Monday, December 4, 2023






Searched throughout, serenity nature,

Searched, expansive the verdure,

Sock dreary desert cactus bloom,

Souvenir remote island yet moon, (1)


Savage lifeless terrain, time mourn,

Lone tree survived centuries of sun,

Satire human life polluted water,

Saboteurs living existence in water, (2)


Behold O human mountain slope,

Behold inhabitants cling to hope,

Extreme, hostile, inhospitable, island,

Life exists survival to a magic wand, (3)


Life exists for human beings, animals,

Life exists for plant birds to enthrall,

Stupefied, stood numb, bewitched,

Whispered wind believes switched, (4)


Sing phenomenon similar century,

The canyon thousand feet lit ivory,

Wind water swept rock sand build,

Replicas of the Lord, infinite shield, (5)


Minute leaf miniature network hail,

For a century, prepare exact details,

Flower, seasons, blossom the same,

Color fragrance size hides his game, (6)


Million grains, paddies, mango list,

Name a fruit flower leaf, size enlist,

How sweet replicas revelation hail,

Lifelong I searched defined prevail,(7)


In my blood cell, tiny tissue similar,

Grow matchless equals spectacular,

Lord creates replicas of stars, planets,

Universe lid His creation blankets,( viii)


One, millions, trillion infinite copies,

Everywhere the Lord exhibits precise,

Railway stations, bus stops, airports,

Why humans look like equal sports, (9)


Try their level best to differ, appear,

The color cloth hairstyle disappears,

Modernity to defy commonality fit,

Credence to culture custom culprit, (10)


Difference division creativity guises,

Fractured human race sad localizes,

Fratricidal war contrasts nature if sad,

Mesmerizing beauty replicas reward, (11)


The still air and tranquility, water reflect,

Replicate divine glory we complicate,

We doubt, suspicious, confused a lot,

Catastrophe in front replicas escort, (12)


Human, look at an ant hill, sanctuary lit,

Watch the granary forest in the spring light,

Delight, enchant, replica duly reflect,

The wind wears, water wears direct, (13)


The mountain wears river carries lit,

The sky, earth, ocean, melodious quit,

Quit before you instantly raise doubt,

Replicas indefinite hue divine scout, (14)


Percept perceive permit heart ambit,

Surrender sequel sequences gambit,

Everywhere I found Lord his images,

Replica, countless, picture envisages. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Replicas

Themes: Subtly images of the Lord the same

Written: 4th December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite  



Sunday, December 3, 2023






Think a lot about existence, savor,

Think a lot, departures devour,

Think a lot possesses position,

Think a lot, assets destruction, (1)


Think a lot about qualifications, titles,

Think a lot, scorn like belittles,

Sleeping on a hospital bed, think,

Life on a whisker whisper sink, (2)


Birth and a cry of happy tears lit,

Celebrate a name designated fit,

That bracketed, clan race root,

Fragile was the frame barefoot, (3)


Walk school college university,

Books in hand dress intensity,

Only the thought of achieving it,

Degree, certificate, name exist, (4)


The school knew the name college,

University degrees knowledge,

Hot tear trickled name known,

World underfoot retired frown, (5)


Sight of the cremation ground,

Floated before life cry resound,

The career, post, and offices remind,

Nameplate designation rewind, (6)


Hundreds of guest officers lot,

Chatted queued for time effort,

Mattered meetings proceeding,

copy circulated time exceeding, (7)


A signature, name designation,

Empowers order, obeys motion,

Simple a nameplate designation,

Enough to circulate order warn, (viii)


Where am I on a bed, name lost,

Retired in life hanged boot post,

Lost high position, status ivory,

Human life flashback, memory, (9)


Worn-out signboard wooden tilt,

In front of the house, lifetime enlist,

Alive thanked survived an accident,

God's grace life refasten resident, (10)


Glittering brass letters, a board,

Back home, cherish second odd,

I moved subconsciously out back,

Nameplate invites me to the track, (11)


The thin line between life and death,

Nameplate, adds Late at length,

My bedroom bed engrossed felt,

Lifetime a name ceremony dealt,(12)


Added degree, title position hell, 

Twilight Years nameplate derail,

Remember, generation after love,

Ever nameplate matches above, (13)


A unique unbiased conclusion crept in, 

Slept on my bed, prayed a lot, wept,

Fortunate million lives nameless,

Nameplate to namesake baseless, (14)


Neither recorded recognized stay,

I was praying Nameplate dismay,

It carries my identity, the world knows,

Minus a nameplate never to bow. (15) 


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Nameplate

Themes: Name, degree, position, address 

Written: 3rd December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite


Saturday, December 2, 2023






Astonishes human life wildflower,

Vibrant and colorful short hire power,

Confluence creator's intention lit,

A profusion of talents exist, exiplicit, (1)


Disbelieves, unpredictable places,

Sprout out of the rock life graces,

Comparable windswept surround,

Loners in the wilderness abound, (2)


Uncared, unguarded, unattended,

Beautiful flower yet apprehended,

Splashed colors spread across the globe,

Lifeless rock wildflower live probe, (3)


Million years rock stayed, to stay,

Wildflower blossom today dismay,

Become a part of the life cycle, last,

Images, the creation, fragrant cast, (4)


Sing the glorious existence winds,

Rock wears at places yet reminds,

Human society resembles rocky fit,

Dire poverty rock bed child bright, (5)


Speechless scrutinize wordless lit,

Oration spontaneous eloquent wit,

Who taught this child, at a tender age,

Continuous answers, query craze, (6)


Probe like a wildflower, God-gifted,

Dirt road muddy cottage it shifted,

Migrate from palatial mansion, tilt,

Reject jewelry servant wealth built, (7)


Temple of learning simple, serenely,

Surpasses a million students keenly,

Crosses all records bold and bright,

No answer, answers wildflower right, (viii)


Destined to exist, stay a human life,

Achievement phenomenal disbelief,

Illiterate parents, shocked, amused,

Today's child tomorrow's bemused, (9)


Defied, every opposition, victorious,

Raised proud head top anonymous,

Tearful touch wildflower fragrance,

The child is the leader significance, (10)


Leads from the front, a billion lives,

Mold the future of the country believes,

History is astonishingly simple a sight,

Thousand years, rock etched delight, (11)


Carry the message of divine wish clear,

Propagate happiness, love, or no fear,

It visits at the dawn sunset duly tell,

Winds when begins, where ends fail, (12)


Kneel down, the sun, sink to the west,

Orange glows, overpowers heart, at rest,

Wildflower to wild human life stress,

Wilderness is civilization lot impress, (13)


Stay grows defies rules reality wildly,

Impressionable might show mildly,

The story goes on and on stays tearfully,

Watched the wildflower rock really, (14)


Universal truth simmering sizzled,

Mysterious universe heart puzzled,

Sun rises wildflower obey blossom,

Impressionable Lord's realm home. (15) 



Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Impressionable

Themes: Wildflower to golden human soul

Written: 2nd December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite







Friday, December 1, 2023






It was streaming past in front,

Events milestones cross stunt,

Genuine honestly pretentious,

Blatant lies uttered, conscious, (1)


Blunder, unaware repentance,

Friendly helps lack substance,

Romantic to sarcastic attitude,

Sympathetic realizes gratitude, (2)


Silenced message crisp shields,

Heart-locked incident yet yields,

Inseparable love to pressed lips,

Ocean of tears to dews eye sips, (3)


Why built romantic night sizzle,

Dazzled fairies, luminous fizzle,

Slept the whole night sweet, lit,

Imagination fragmented to quit, (4)


Dawn to dazzle, devastate light,

Promise to denial shatters gift,

That heart loves never achieve,

That life seeks, cruelty believe, (5)


Confess fiction hides facts learn,

Convey reluctantly, truth scorn,

Scorn nature, mourn mistakes,

Burns envy born jealous hates, (6)


Brother prefers batter behind,

Sister ties silk thread act blind,

Parents Godly, books teach a lot,

The quarrel divorce orphan rot, (7)


Magical musical melody listens,

Fiction fact fallacy live glistens,

Story history myth mysterious,

Human deed action bet serious, (viii)


Love the Lord betrays beautiful,

Lack, Lord's grace act mournful,

Billionaire, top at the list, luckily,

Amaze a life story react happily, (9)


Squander the entire properties,

Distribute to the poor societies,

Live simple, prefers recluse last,

A human believes not creed cast, (10)


Streaming past slowly bedazzle,

Life events happen, embezzle,   

I loved, lost suddenly, hate finds,

Sum or substance life reminds, (11)


You ask the first question queue lit,

Answers faced questions infinite,

How many, I should ask whom,

My life lifetime ever lack groom, (12)


Tired of asking for answers satisfies,

Sprout doubt, curious sanctifies,

Lays subconscious eyelids static,

Incomprehensible a problematic, (13)


The second's life in-between light,

Distinguishes, reignites hope, sight,

Eyelids responsive revival signal,

Where am I, why am here, arrival, (14)


The last question silent yet cried,

Smiling invitingly, ignore verified, 

Electric was bedside, eyes, glisten,

Murmuring they are voice listen. (15)


Pen: Bijayananda Mishra

Title of Poem: Last Question

Themes: Thus announced, a life is saved

Written: 1st December 2023, Cuttack

@ Copywrite