain lives more,

Rational mind clipped to allure,

Rightly write stories reconnect,

Relate many birth concatenate, (9)


Ran a hundred births of Buddha,

Renew my dreams birth worth,

Rolled into one sequence tied,

Concatenate life story dignified, (10)


Confess lacunas ecstasy rolled,

Conclude human life rest mold,

Continues discovery surprises,

Concatenate fear horror prizes, (11)


Compact, mysterious life revives,

Cruel fate accident yet survives,

Connects fatal fever illness hit,

Chronology recovered, a long list, (12)


Convinced this life, a lot of death,

Confirmed, revived life, wealth,

Connect incidents experience,

Compassion of God birth sense, (13)


Concatenate belief birth repeat,

Corroborate Lord exists, is implicit,

Convey His infinite grace visible,

Console me, I survived is simple, (14)


Concatenate sequel sequence lit,

Cure my disbelief His love delete,

Correctly believe, disbelieve sway,

Contumacy to contempt, replay. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Concatenate

Themes: Live after several accidents sequel

Written: 15th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite 







Nightmare realities human deed,

Nightingale disappeared, indeed, 

Never asked soul peace quietude,

Naughty mind blind fear attitude, (1)


Necessity, stay alive to procreate,

Negate benevolence, fiery create,

Narrate destruction, devastation,

None are visible live commotion, (2)


No children, school playground,

Networks terror executes found,

Nationality unknown, lack faces,

Nostradamus predict, surfaces, (3)


Neither existed before nor past,

Notorious death squads impact,

Normal is life citizens seek sufferer,

Neo-militants theology insecure, (4)


Naked aggression destroys peace,

Nails fear factor territory justice,

Nameless monstrosity question,

Names new millennium pristine, (5)


Not native spread tentacle hurt,

National now migrant life escort,

Notwithstanding stable beggars,

Narrow principle future shatters, (6)


Benediction prayers to the Lord,

Benign pace effort solves accord,

beseech development education,

Bewitch child study, promotion, (7)


Beware of violence theology net,

Befitting reply educate estimate,

Bastion of peace, prosperity, say,

Better day, future, brighter stay, (viii)


Best living, food, clothes, shelter,

Beg Lord long life for kids ever,

Belittle clerics, theologies fight,

Betrays divine creation insight, (9)


Believes the human race is superior,

Betrayal illiteracy lives inferior,

Bestowed with wisdom acumen,

Bare fact Lord grace life lumen, (10)


Beckon friendship brotherhood,

Banish terror, militancy, brood,

Behest of humanity conscience,

Behold child devout in science, (11)


Bold spirit, daring, different vision,

Bemuse target future invasion,

Benediction, pray for children,

Bewilder, tyrant terror smitten, (12)


Beside people, country capture,

Beast their action let disappear,

Benevolence resurfaces, graceful,

Benediction God protect, fearful, (13)


Benediction, the world united grows,

Benediction human race shows,

Benediction Lord is one equality,

Benediction, Lord bless morality, (14)


Benediction salvage life, survive,

Benediction life fears God thrive,

Benediction, let me perish to hell,

Benediction world survives hail. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Benediction

Themes: Pray the human race survives

Written: 15th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite




Tuesday, November 14, 2023





Dreams visit romantic or horror,

Desolate, deserted city, live never,

Draconian efforts deserts bloom,

Design canals blue water groom, (1)


Desperate human life hunger lit,

Describe the fire fiery, hungry fit,

Demarcate grain granary grows,

Desert to fertile land toil shows, (2)


Development technology jointly,

Deny militancy, theology, mainly,

Derogate fight, war terror haze,

Deplorable seek peace life craze, (3)


Denigrate acts industry pollute, 

Divide megapolis rural resolute,

Drained population rustic lives,

Decide human life live, believes, (4)


Doomsday, not fiction, realities,

Destruction nearer possibilities,

Devastate modern lives require,

Describe countless goods spare, (5)


Detail traffic, air, water, land, add,

Destroy land, forest, water, guard,

Decides the human heart, to survive,

Delusion modern lives to thrive, (6)


Deny deforestation degradation,

Destabilize waste, machination,

Delete illiteracy study objective,

Despicable sight Nalanda active, (7)


Demonstrate the newly built center,

Daring, courageous student, teacher,

Discover clues, new thoughts lit,

Delight human race extinct quit, (viii)


Deserts artificial river reservoir,

Describe natural water, secure,

Draught, famine, fight, success,

Dryland turn greenery impress, (9)


Death once linked to poverty hit,

Divine grace humans learn defeat,

Daredevil youth learning worm,

Deliquescence books to wisdom, (10)


Derives theory applies to survival,

Dust to Nalanda epitome revival,

Dug past erased altogether grow,

Destiny inspires the sunrise, show, (11)


Less important degree to develop,

Dedicate human life raises hope,

Duality forsake stays for the future,

Doomsday delusive mind suffer, (12)


Delete oblivion fictional rebuild,

Desperate young hearts shield,

Differs from root, knowledge fantasy, 

Differentiate evil mind ecstasy, (13)


Drive aspiration root go deeper,

Derive intelligent human sheer,

Ducts assimilate experience a lot, 

Denote prime root book escort, (14)


Deserve Nalanda root education,

Dilemma ruined once indication, 

Despairs human heart negligent,

Demise illiteracy roots resilient. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Root

Note: Children's Day Special

Themes: Root University wisdom tree

Written: 14th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Monday, November 13, 2023




Diwali night lighted bright skies,

Fountain of fire spark life defies,

Opulence invisible, visible jovial,

Bystanders watch fireworks viral,(1)


Infectious smiles, eyes glinting grief,

Their homes were dark, disbelief,

The sky was lighted with rocket crackers,

Red, yellow, sparks light ushers, (2)


Awestruck, the children observed,

Mesmerizing moment preserved,

Prosperity gold mansions bright,

Electricity-decorated oil lamp lit, (3)


Light rows of lamps fire-cracker,

Children and parents enjoy enamor,

Stood kids on the road lack dress,

Cold night acrid smells depress, (4)


Looked patiently to collect a few,

Fire-cracker fail to burst, new,

Lack money, kids picked crackers,

Next morning to burst, for years, (5)


That will be their Diwali, bread,

Ignorant of sweets, dishes, dress,

She observed minutely cried fled,

Knew her a senior teacher, head, (6)


Her life single professor renown,

Helping poor students in the town,

Famous build lives taught freely,

Her students are established silly, (7)


Forgot soon their teachers simply,

Observing Diwali nights jovially,

Forgot their root, upbringing fit,

Brought their children fire light, (viii)


Sizzling new dresses, ornaments,

Female brighter than lire laments,

She was sick for weeks on leave,

Watched with me Diwali believe, (9)


Lighted not outside inner world,

Diwali inner realization emerald,

Sparks of wisdom lighten the mind,

Humanity perceives human find, (10)


She was sitting with me and explained,

Alerted, breathing hard, exclaimed,

Quietly, she whispered it was time,

Her last few seconds words primes, (11)


The cheque to me signature signed,

Saved hundred millions resigned,

Handed over to me donation cheque,

Requested me to donate, quake, (12)


Donate to shelter home orphanage,

Her last words Diwali night edge,

She was silent, lifeless, contribute,

Her pyre was burning, love absolute, (13)


Changed my life through her contribution,

The millions of money her devotion,

Her fireworks on Diwali night assured,

Children less parents, future allure, (14)


Money spent on food, clothes, study,

Diwali euphoria lives in custody,

Diwali night knowledge graced,

A profusion of characteristic laced. (15)  


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Euphoria (fiction)

Themes: A teacher before her death 

            donated to an orphanage 

Written: 13th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite