Sunday, November 5, 2023





Immaculate state introspect life,

Face problem solve butter knife,

Balanced and quiet, perfect hail,

Problems arrive and go, less fail, (1)


Failure provides a solution, stored,

Forgotten entirely human bored,

Lament longer less rectify faults,

Wise analyze, dare, think, halts, (2)


Quick and sudden decision fear,

Crack or crash planning failure,

Human loves to study, perspective,

Lifelong passion, read positive, (3)


Rational mind culture life build,

Reality realizes factual acts yield,

Alert mind allocates possibilities,

Successful, less happy abilities, (4)


Ingenuity, intuitive, intrusive act,

Trial error failure victory test react,

Calumniate experiment miracle,

Life passed experiments wriggle, (5)


Forget family relations, society fit,

Read study explorative life treat,

Alone, totally alone, evasive deal,

Mission obscure objective steal, (6)


Extracts truth of matter impact,

News aplomb a discovery a fact,

Far from limelight less credit it,

Simple, unambiguous life a feat, (7)


Forgetful of food, lunch, dinner,

Forgets timely sleep, write sure,

Voluntary confinement, a room,

A table, collected books, groom, (viii)


Windows closed, window hints,

Mind's eye, inner window tints,

Forgot season arrived, departed,

Immaterial to life, light-hearted, (9)


Never seen blossom fruit sweet,

Under the shed of a tree, intuit,

Immerse in thoughts, physical,

Creation phenomenon natural, (10)


Correlates equate determinates,

Traffic in the street dissipates,

Unable to disturb mind look at,

Silent, deaf, and dumb impact, (11)


Lost in thought, unknown facts,

Unknown territory, the idea starts,

Formulate, deduct, experiments,

It is evening and dark laments, (12)


Tea is cold on the table then forget,

Lost the thread of ideas, regrets,

Limited dress in the cupboard pen,

Forget which pocket act insane, (13)


Madly searching, the maid provides,

Not disturbed, start writing divides,

Page after page written he slept,

Senile to worldly dream he wept, (14)


Failed to find a solution, morning,

Forgotten his tear, solution ring,

Golden lives, dedicated, creative,

Senile to human needs, negative. (15) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Senile

Themes: Visible forgetful thinkers, scientists 

Written: 5th November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite







Friday, November 3, 2023






Passengers travel stupendous, busy

Modern lives globe trotters not easy,

Flight railway bus and ship journey,

Destinations million timings money, (1)


Book in advance urgent calls ambit,

Necessity human seeks life gambit,

The crowd long queues wait hours,

Arrival conduit announce lo cowers, (2)


The rush impatience throngs crowd,

Ticket counter checks, queues, loud,

Stand at a corner and notice busy lives,

The mission objective of the journey survives, (3)


Weather tensions to reach boarding,

Short time to accept visitors loading,

The hassles bustle tireless animals,

Reach in-time routine fixed enthralls, (4)


Wait, wait, halt, stay put, life destiny,

Tickets to travel secondary uncanny,

Ticket collector, in train, the saga of life,

Checks tickets in moving train strife, (5)


This was his occupation experience,

The immensity of meeting people, sense,

Watched from close observation, his,

Purpose of travel countless till cease, (6)


Dying patients, move for treatments,

Who gets cured, returns, or laments,

People elders on the pilgrimage travel,

He knew few were unlucky unravel, (7)


A journey some knew not, the last,

Lost their lives relatives story cast,

He saw youths dreamy, uncertain,

Moving to distant cities love to earn, (viii)


Some of them return after decades,

Facade at home town links invade,

Some build empires in a distant city 

A few back home recognize pretty, (9)


Youth provides a ticket to prudent

Mobile, ear plugs aimless student,

He mused it was their first tickets lit,

Distant future busy lives life treat, (10)


Studies, then career, he met many,

Checking tickets, listening to funny,

A few move abroad, rest in service,

Year after year, their family notice, (11)


They recognize and introduce decently,

Once, he found a lost child faintly,

Parents left the child on the train sad,

Crying bitterly without ticket mad, (12)


He arranged an orphanage for the child,

Saw once a widow rejected sordid,

No money, ticket, her children left,

Forced her onto a train to beg felt, (13)


He cried on that day and helped her,

Arrange a shelter home life secure,

I listened to his story for an hour,

His service check ticket sweet-sour, (14)


Moving lifestream, he was intimate,

Ticket, ticket, his polite word relate. 

Human lives he encountered trickle,

Astonished stories intricate mingle. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Ticket

Themes: During a travel ticket collector's life

Written: 3rd November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Thursday, November 2, 2023





Exacerbate harvest hailstorm fear,

He is wondering in the night here,

Bountiful earth this year outpour,

Ripe paddy grain fields, yet allure, (1)


Sequel human hardship, he toiled,

Sleep on the grass, look at spoiled,

Dark clouds cover the full moonlit,

Spread darkness night owls fright, (2)


Jackals, plenty, dare in grain fields,

Howling intermittently alerts yields,

A long bamboo stick the weapon fit,

Strike on the ground sounds defeat, (3)


Gleaming eyes reddish vanish well,

Long dry grass plants sway sequel,

Clouds sail gently, smile full moon,

Light grain field in the night boon, (4)


A tiny cottage amid a shelter,

Watches the farmer output secure,

Roof namesake dried straws open,

He notices the moving moonlit often, (5)


The silence, unearthly experience,

Penetrate pores of the skin, sense,

Hissing sound snakes are moving,

Hunts mouse paddies destroying, (6)


Uncomfortable sound outside feel,

Creeping fear poisonous to reveal,

Moonlit nights awash with silvery,

Serpents glisten a bamboo fiery, (7)


Protect his life his sound enough,

Vanishes long shadow, not laugh,

Watchful play a flute, spellbound,

Pierces silence condensed sound, (viii)


Melodious, unreal ecstasy, soaked,

Pervades vast grain field mocked,

Dispel fear factor hunter hunted,

Flee grain thieve quickly blunted, (9)


Lone human in the dead of night,

Head scarf, bare body, stick fright,

Ghosts will fear where human stays,

Fearless his spirit brave dismays, (10)


Early morning, a cold wind blows,

Birds chirping dark dots it shows,

Waning moonlit night, pink east,

His encounter with the silence, beast, (11)


Backdrop canvas yearlong effort,

Golden grain field sunlight escort,

Returns home, his village is near,

He will sleep for a few hours wear, (12)


Reflect happiness and satisfaction,

He feeds millions who lack emotion,

No limousine, glistening vehicle, 

His bullock cart wooden mingle, (13)


He carries jute bags a few miles,

Surrender to mill owner smiles,

His share of rice only food great,

Provides river fish vegetable, a duet, (14)


Mud-house, this human explicit,

Granaries land assured moonlit.

The spine of the nation is invisible,

Moonlit night grain field simple. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Moonlit

Themes: Extraordinary farmer

Written: 2nd November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite






Wednesday, November 1, 2023






Awash heart with sorrows, tears,

Heart wished unfulfilled swears,

Askance imprinted in mind lit,

Dawn breaks, yet want, greet, (1)


Intimate news sunlight golden,

Heart turned rock wait molten,

Impossible, says doubt, suspect,

Aura glow sight choice respect, (2)


The human heart aspires, hope irks,

Imbalances stability, grab risks,

He is laughing merrily and cherishes,

Dawn the first November wishes, (3)


He cries hoarsely, shrilling, sighs,

Low October, September, highs,

Spontaneous raised eagerness,

Dates she is pregnant distress, (4)


November, he will be father, hail,

Seven years of marriage, quell,

Listless, knocking doctors, bell,

Fruitless all attempts cry hell, (5)


Give me a baby, cry, she pleads,

Tearful her life awash yet leads,

Medical procedures all chances,

Positive negative hope balances, (6)


A date was given November right,

The first week, time, doctors fight,

Remorse pale her face on a bed,

Sister checks her counts dread, (7)


Play her tender body parameter,

Readings being discussed sheer,

November morning skies, orange,

Dews soak nature, time strange. (viii)


Graceful, spirit speechless, sight,

Unforgettable moments insight,

Impregnated with faith, believes,

Lord listens to prayer describes, (9)


Continue with prayer, the birth, smile,

His wife and her health stay worthwhile,

He reached the hospital in the morning,

Everything is good, less warning, (10)


Doctors decided on early delivery,

Medical necessity natural sorry,

He hasn't eaten food, anticipates,

Patiently sits on a bench and satiate, (11)


Console his weeping heart look,

Dumbfounded, ignorant of the hook,

It is seven O seven, evening stop,

Sister smiled at him his life hop, (12)


Say sister, hell, tell me the news,

You are the father of your son, muse,

You are allowed to visit the cabin bed,

He discovered his wife, emotions lead, (13)


Drowsy whispered to him to sleep,

He touched his son and then did weep,

Seven years, dream prayer link,

His wife before her sleep, wink, (14)


He conveyed electric sensation,

November evening night notion,

Knowing being a father ecstatic,

Moment sister told is mesmeric. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Mesmeric

Themes: Awesome the moment he became a father

Written: 1st November 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite